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World War II Games anyone? (CoH 2)

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Goeddy greentooth
Seriously, where have all the World War 2 games gone?
It seems like eveyone forgot about it since CoD 5.

I am personaly realy glad that Company of Heroes 2 is going to picture the russian/german war. Because this is where nearly 90% of the war took place.

This is where the greatest battles of mankind where fought.
The Battle for Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk.
I can´t count how often i´ve seen hundrets of US soldiers getting mowed down by aproximatly 4 german dudes defending the normandy coast, while all of the Wehrmacht was fighting the real war at the eastern front.

I seriously can´t believe that we have the technology now to show, and play those huge battles, and all it is beeing used for is hordes of goblins and jiggling boobs...

I´m getting the feeling that Sci-Fi, which was 5 years ago considered a niche too small to be worth adressing, is now beeing pushed so hard i am growing sick of it. Although i actualy love sci-fi and fantasy.

This wouldnt be so bad if you wouldnt have to make all that shit up. And if you dont have three 100k/year writers sitting on your made up story, it is most certainly going to be inconsistent and sucking.
So why dont just take what history has given to you, or make a game of some goddamn book (notable exceptions beeing Game of Thrones and Spec Ops: The Line).

It is just painfull to see the market beeing floodet with all those -fiction and storywise- mediocre sci-fi/fantasy games, because of studios feeling the need to make up theyr own stuff.


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    There was a time when there was nothing but WW2 shooters coming out, the market was sick of it.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Pretty much the reason is it got boring after a while.

    Germany struts over everyone, Normandy Landing, city fights, France, etc and somehow include evil Russians during this run.

    Then out of nowhere, Hitler comes back to life, pilots a giant spider mech and stomps over everyone while summoning ancient demons, and the game feels like a crossbreed between The Red Line and Enemy at the Gates.

    Oh wait, the last parts never happen without the game really being mediocre, and other then a few old MoH, CoD or Sniper Elite games, and a CoH I don't recall many of them even pulling off the 'panic' battles of WW2 properly.

    Most of them included you going through the same grey alley ways and blowing up subs, tanks, AA's guns and trains, with the occasional turrets segment where you mow-down 100 innocent soldiers running at you for no reason,

    But overall, I agree, with todays tech you could pull off much more, but I wouldn't be surprised if we get the same old formulaic-yet-somehow-broken WW2 game because...lets face it, Nazi's have been bled dry at this point, which paradoxically is what we are getting in Sci-Fi games with all the same human looking aliens that we wish to bone.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    There was a time when there was nothing but WW2 shooters coming out, the market was sick of it.

    This. Holy shit. I'm glad we don't have any more WWII games. Didn't used to be able to look in any direction without seeing Medal of Honor (of which there were many), Call of Duty (1, 2, and 3), Brothers in Arms (again, several of them), Red Orchestra, Battlefield 1942 & 1943, Day of Defeat, etc.

    And that's just the main FPS games...that I can think of. I'm sure there are loads more I'm missing.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Hey don't knock the boobs man.

    Personally I'm kind of glad. I grew very bored of the demonizing of conscripted soldiers. Can't beat a bit of CoD2 though.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    In 10-15 years people are going to ask why we don't have modern warfare shooters anymore and you'll laugh and understand why we got a chuckle out of this thread.

    In 25 years you're going to see a twenty-something wearing a shirt with an Angry Bird on it and the words "OLD SCHOOL" emblazoned underneath; you will silently weep.
  • Seirei
    In 25 years you're going to see a twenty-something wearing a shirt with an Angry Bird on it and the words "OLD SCHOOL" emblazoned underneath; you will silently weep.

    The horror! The horror! Please don't let this happen! D:
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Goeddy wrote: »

    I am personaly realy glad that Company of Heroes 2 is going to picture the russian/german war. Because this is where nearly 90% of the war took place.

    This is where the greatest battles of mankind where fought.
    The Battle for Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk.
    I can´t count how often i´ve seen hundrets of US soldiers getting mowed down by aproximatly 4 german dudes defending the normandy coast, while all of the Wehrmacht was fighting the real war at the eastern front.

    If you want an epic Eastern Front game you should try Red Orchestra 2. A big update was released last week that addressed many issues and fixed tons of bugs with the original release build.
  • ariofighter
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    ariofighter polycounter lvl 13
    I get being sick of it, everything was WW2 for quite a while. That being said, I really wouldn't mind storming the beaches of Normandy in next gen shininess.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    In 10-15 years people are going to ask why we don't have modern warfare shooters anymore and you'll laugh and understand why we got a chuckle out of this thread.

    In 25 years you're going to see a twenty-something wearing a shirt with an Angry Bird on it and the words "OLD SCHOOL" emblazoned underneath; you will silently weep.

    shure it seems like someone kicks off a thing, then everyone copies the shit out of it until everyone is sick of seeing it, and studios start a bit more experimenting, so they might hit off something new.

    I totaly understand that practise.

    And i was sick of WW2 shooters like all you guys.
    But this is more then 5 years ago.
    And as you mentioned the modern warfare cow is not going to produce milk for ever.
    So instead of doing the same shit every year, why not switch up the scenario.
    I prosume from now on there will be atleast 2 "Modern warfares" a year, maby more with Homefront and Battlefield and what not.

    So why cant there be atleast one AAA shooter depicting some sort of conflict that actualy happened. It´s not like there arent enough to choose from.

    oh and thx for the suggestion, definetly going to check out Red Orchestra 2.
  • Paradan
    all above is true, yet there are some very important aspects to world war 2 that shouldn't be brushed aside.

    WW2 took place when weapons/industrial technology was at the "gamiest" point it will probably ever be. The weapons and weapon systems all performed at the limits of human endurance and perception. no magic optics that see through walls or computer guidance, no instant air strikes or artillery. the tech level though doesn't have a constrictive limiting feel to it and easily allows for instant gratification.

    for the american, and possibly russain markets, ww2 is about as close to an actual fight between good and evil as there ever will be. there is no "why are we here?" issue(of course in reality the moral situation was unique to each individual.) its a safe topic that wal mart is proud to sell.

    ww2 was fucking huge. so big in fact that not every story was fully documented. this is a huge boost to suspension of disbelief, and also lends a feeling of authenticity to the experience.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    red orchestra 2 is recent and fucking amazing...
  • elGuapo
    Yeah, I'm a big fan of WW2 games as well. If you are looking to pass the time, (and not specifically for a first person shooter) a couple of old but good titles are Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 and Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific.
  • Leodido
    I love WW2 games as well, I've been disappointed by Red Orchestra 2 a lot but with the recent patch it's become playable again.

    There will ALWAYS be a market for WW2 because there are people that solely play that type of games, most of it usually go hand in hand with realism and historical accuracy which big name games like CoD and MoH never really bothered with.

    Also the thing that is nice in WW2 is that you can have tanks, infantry and planes all fighting on the same map
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Company of Heroes (not including the not-so-good expansions) was easily one of the best RTS games ever released. I'm looking forwards to a decent successor.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15

    They're still around, just not as many.

    It's mostly the WW2 FPS sub-genre that has evaporated, but we all know that FPS's are the most fickle, fad-following game type around. Alien shooty game gets successful? Make ALL the alien shooties! World War 2? WORLD WAR 2! Terrorists? TERRORISTS!
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, the World War 2 'genre' never really went anywhere, it just became Modern Warfare instead...
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    I still regularly play Hearts of Iron & sometimes even Microsoft's ancient "Close Combat" series.
  • nick2730
    COH is still my fav RTS and i cannot wait for COH 2
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