Hey all, been busy with the rifle and made the initial bakes but I have run into a snag.
Here are the shots from Marmo:

I'm getting some weird artifacting all over but it is most prevelant here on the butt stock and back of the magazine. Thinking I will need to explode the model but just not 100% sure what the problem is. Crits and comments always welcome

Original Post:
So in continuing my hard surface learning's I've decided to tone down a bit and instead of doing another environment I am going to do a rifle. The rifle I chose is the Heckler and Koch model 416 modded. Yes I know not another m4 type rifle but I chose this particular weapon because I have intimate knowledge of the Stoner rifle series (I am a veteran of the Army Infantry).
I'm planning for a base m416 rifle with a 10/ 12 in. barrel. Modes will be a PEQ-15, EOTech 551, Surefire TAC light, and various MAGPUL assorted bits and bobs.
I've already begun work by gathering loads of references from that thing called the internet and my own photos (I have my own M4 as well, really handy for modeling this weapon as it sits in my lap).

So far I have most of the rifle blocked out and am in the beginnings of refining various pieces. Shall have another update soon.

It's a good start tho.
Kosai- Also will widen a bit.
Progress continues. Currently working on the heatshield, pistol grip and the Pmag. Will post renders when I finish.
Not only is the magazine too thin, but the rifle itself. Check my markings:
FPS shot for fun
One question though is where did you find the reference? I've been searching for a while on a large side reference to no avail
just did a search similar on it and came up with this.
Crits and comments always welcome
Keep going!
- The rifle itself looks a little "thin" and the flat section right below the top rails looks like it could be raised a little higher. Same with the bottom rail, that one could go a little lower. Even if it looks spot on with your reference, try a tiny bit of exaggeration on that area, since that's always the distinguishing characteristic for me when comparing an AR and an HK.
- Charging handle looks pretty odd. Is it an aftermarket piece?
- The AFG2 needs a little bit of a flare and curvature at the top. Yours looks flat on the side, it should curve out a bit more and look more like two shapes merging together instead of one solid piece: http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb190/marsh2001/Web%20photos/afg2.jpg
- Mag still looks a little too thin from the front. Also, make sure you model the PMAG Gen 3, since the previous ones don't fit in the 416 due to the magwell design.
Hope that helps! Guns are an OCD subject of mine. Keep up the good work!
Def: To answer your other questions. For the first I will play around a bit and see what I get. The charging handle is an aftermarket part. It is a M84 Gas Buster Charging Handle with the Military Big Latch from Pri-mounts.
Okay, cool! As for the Gen 3, It's not terribly different than the gen 2, but there are definitely a few things:
And here's a youtube video with an overview so you can see the bottom of the baseplate:
The waffle pattern looks like it conforms to match the magwell of the 416 a little more than the gen2/ your model, and there's some extra detail as far as notches on the front and back of the mag, dimples for ID paint, and the actual shape of the plastic that matches the 416 magwell. Also, the baseplate at the bottom might be a tad different.
The main thing for me would be the waffle pattern, like in the second pic.
Keep it up!
Here are the shots from Marmo:
I'm getting some weird artifacting all over but it is most prevelant here on the butt stock and back of the magazine. Thinking I will need to explode the model but just not 100% sure what the problem is. Crits and comments always welcome