Hey everyone,
This is a Beretta that I modeled today and I am hoping for some feedback. A potential employer wants to see my ability to model a realistic gun. Not finished with all of the details yet, but will be adding those details tonight and the low poly, plus textures tomorrow.

Any more screens of close ups?
I will post the wires tomorrow, when my eyes are uncrossed. Thanks for the feedback!
Also, this is the bump map I created for the handle. I modeled out the diamond ridge texture and used a simply scanline render with a white material and then tossed the map in the bump slot of the gun material I used for the final render. I think it is a bit faster to create these repetitive textures in 3DS Max, rather than creating it from scratch in Photoshop. Low Poly coming soon!
Let me know what you think!
also the hammer i believe its called could do with a few less edge loops, if the loops don't contribute to the overall silhouette much then you can most likely ditch them... ohhh and i recommend posting tri counts instead of poly (quad) counts
looks good and i hope you make some solid progress on it tonight : )
edit: forgot about your question, the lambo was my first vehicle model ever and i did it at school when i was juggling several projects and models so i cant really say to be honest
I feel like I have a long way to go. My texture is pretty flat/bland and I havent worked out the kinks with the specular map (the material has too much of a matte finish for my liking). Also, quickly threw together the lighting for it (sorry).
Definitely want feedback on this one, so please let me know what you would improve. I have all day to think about it before continuing with it tonight!
I have looked at a few gloss maps and I believe I get it, but any suggestions from anyone that has created one is much appreciated!
Ok, your diffuse is really monotone right now, and the spec map is as well. Thats not so much a spec map, more a copy paste of the diffuse wit hno colour? Which is actually wrong, because you should really be using colour spec in 2012.
check out this tutorial: