Hey there,
I thought it was time to create a thread for the materials I create in my spare time. For those who are interested, I created a thread for Substance related stuff in the technical part of the forum (only one post for the moment, but I'll add more!), it's
So let's start by some tiles! I've used the new filters of SD5 here, mostly to get nice bevels, edge detection and the voronoi pattern. The idea was to build the material entirely based on a single pattern with random colors and extract all the necessary information from it. This way you can reuse the graph for pattern you want.
The different versions were made only by changing the base pattern.
100% procedural of course.
comments & critics are very welcomed!

But seriously dude, these are looking really amazing!
Any chance you could do a breakdown of how you generated the random destruction like the cracks (especially the cracks!
Would love to see how you did this!
But yeah man, this is stunning work! Looking forward to see more of these and maybe some in-depth info about your process!
Note to self: Upgrade to SD5 when the next paycheck comes!
A graph is not the easiest thing to break down, but I'll try!
Since I used SD5 I can't share any graph yet (you'd not be able to open it).
@Dave Jr: I used the default env map from SD and a spot light for the specular highlight on the left face
@Arvinmoses No it's in toolbag, we don't have tesseletion + PBR in SD yet, also I wanted to make a fixed setup for the future materials to keep consistency. Once we have the possibility to save camera position and render high resolution images their is no reason not to make the screen directly in SD. Hopefully along the 5.x development!
Here is a screenshot from the UI/Graph (tiny, my laptop is only 1080p).
I need to learn this NOW!
The substance is the name we give to the file made with Substance Designer and saved in a specific format (sbsar). It's procedural because no bitmap is involved, only the process is stored in the file, the process is represented by the graph: an accumulation of operations, drawing patterns and noises, blend, blur, distortion..etc.
It's as if you were storing the photoshop history instead of the final result. If you load this substance in a compatible application (UE4, Unity..etc) the textures are generated in this application and can be modified afterwards.
However you are not bound to using only procedural elements, you are free to use bitmaps inside SD, mix the bitmaps with noises, do whatever you want.
The final result is always a texture, it can be used as any other texture.
And yes, as soon as you use procedural noises/patterns, you can generate endless versions of the same texture.
Any chance you share some of your knowledge with us? I'd love to create some of these on my own
I can't wait to get SD5 and start trying out the new features. Hoping you post more images soon!
Great work.
We are making a friendly experiment with Josh, he found a reference of a sloppy brick wall and wondering if it was possible to create it in SD. He posted his first version in his thread, here is mine.
I can't even describe how much I look forward to substance designer 5!
Awesome work man!
I think I might try my hand at the sloppy brick wall too! Been curious about this for awhile..
I promise I'll make a breakdown and explain the main techniques, but probably after GDC!
But I can already tell one of the key technique I used is this: http://www.mospheric.com/2015/01/substance-designer-street-bricks.html
Thanks a lot to Josh England for having discovered this!
Just wanted to mention that I did not discover the technique :P Richard Piper did a great job breaking down a brick substance that he made. He mentioned the technique in his video:
Or everything is generated inside SD?
Everything else are noises and filter.
Cool, thanks for info
Direct link for lazy people
Kind of a noobish question, but can you share your Toolbag setup? I've been looking around on how to best get materials from SD and SP into Toolbag, but haven't seen much on the subject. I thought Toolbag was Substance compatible, but I didn't see it listed on the forums on the Allegorithmic site.
So I prefer using bitmaps for now.
The setup is pretty simple:
- I used a custom env map (corsica beach from SD)
- I put a large bluish area light on the left side to get the highlight
- Then just make sure you invert the normal Y channel (if you use a directX normal in SD/SP)
- Invert the roughness to get a glossiness, set it to linear
- Use metallic instead of specular, set it to linear
- use GGX instead of blinn/phong
That's it, the visual result is very similar to SD/SP.