Juicy topdown arcade shooter
What are you guys waiting for?!PLAY THE GAME
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Here is a video and gifs and shits :poly142:

Have fun!
--Old post starts here---
What is this?
The game is about a space invader sent to destroy the planet's last defenses. The premise is easy: blast your way through enemies and conquer earth! This is a side project I have been working on since early february.
Heavy gifs coming!



Powerup Demos

What do I want to achieve?
I want to showcase more technical implementation knowledge and animation skills with this side-project, while also showing more coding and design parts. My primary work is at Crackshell where I work as a pixel artist on
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour. I only consider this a portfolio piece.
Please go ahead comment or critique :poly142:
Animated guntower
and a rigged 4legged gunner
Bunch of enemies
as far as crits, I'd like to see more saturation in the environment. Maybe more red to contrast the green? What are you thinking going forward for the setting?
excited for more!
Yeah I am going to try that, I also agree I should do something more with the environment. I think I need to fill it out with more objects. Maybe a more mexico desert-look?
The circle explosions are cute but the circle smoke puffs don't match the style as well imo and look a little cheap compared with the models and animations (and compared with this old one that you did, which is fucking boss)
I know doing that high quality effect everywhere would get expensive, but bringing some of that in I think would add a ton. Too many circles kind of give you shape fatigue so neither of them look as interesting.
Maybe I could add a little shadow to the circle texture and clamp them a bit more together to achieve a more similar effect, I am gonna try that out!
gotta agree with the Kurt Russell Fan Club though, the particle effects are not really matching the style, they look to soft and fluffy to me, you've always had a very crisp oldschool animated look to your FX stuff.
the art style is simple yet super effective due to the animations , reminds me of metal slug and that is an awesome thing !!
keep us updated please !
Just a minor fun update
I did not know the jump animation actually effected the collision on the player. Another of those bugs that turned out to be a neat feature!
(The character looks as suprised as I was :poly142: )
aaronmwolford & felipealves: thanks! hopefully I will be able to wrap up this little piece
I am started working a bit on the FX. I have speeded some effects and gave them more punch but I decided to keep the floaty-feeling because I think the dust works quite good in this world like it is, pics & gifs are coming later. I also been adding som FX on enemies and reconfiguring how I setup the characters and added more sound and music.
Here is a minor environment upgrade :poly121:
Next I will make more FX :poly142:
I really like the art style of your game, I was wondering, how did you create the bullets for each of the ammo types? Are they 3d models, particle effects, or a mixture of particle effects?
I believe I know how you created the missile effect, that is a simple particle effect that has a colour over lifetime, but I'm still not sure on how you created the bullets.
Anyway I got a nuclear-egg-bomb thing made during this weekend, might be adding camera shake when look at it now.
I might do one more enemy because its way to fun and then doing some more beta tests before calling this little project done
Cnc96: The bullets are made of additive particles only!
I have been borrowing some aspects from another project and including some of the bullets (which I can't find anymore atm). They all are made of particles with an additive shader. I wanted to make the rocket an actual 3d model but I could not use rotation data and I did not add unnecessary code for the other gunshots
Ok, thanks! I'll have a little play around in Unity at some point. Loving how this project is coming along and I can't wait to see what you're final product will be!
I know this is your project and you may not want to, but would it be possible for you to package the bullets and the rocket up so I could use them as references for my non-profit project please?
Yeah I agree, it should not be a problem making cracks or brown stains here and there, I will fix that up
I am not a wizard when it comes to file-sharing-things, so I hope this will do:
You should be able to open this file in your unity scene and take out the prefab containing the bullet particlesystems. The prefabs will be missing scripts, but don't mind that.
All the particles are disabled so you will have to enable them inside the prefab and then you will have access to the uncolored states so you can poke around!
I'm sure you will figure it out :poly142:
Maybe you should add weapon effects like burning enemies, slowing them down, chain reactions, etc. ?
Cellers: Thanks! That would have been cool to have. But I think I must skip that because I want to finish this project anytime soon
Here is a new enemy for the game. Its called Carrier and spawns smaller minions
Also a little walkcycle directly from the viewport
I thought I wanted to share some of the audio work that have been working on by Pontus Steensgaard because I find this awesome not to be shared:
Battle theme music #01
Man, you're like my best friend, David. Able to make a game from scratch, no joke.
Aggh, I need to learn how to rig, what am I doing with my life lol.
Here is a little thing I wanted to share when I started in doing the devlog:
Most of the textures. (part from FX, UI or special things) is using a single 16x16 texture which I am very happy with.
There is room for much more color space to deal with if I would need that!
@gruntpunch: No the character does not get bigger. I wanted gear upgrade progression features also, but I had to cut them in order to finish the game :shifty:
@ ed_3D: Thanks mate!
@Brian "Panda": Well I did use a unity tutorial to get me started! I am not really a A-class coder. Your friends stuff looks really awesome! Rigging isn't rocket science, you should be able to pull it off! :poly142:
With some help from kongregate folks I've got a highscore list implemented
looking forward seeing what scores people are able to pull off! :poly142:
Dayum, I just played your game for like an hour straight! I love it!
I've been coding before in unity before. So I recomend just diving in to the beginner tutorial and checking up their collection, but I used this tutorial to make Last Invader.
link broken?
@Nuclear angel: There is also a very helpful tutorial on Youtube, link here, which has a few additional features such as multiple weapons and player leveling which are not included in the Unity tutorial.
I missed your post and just thought it was my own when you quoted me earlier!
Consider yourself privileged to have played a early version! Because that's going down now! :poly130:
Thanks for that report, I'll make sure its gone next time you play it!
jmerrick@ soon~~ maybe!
skodone@ Maybe another opportunity may arrive soon!
Thanks to Celler@ I've been battling my inner featurecreeper I've used up a few days to implement the FLAMER :poly142:
(I thought the gif was quite nice but forgot to remove that little black box, guess you guys just have to live with it)
With a little luck hopefully this isn't super heavy on the webbrowsers, but I might drag down maybe a few particles down just in case
Now I have to get back to start balancing the waves & gameplay!