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[UE4] Twin Peaks Black Lodge Environment

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atomander polycounter lvl 7
Recently got inspired to do a Twin Peaks themed environment, as I had been watching the original series on Netflix and the new season was announced. Things I am trying to focus on in this project include:

-PBR pipeline for assets/textures
-UE4 workflow and scene lighting

Here are some of the concept images from the show I was drawing from:

I've taken a first pass at the assets and textures, and setting them up in UE4. I still feel like the lighting is pretty weak. I am looking for any crits that can help me bump this little scene up to the next level.



  • Laughing_Bun
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    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    one of the only design elements for this set is the drapes, Model them out more, right now they arn't convincing at all. They should be modeled completely and then do shader work, less on the "texturing"
  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    Statue looks well-sculpted - fond of that. :)

    I think the lighting needs to be harsher - in the screenshots of the set the lighting is more contrasting.

    I'm not sure if it's just the lighting but I think the furniture may be darker on the screenshots too - yours are quite brown.

    I agree with Laughing_Bun: Definitely put more polygons into the curtains as they 'contain' the scene. :)
  • atomander
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    atomander polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the crits Laughing_Bun and Dan! Went back and re-modeled the curtains, darkened the chair textures, and changed up the lighting to be higher contrast.


    Certainly still looking for any other pointers on this. I'm feeling a lot better about the lighting in particular, but still looking for ways to push it further. I figure if I can take this small scene to a high level of polish with a PBR pipeline, I will be ready for a larger, more ambitious one next!
  • fayesmith
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    fayesmith polycounter lvl 7
    The new higher contrast is much better!
    Have you thought about using SSS on the curtains with lights behind it? (like in the top left of your reference) It'd give the illusion of there being more outside.
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    I'm really enjoying how the curtains are looking now! Great update. One thought would be to make the bars on the arms of the chair look more like metal. Right now they're just blending into the chair material but in the reference they have a pretty strong spec highlight on them. That being said the chair could use a bit of a bump with it's amount of highlights as well. Try to really nail the leather couch look and it'll make your scene pop.

    And one last note, I believe the chair that is by itself on the left is a different chair from the other two in the reference. It would be a nice touch to add that but isn't necessary.
  • anglorum
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    anglorum polycounter lvl 6
    Wow. I cannot get over how spectacular those curtains look.
  • atomander
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    atomander polycounter lvl 7
    @fayesmith: That's a good idea. I changed the curtains to a subsurface profile material. I experimented with backlighting it as a subsurface material, but couldn't quite get it looking right. I'll come back to it once I've researched it a bit more.

    @nickcomeau: Thanks! I interpreted the material as polished wood, though I did touch up those chair textures to increase the contrast of the different materials. And I created a new unique chair for Agent Cooper to the left, good catch!

    @anglorum: Thanks! I used a pretty simple cloth sim set up in Blender, tried to get a bit of bunching around the bottom where it meets the floor.

    Here's the latest update:

  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    Ahh great iteration :D I'm really liking the new chair
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    This lodge was by far the wierdest part of the whole show. With that being said, this is looking really great! Loving the new curtains!
  • angryMonkey
    Hey, this is super awesome! One tiny thing... I think the globe light is a bit too bright. Maybe this is because you haven't added the texture yet. Just a thought from a noob. You may have mentioned that, but I didn't have the time to read all the comments.
  • taston91
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    taston91 polycounter lvl 10
    Loving this mate. I love Twin Peaks and was thinking of doing a similar environment, Nailed it so far. An idea, maybe have the poem Fire Walk With Me on the table. Nice little touches like that really puts story into a scene.

    Keep it up bro!
  • AuntieJamima
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    AuntieJamima polycounter lvl 5
    It looks much better, I would say you can push the reds, it's still a little too desaturated. If you can get the SSS to work I think it'll really sell it. Great work!
  • Laughing_Bun
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    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    Looks way better dude. I think the proportions of the scene are a little bit off. I would scoot the chairs a little closer together and make it more cozy. Then Up the contrast some more, try to really get the most out of your lights. I think you are pretty close with it.

    tone down the globe light, you have too much light coming there. It should just be an ambient glow. let the other lamps cast the light and try to sculpt the curtains with better shadows.

    It would be cool if the curtains had some sort of SSS and there were lights illuminating from behind. It looks like that is how the actual shot was set up. It would make the scene have more of a luminous glow.
  • atomander
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    atomander polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Got a little time last night to jump back in.

    Took Laughing_Bun's suggestion and scooted the scene in a bit. Trying to play with some Subsurface Material settings on the curtains and having a light behind it. After building my lighting, its not very perceptible though:


    The effect is very noticeable pre-built lighting though:


    Anyone have good experience setting up a nice SSS in Unreal and have any suggestions?
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