Sukotto vs. Mezz vs. DmanD10
Well folks, we're having the first ever Animation Civil War! I noticed there were quite a few civil war threads popping up with characters, but none focusing on animations. That time has finally come!
In the nature of war, we're going to have the theme for this skirmish be ATTACK ANIMATIONS
-This is a SINGLE character performing an attack of your choosing. This is NOT a fight so don't include more characters.
-The attack can be a cycling or non-cycling animation.
-Too keep it short and to encourage people to finish, please keep it around 10 seconds, though if you go over a little don't worry.
-Use whatever rig you want, whichever you are most comfortable with. If you want, you can rig your own existing model, though this war will only focus on animation.
-It can be an attack of any kind, using any weapon of your choosing, even bare hands and guns are acceptable.
-No poly limit for weapons or props, but don't waste all your time making a 20k poly sword with normal maps and everything.
-Final presentation is up to you. Characters and weapons can be textured if you want. Playblasts are okay but renders are even better!
Let's get ready to rumble!
Almost the weekend, should have time, then it's time for WAR!!!
They're the people who are participating. Its not an open contest, just a friendly competition between a few animators
I'm thinking about having this scrawny little girl somersault into the scene, drop down just in front of a claymore, pick it up, swing it all the way around her and then up before swinging it down and smashing it into the ground.
Hope my very rough sketches make at least a little sense... next, onto the block out!
Well, I'll be animating this guy by Three9.
Just going to do an attack with his carry a macuahitl, an Aztec wooden/obsidian sword. Just some sword swings, maybe a roar or something too. Here's a few little gestures just to get the feel of what I want
So! It's still super, super rough, but I wanted to throw something in here. The opening somersault still needs to be added and I have a lot of timing to work out, but any critiquing of my posing and general timing is appreciated:
Your move next, Sukotto!
Couple things to try:
1. Twist up the body more, get the hips leading and dragging the sword behind. Then at the end when you strike, everything will be released under tension and you can get a more heavy-duty looking hit. (IRL telegraphing movement isn't advisable, but for entertainment puposes it just looks better.)
2. More importantly, weight. There's not much weight transfer going on over the CoG. For a king hit you want your character to be leaning fully onto his target at the point of impact. Moving weight from leg to leg during the spin can also be used to either make the weapon look heavier or just to give your character a bit more energy. Right now it's pretty lethrgic.
Might pay to throw up your key poses for crits. Get those right and the rest becomes much easier.