Create a time traveller and a time machine!
You have 2000 triangles and a 512 x 512 colour / spec / alpha maps, in total.
2. entire texture area is 512 x 512 pixels. Break this up however you wish.
3. 2000 triangles are for the machine & the traveller, break this up however you wish.
4. Feel free to enter in this thread, or make your own thread. We will have a final thread for submissions.
5. For presentation please check the LPC style guide:
6. making existing movie titles is fine, but not required.
END DATE: AUG 1st (if you miss this date feel free to build a real time machine and come back)
Great Scott!
Ive never had the opportunity to work with such a low poly count, the lowest I have gone is 4000!
time to get sketching!
Be sure to get this onto the front page too, that's what it's for.
Also, since it's supposed to be attached to a wall, is it okay if I delete the back faces?
Behold! Dr. Fentonworth's time machine! (Complete with Gladstone-friendly mini-machine!)
I'm at 1908 triangles altogether, so I still have a bit of wiggle room. Not sure if I'm going to do anything with the extra tris, but you never know.
holy crap that was fast swizzle lol
looks great!
dog back-pack
dog top hat!
Hope I find the time to finish this.
Of course, I couldn't resist a DeLorean...WIP
Marty is going to be tough! I'd like to try to recreate the movie poster.
To all the other polycountians, the entries are coming along nicely!
Update on my part. I made a simple time traveler and one of four allegories of the ages, the Age of Bronze. Currently, the structure has 258 triangles, Time has 208, the Age of Bronze has 213 and the time traveler 376, for a total of 1055. So with another three ages, I don't think I'll be able to fulfill the original plan of also having the three stages of life personified.
oh and for a 512x512 map - i think maybe you could allocate more texture space for the face maybe? - I can see from the form of machine that you could re-use/instance a lot of the texture space
good start.
first WIP's shots will follow
I'm trying to think of a non-bullshit answer for why I put gradients on the pants. Honestly, I can't think of one that's satisfactory other than "it looks good."
I'm still trying to figure out how to best go about allocating all the space on the UVs. I've never done environment art before, so I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to lay things out. The character is already taking up a 256 sheet and I'm probably going to use a 128x256 for the dog, but everything else consists of things I haven't figured out yet. I'm definitely thinking of redoing the UVs for the head so it has more texture resolution, though.
Or perhaps Hiro from Heroes.
But I'm going to think of something original before I automagically default to currently established IP. Besides, I'm not sure how much any of that is really based on what is actually theoretically possible with time travel...that is only moving forward. I'm not saying it's bad to see that stuff, I love Marty McFly as much as the next guy, but I'm saying it's also cool to see Sci-Fi motifs based in reality.
If it's realism you're going for, why not try John Titor :poly121:
Basing the characters off the DVD cover, but I'll probably go off model a bit. I'd post the cover, but I can't find an image. IMDB has it, but i can't DL it, so here it is on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2236058880/tt1231587
I estimated about 500 for the scenery / Hot Tub, so I still have some freedom to detail them a little and make them a bit more unique. Right now their just variations of one mesh. I wanna get the hot tub scene built before I add much more to them so I know how much detail I can afford.
Here is my guy - he traverses time in a ball. Yes - a Vorpal Ball generated from the Vorpal Generators on each of his hips. The backpack is the main generator - the power source is Vorpgas storied in the canister attached to his pack.
Managed to hit 2k on the head (strangely chuffed with that!)
Swizzle - looking awesome man, best of luck getting that machine onto the remaining texture space. The dog is freaking awesome
THE 5 - good luck bro - off to a good start there
Zwebbie - woah man thats quite a challenge you have set yourself - good luck
dregoloth - nice one man, good ol telephone box time machines
JimJupiter - looking ace man. are you just gonna do the time machine or are you gonna try squeeze in a traveller too?
Squiggly_P - YES! cant wait to see how this one goes
Cheers guys
Interesting challenge
Excelent start Swizzel
Hop I try to make something
the machine model
704 Triangles
ive been stuck reading this site for the past 30 minutes! lol damn youuuuu!! ahahah. This sounds like a fun mini comp, time to dust off the ole modellin hands!
First thing that popped in my head when I thought about time machine:
Here is a quick start on the machine itself...definitely have a long way to go, but its a start:
Zwebbie - Ambitious! Really hope you can pull it off.
Swizzle - Bam, right out of the starting gate. Love the doggy sidekick. I was thinking of making a kitty for my traveler named Bartholomeow.
Ninjas - I agree with Zwebbie. The arms look like they were pulled straight out from putty. It's missing that form on top created by the supinator longus muscle (and others). Already have a nice start on the texture, though.
mradamw - Great start; lots of character already. Now lets see what you can do with the texture!
gsokol - haha rad
Spacey - woah nice start man, really diggin it. thanks for the kind words hope i don't let you down!
Was thinking of a guy who finds an item that will activate these portals, which are in fact time machines. like stargate :P
currently at 667 polys in all so I may go for a bit more detail as the mouth is currenly just drawn on.
I'm thinking of giving him an umbrella.(naturally made to look like it is an integral part of the machine)
Oh and of course he is rigged(yes I know the basics of that. it's just a few dumbly placed armatures that by he miracle of god happen to work) though he is rigged badly I can still move him into different poses(went for the arms outstretched position first then worked my way up to here)
right now he just looks like he wants to greet you(and hand you a lawsuit) so I'll work on the suitcase time travel machine to make it stick out more
I started 1 or 2 hours ago I'm just really really bored and have some ime on my hands
Its the first time I'm participate a Polycount Competition an time machine is a very Interesting challenge !!!. I apologise for my bad english, I'm french and I don't speak english very wel l
This the model of my "Toilet"machine time and the concept.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
nooooooooo!!! My fantastic idea already dibbed
Damn and blast. Now I will have to wish you luck and think up an even more fiendish idea.
EDIT: I appear to have inadvertently become a timetraveler myself. :poly122:
I have no idea how the heck this happened, what's weirder is I'm making props for a timetravel themed tf2map called tachyon.