Hi everyone, first serious post here. I started my school in 3D animation in September and we will have to create an actual game at the end. And because a love the TV show Supernatural, i'm going to create one based on the First episode of the seventh season. So here's what i have so far
So i'm starting this W.I.P with the iconic object of the TV show, the car!!
Here's the screen shot that i Have so far

The game will happen inside this building, so i'm not really interested on working on the outside. But still, I'll keep working a bit on it
And here's the screen shot for the cinematic at the begenin.

Trying to recreate as close as possible the desk of bobby!
And part of your program, your teacher want to show us how yard a game is by ''forcing'' us to create a account on Indiegogo (an alternative of kickstarter, but for canadian), so here's the link
Indiegogo Link
This is no spam or publicity, just trying to show how big this is for me and this is the only time I will talk about this! ;P
Last thing, i already did Sam & Dean winchester back in october (with bobby and Death), but i will work on them more (specially Sam). So what you are seeing isn't the final result but more of a 3D sketch
But this is what i have so far

The characters are really scary o.o
And I don't think you can raise money to do a Supernatural game without licensing it, right?
Anyway, let's take a look at your art.
Your environment work is looking solid. It'd be good to see some wires, but it looks like you've done a good reproduction of a scene (albeit not one I'm familiar with) using a what appears to be a pretty low polygon budget.
Your texturing could use some work. There are a few places where it looks like you've got stretched UVs and texture seams. There's also a lot of places that look like they've just got photos pasted on as textures. You can sometimes get away with this - I think the Persian rug looks fine, for example, but generally you'll need to work up your textures a bit more so that they fit together nicely and sit in the scene well.
One thing that would give your scene a lot more punch is some good lighting. It's make them both a lot easier to read by helping to seperate the elements and generally add solidity to your world.
Your characters are going to need a lot of finessing. The look like they're generally proportionate, but they have a bad case of the dreaded tube arms and legs. You need to take a few steps back, get yourself some good references of both human anatomy and clothing and really push these characters. Have a look at some of the other work on Polycount for how people do this. Given you're working pretty low resolution, the stickied Low Poly thread might be a good place to start.
Once again it's far too evident that you've just pasted photos onto these guys. That's something you really can't get away with on characters - photographic overlays if used subtly can be fine, but just pasting a face onto the geometry is always going to look a bit janky.
Anyway, I think you've got the beginnings of some decent stuff here. Your interior environment really isn't all that far from being a really good low poly scene. Your character work needs quite a bit more work, but you're off to a good start.
Keep at it, mate.
Thanks, and cannot add more color tone cause the TV show have that kind of tone
Ya, i posted the character only to show what i have so far, but i know i have a lot of work (and i mean A LOT!!
But i know i have to step back and probably start over, at least Sam and Dean (the first 2) cause they where my 2 first one.The last one that i did is Death (the link of YouTube) and i think is good enough (other that is shoes...)
As for the environment, because i'm not good in programming, i can't go really high and create different setting in the menu. But for the interior, i will try to add some more poly, to make it more realistic.
and for indiegogo, if CW is suing me, it will look good in my portfolio :P
If anyone like this, it would be nice if you like my facebook's page!
could you be a little bit more specific on what bugging you?
If you did want to add specific features like graffiti, you'd be best to add them as decals, either by using another UV channel or applying them on a seperate polygon with an alpha channel.
Oh and probably best to just ignore the trolls and bots.
Thanks you!
Sorry for not adding a song, i still don't know what to put :P
So, here's the Video
But the biggest pb is that i didn't filed up the whole scene. I don't want to do 50 house that i will copy past, copy past, copy past...
Is there a cheap way to fake a city?
So here is the outside
Youtube link
and here's the inside of the house. So the bobby office!
youtube link
too dark, too messy, i cant identify anything clearly in your screens
as for the sky, i know. Trying to render a sky with Vue and change it!
couple of thing to add like the physic behind the crucifix and the light. Texture for the stair in the back. Also, add someone crucify.
Still note sure about the beams, they look too clean and lonely
And on that last scene, maybe you can have some blue moon light coming in the from stained glass window. Have that blue moon light light up the scene more than those white lamps you have there.
I don't want to add too much colorfull picture cause in supernatural, there's not that much color. It all desaturated. And for bobby office, it just to show the dynamic lightning. In the cinematic, there's will be something.
Also, i didn't find the way yet, but the church picture will have a big sunbeam coming out of the windows, that should do the job.
Ya, the first picture look realy bad, i should updated them.
As for the character, they are disguising LOL. Back in september, i tried and fail to create the character, and i have to do it agains in a couple a weeks, so we will see what they will look like. But i was never good in character...
but really those are offensive. As for the environmental it could use a lot of work and so could your animations, you're trying to do way too much at once.