So I just found out about this game cause Steam is having a 10% off sale if you pre-order it. It comes out at the end of the month. I'm really surprised I haven't heard of it before, cause it looks REAL awesome. Here's some gameplay footage:
[ame=""]Quantum Conundrum With Kim Swift Gameplay Demo (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) - YouTube[/ame]
But here's what really sold me on it. It has freakin' Q in it:
[ame=""]Quantum Conundrum Exclusive John de Lancie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
*shameless bump
i might break the bank and get it XD
I enjoyed it and they introduced the new mechanics well, if they'd just chucked you in at the deep end it would have been very frustrating.
Nice art style which goes well with the vibe of the game. Ike is cool, I'm expecting there will be stuffed toy versions of him for sale at some point heh.