Update: 100% Complete!
Class: Scout
Theme: Bellhop/Usher
Why? Because I'm late and all the other themes were already taken. Seriously though, part of the Scout's accepted persona is that he is a lanky teenager who partakes in random odd jobs that teenagers usually partake in. Some themes have had him dressed up as a paperboy/mail man/soda jerk/etc.
Item #1: Brimless Bellhopper (Hat)
I originally made this hat a looong time ago. It was one of my first models ever, in fact. For the contest, I decided to go back and remake it using my superior modeling knowledge from today aka the future. I made considerable optimizations/tweaks to the model and completely redid the UV maps, texture and vmt from scratch.
Item #2: Bell Thing (Melee)
Just started this earlier today. It's a bell that dings when you hit people. Everyone likes dings.

Item #3: I Dunno (Misc)
Probably a suitcase or something.
Not very imaginative I'm sorry i just cant think of a weapon or anything one would have.
Get cracking man, time is very tight. Loving the theme, and I like dings too. Sems to be something funky going on on the handle there though.
That's probably what I'll end up doing but I'm still not completely sure. I could also do something like cufflinks or shoulder tassles.
The handle is like a rubber grip or whatever. I just added a bunch of random geometry there so it doesn't look plain.
Not really worried about time since I am king of the half-ass. 48 hours is cake.
You really should know what will be your third item, in fact the concepts must be already made because I don't think ANYONE can make 3 good items in two days.
Use 'Steward's Starchcap' for the hat
OR, the DEAD RING-... oh, wait. :-)
Yeah, I thought of Death Knell, but Whoa Knelly seems more like something Scout would say.
Hmmm... The Ding-Donk?
Just made a quick video to show off the jigglebones and how it looks in-game: [ame]
I've also settled on making a Cocktail Shaker for my third item. It's easy enough that I won't have any deadline problems and I think I can make it look pretty cool.
I thought about making a tray with various things on it but it just looked too weird with the way he moves his hand around.
A bell as a melee weapon is so random, but it actually works. Good job on it. Looking forward to what your third item might be.
Here is my progress so far. Going to have the ice cubes jiggle around. Not sure if cocktail shakers usually have ice but whatever, it will be nICE and cool when I'm done.
Bonk! Exotic Mix
Quick video to show off the jiggleboned cubes, although they are difficult to see.