My current plan for this all is to take a twist on a few of the current items the sniper already has.
The theme I'm set out for is a bit mixed and doesn't really have a solid foot hole because it is basically a mix mash of ideas.
Below are the original concept ideas I've drew up (when bored), as of posting I have already done a small amount progress done on both the jar and bow (which needs some MAJOR flaws fixing).
Thinking of doing something for the third weapon but yet to come up with an idea.

I'll update this thread once the main body of the bow is final.
Theme: Natural resources and optimal positional.
Obsidian Onerous

Ant 'eh' Gen

The Ranger


Power modelling bow, texture is now being worked on.
Cloth sections, I'm planning on making them look wrapped on.
ok, i would suggest making the transition from wood to cloth a little more abrupt, rather slowly tapering back down.
Funny you mention that because I got the jar done in like no time at all.
Also the 3rd item I'm thinking maybe doing this:
I'll look into it.
oh my god. ants
horrible. scary. brilliant weapon
I thought originally you meant a writhing jar filled with nothing but ants...
If I add anymore it will look really over crowded, which is not what the original concept was.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll go ahead with what I have for now, see how it turns out, never know the texture could just be what it needs. If it looks like a bag of peas I'll then go and change it.
Anyway I'll be working on it at a later date, got a driving test in 11 hours so its better to put this on hold I think.
Maybe put some giant pincers on the ants like Australian Bulldog Ants have?
I like the rest of it though, would the dirt inside it be jiggleboned and/or the ants animated?
Gonna have to agree with Simski here. I'd also say that it makes the weapon itself to distracting, as a second little landscape will, from a design standpoint, draw the user's eye to it occasionally...which is something you never want to have happen in a firefight. Simple is better here, I think.
Well... you can see if its distracting or not here:
Cleaned up the texture since that was made, I personally think it looks fine.
And no, the ants wont be animated because I'm not an animator, I dunno how to even go around doing animations and jigglebones might be a maybe, but every time I've tried to make them I've fucked up BIG TIME.
Excuse me while I go put this huge pickaxe through the lid a few times.
Late post as I did this ages ago.
I know it will look a bit weird in the world model, but I don't think it's going to be as noticeable and I'll prefer that instead of having it in the outer side of the bow in first person.
but ants-sniper seem like a smashing Idea.
Anyway working on arrow now.
5/5 For Ants
it could just be a big ol' stick (maybe an ignitable stick)
But i see wat your saying
(ps i took the name of your bow (Ranger) as the theme)
Dem shadows.
Its gonna be wooden though.
what's work amazing for sniper would be the zulu kinda spoons
these ones
"Spoons hold special significance in the traditional Zulu household and are associated with numerous rituals and customs relating to spiritual beliefs, hygiene, food type and social status. They are typically made of natural materials (wood, clay, or grass), despite the long availability of metal and western mediums."
or, as you've stated. the old knifey spoony.
knifey spoony sounds like spy vs sniper in melee
Items so far.
would you call the final melee weapon knifey spoony? or something of that effect?
That was kinda the idea.
Anyway its 2am so I'm gonna call it a day.
SLEEP, the best weapon of all
I can sympathize with you not wanting to animate, it is after all rather advanced for most modelers around here I feel.
I think it can be done though if you would actually want to do it, if I remember right someone on facepunch made an animated cuckoclock hat and an animated railroad track hat.
Anyway, I really don't mind if it doesn't have jigglebones or animations.
The only thing I majorly dislike is the arm, I don't know why you think it's neccesary and I think it's simply too "random" and I don't see how it would make any sense in the Tf2 universe to have a mysteriously scaled down Heavy in an ant-jar.
It makes no more sense than having a scaled down Pyro inside the Jarate jar.
Ps. Maybe you could add some ant tunnels in the dirt?
I'd also add tunnels to the sand. And those big pincers I linked - they could be comically over sized and giant.
Got bored and played with the valve sniper rig in maya.
Starting on the spoon tomorrow.
Already did.
Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean.