In UDK I have a chromed vehicle that I need to drive around an environment, indoors, outdoors the like. I know HOW to hook up a material so it uses A cubemap I need some advice though.
a) Is it wise to attach a cubemap to the car actor and update that cubemap's picture every so often?
b) Should I instead have cubemaps placed around the map and switch between them dynamically & how DO I do that? Programatically? (In the Source engine this can be done automatically for you)
c) Instead should I only use a single over-arching 'environment' cubemap and live with it? This causes lots of lighting problems like indoors/outdoors, how did you solve them?
d) There's some tricks to using DX11 reflections I've missed that allow me to have a dynamic shadowed car use thoose reflections without casting a shadow on it's own reflections rendering them uselss.
e) I've missed something and your going to tell me how wrong I am.
Any help would be appreciated , my google fu for answers is getting lost among all the YouTubes of how to make a cubemap instead of what I want to know.
Edit: To add a bit more, I have actually already done it for the players weapons. Basicly had one capture actor attached just inforont of the character and used the cubemap in the weapon materials. Works rather well.