I'm working on a little scene for my portfolio to improve my skills. It is a one of the little projects that I have in mind to get better and add some material to my portfolio.

There is still alot of work to do. The texture of the trunk could use some more attention. Also I need to texture the mushrooms and the little rocks. I also plan to add some glowing insect thingie.
Maybe you guys have some nice ideas! Hope to get some feedback on color, style and proportions. Thanks in advance. Keep it up guys!
I could really use some usefull feedback!
- there is a uv/texture seem at the right root.
- The shrooms look as if they arent textured (are they?)
- what are those glowing things...fireflys, magical flares ?
good luck with your project
- Tried to add more small grass planes.
- Tried to fix the seem of the right root.
- Shrooms where indeed untextured and are textured now.
- Those glowing things are fireflys indeed (I made them some bigger in the update)
I'm not sure what to do with the grass to make it sexy and smooth fading into the dark. Anyone an idea? Think i'm also going to add some wild flower or something to have some variation around the tree instead of only grass.