
Hi! I am slightly late with start, but i like tf2 very much and don't want to miss an opportunity to participate in this cool contest.
My favorite class in tf2 is soldier, so i will try to make some interesting items for him. And my first will be new primary weapon. It's assault rifle with suspended rocket launcher, as prototype i took AK47. I think it maybe add some new interesting features for soldier.
Screenshots of my progress is coming soon...
awesome idea maniac
But I'm telling you that trying to put a very real weapon in the hands of the soldier (or any team fortress character, mind you) when frankly every weapon in team fortress is an exaggerated parody of other weapons or completely made up is not going to do well.
You have to remember what makes the TF2 style what it is. An AK in the hands of the soldier just doesn't make much sense for a lot of reasons.
Thanks for remark Karkasmolenklok. But it will not 100% copy of AK, i'm going to add some details that make this item closer to TF2 style. When i finish, it will look absolutely harmoniously, i hope :poly121:
Thanks nex, i'm glad that you like my idea.
Of course this is not finished diffuse map, just AO+color.
Seems he likes a new toy
It'd make it stand out even more.
so,i have some idea can make shotgun attachment...(i got idea from BC2)
i guess its fits 60'-70' technology and pretty much solves your problem...
? :poly142:
First and foremost, the soldier does not currently have an automatic weapon.
Giving him one will upset game balance.
Secondly, it's still too realistic, and not because of the model or texturing, just the idea in general. Tell me, what weapon in this game makes use in modern combat situations? Not one of them. The AK47 is still being used today, so it makes no sense.
Thirdly, putting a rocket/grenade launcher along with the supposed automatic fire is a huge mistake, completely overpowered and too much for one weapon. (besides, it's not even attached to anything, how would that even reload?)
This was a bad idea to start with, and it's a shame you went and spent so much time on it.
The assault rile is interesting, but I'd say keep playing around with the weapon, really make it your own.
It's ultimately your choice if you want to continue with it though.
or this
2Reaprar: Because of you I must break the terms of contest and explain to you some of my ideas about gameplay for rifle. I think it must increase speed of soldier, but the damage done by the bullets will be somewhere between the damage of a shotgun and the damage of RL. Barrel-attached RL will reload like a scout's ball, that allow the soldier to continue to do rocketjumps from time to time, or be able for one rocket strike to the enemies. And, I think, this item will be the perfect couple with Buff Banner. So, as you can see, this weapon does not make a soldier omnipotent. About realism and modernity I will not argue with you, that's your opinion, but tell me why I should feel shame for what I have my own. :poly121:
2Zipfinator: Ok, assault rifle will change soldiers role completely, but similar changes have already been when Valve added Charge'N'Targe for Demoman. I think that all of new items are changing gameplay, but I don't think that is bad, you can always decide for yourself to play or not play with a new weapon.
2Hotdogbunker: I take into account your comments, look how well, I think it's better now.
2Khthon: Will be happy to do custom animations for my rifle, if I have enough free time. Unfortunately it depends not only on me.
Texture of rifle is currently wip, I finish it soon. But today I want to represent my second item, it is a hat that I call Apache, like nickname of one of the characters of "Inglorious Basterds" movie, Lt. Aldo Raine. When you look at it you'll understand why, I hope
And some renders of my Apache:
So, what do you think about it?
Dont agree with you, i like that hat.
a Soldier fits in any situation and (again in most games) the AR does too
I approve because this would really stir things up a bit.
before anyone says that isn't his role look at the demoknight
-bill's hat
-hatless hat
tough those are multiclass hat so maybe it doesnt count.
I know the rules say that you have to have a wep that has the same mechanic (minigun is a minigun and a flamethrower is a flamethrower) but it fits the soldier and I would love to have one of these. GL
P.S Hat looks good but... whats your theme? Is it WW2 or something else?
And maybe the grenade launcher could be a sawed off M79 grenade launcher. Like have the barrel and stock cut to fit under the gun. I think it fits the soldiers personality more. These are just some ideas.
About contest requirements: I thought for the contest are required only a model and texture, all the rest optional, or I'm wrong?
About covered eyes: I tried to cover them, but could not get a good result, probably because all the soldier's hats, unlike my, are helmets, whereas my hat is closer to Bill's beret.
About theme: Yes, my theme WW2, sorry that I had not mentioned this.
About tommy gun and grenade launcher: As I wrote, I will not make such big changes, because I am interested to realize my own idea.
And today I would like to present to your attention my third item. A melee weapon which is called "The Field Kitchen".
Each soldier had been in a situation where because of injuries he had to retreat. And it often happens that your team does not have a single medic, or he is very far away, and all medkits are used by your teammates. Heavies in this situation take out sandwiches or chocolate, but what about the soldier...
Model and texture are not final.
And my final sheet.
Your host is messed up.
I hope you have custom animations for these items so Valve might actually use them in the poses/animations they would require *concerned*
Whoops. Sorry for inserting that quote from the development staff.
it'd be awesome to see!
So while I think he's a good modeler, I sadly don't think his entry is a likely winner.
Not only are the models too function based, one of them is based on a function that Valve don't want in the game.
I do like that kitchen thingie though, and I hope it might be picked sometime later from the contribution page.
Still would need animations though. ...Sparkwire?