It's been a while since I've worked on 3d stuff but I'm starting to get back into it again. Here's a sword I've been working on that is based on a concept by Kozivara.
I'm not a fan of your sculpts colors, but I reckon those are just temporary? Also, are you aware that the wrapping of the handle is completely different? A katana generally has twisted wrappings (like the concept) but yours uses a basket weave.
This came out real nice. Very clean and faithful to the concept. I dig it.
The only thing I would consider revising would be the width of the teeth on the saw section. In the concept, they're a little wider than what you have achieved.
This is yours pasted over the top of the concept. Like I say, it's not huge, but it does make them feel a little more menacing by being a little more packed together I think.
the wrapping is still wrong although a step in the right direction.. look at this picture and see how the wrapping itself is actually not so wide and how it comes around from both sides to form one "X"
Man, last night I made the worst freaking photoshop action possible for texturing. I was trying to create an action to update a smart object if its been altered in a different program like 3d coat and I ended up creating an action that basically collapses all the layers, saves the file, then closes it! So stupid. I guess the lesson here is not to try to create actions when working on something you care about that isn't saved in iterations...
letronrael: Thanks!
Shanthosa: Thanks for pointing that out, I made some changes to the Hipoly before baking, so hopfully it looks closer to the concept.
Rav3: I hadn't considered changing the blade around but I think that's a cool idea. I'm really trying to stick to the concept as much as possible this time because I have a bad habit of making large design changes as I go through the process.
Mithdia: Thanks for that photo, I spent a lot of time looking at different wrappings (I even watched youtube tutorials showing how to wrap), and I've come to the conclusion that the wrapping in the concept is different than the standard style. The wraps themselves are pretty wide in the concept and they seem to be twisted in the center.
Lamont: Thanks for the crit, I'm not really sure what I can do about that though...
Oh man that sucks haha. If you toss the photoshop file in a folder linked to it will automatically save it incrementally. Been a life-saver for me!
Orangeknight: Thanks for the crit.
The only thing I would consider revising would be the width of the teeth on the saw section. In the concept, they're a little wider than what you have achieved.
This is yours pasted over the top of the concept. Like I say, it's not huge, but it does make them feel a little more menacing by being a little more packed together I think.
letronrael: Thanks!
Shanthosa: Thanks for pointing that out, I made some changes to the Hipoly before baking, so hopfully it looks closer to the concept.
Rav3: I hadn't considered changing the blade around but I think that's a cool idea. I'm really trying to stick to the concept as much as possible this time because I have a bad habit of making large design changes as I go through the process.
Mithdia: Thanks for that photo, I spent a lot of time looking at different wrappings (I even watched youtube tutorials showing how to wrap), and I've come to the conclusion that the wrapping in the concept is different than the standard style. The wraps themselves are pretty wide in the concept and they seem to be twisted in the center.
Lamont: Thanks for the crit, I'm not really sure what I can do about that though...