So I've been tasked with creating a weapon for a game I've been working on. Set in the future in a mix of industrial/sci-fi elements. First off, I'm not a gun guy. I know a lot of people here are, so I'm hoping for some feedback in terms of the gun and pointers for the game model.
After several blocking out attempts and analyzing tons of concepts, I finally came to something that I'm happy with to take to high poly. This is the block out I have, and I'll be starting the high poly soon.

Loving the design, I know you stated this is a block the back of the grip going to be rounded off? It's really blocky.
pixelpatron: Yeah that area gets a little lost, but I think it's due to the block out. Once it's high poly, it shouldn't be an issue. The same goes for the back of the grip. It'll be rounder. It's important it looks like something you could and would want to hold in your hand.
could it be a breakaway revolver? in which case it would need to have some sort of hinge that allows the front to detach.
by the design.. if you tried to pull back that trigger, it would instantly catch on the trigger guard, so i would suggest angling that differently.
as far as the modeling goes. its very basic. mostly just some random shapes in there which dont really do much except add silhouette and are littered with bevels for visual interest. if your target goal is to make something look recognizable and new, while maintaining visual interest, beveled boxes wont really cut it. take a look at these for example.
those guns have shapes that make the guns look entirely unique, yet still maintain itself as a revolver. the pieces that are on there all make sense. rounding this back to yours for example. the bottom left most piece, the trapezoidal area under the barrel. whats that for. why does it stick out so much. it almost looks as if you could extend that out and make it have blades, like this
it essentially has no purpose to exist other than just being there. now on to the top of the gun. you'd typically want to keep the gun's top a straight line, due to sights being there. a gun without and sort of aiming aid is kinda pointless, so its pretty critical that you keep that straight.
as far as the chamber goes, its looking really soft. the holes in the front end of it seem as if they're made of gel, and the struts that are coming off the cylinder seem not cylindrically sound.. if that makes sense. (see image)
thats a small nitpick but its something im on a constant lookout for when making hard surface details. overall id say revisit your concept. find a way to make this look cool, instead of just a regular ol' gun shaped object.
Maybe you could counterbalance it a little?
_DeadPixel_: I agree! I struggled with that a bit on the blockout. I fear it got away from me a bit XD I'll make adjustments to make it better balanced. Thanks!
If you are going to go out on a limb and redesign something your not huge knowledge wise on, you need to be able to bs it. Want to add new parts - great! just make it look like the belong and have some function to them.
what I like:
-that it has a different silhouette then the typical gun
-the trigger guard, not sure it fits with the rest of the gun (and it's not functional on yours) but maybe for a different style it could work
-the bottom bits that are blades in a pic posted above as well as the top "sight" part of the gun have potential if you can make them look like they have a reason for being there
-too many pointless simple shapes that looked like they just got tossed on to make it look complex
-trigger when pulled would hit the bottom of guard
-the revolver oval intents look like they need work
-handle looks too small
-gun looks really top heavy especially away from the shooter which would make it a bitch to aim
-can't get over the two extruded and beveled squares on the side and back of gun, get rid of asap and reference for something better and more believable
-spend more time in the concept stage before you rush into modelling, goodluck!
I get you can't work on the highpoly for ever, so next project I advise you plan your design in more detail before moving onto modelling. Especially detail in areas the player will see. The areas of this gun that look the best will be seen the least in game play.
Lowpoly time! : )
Still continuing this! I made further tweaks to the high poly and got a bake going. Low poly came in at around 6000 triangles. This was the first time I went from Max>Xnormal>Handplane>Ndo2>Knald.
I'm happy with how it looks in UDK, though I can't get it to look right in Marmoset (which is why i just have UDK screenshots). The parts of the mesh that are using mirrored geometry have inverted normals (stacked uvs, moved over 1 UV space, though one will look correct and the other part inverted). Can't think of anything to fix the issue.
In the meantime, onward to texturing!
Beside, the gun looks great, but for your next guns, try to make a more comfortable handle, with more height at the rear end of the gun (I don't know if I'm understandable, my english is far from perfect, sorry)
Finished most of the diffuse and just did a quick spec/gloss. Still have more to tweak on the textures, including adding some scratches into the spec.
+ where´s the other part of the iron sight (is it called notch?) ?
Look at a real painted revolver
The metal is rough, has chipped paint specks scrapes on the edges and NOISE. Metal is not about leaving detail out, it's about having detail subtly added together in smart ways.
This is a light colored revolver with very little wear and looks great just by having some small soft scratches around the edges and a good basemetal.
the easiest way to make anything look good is to look at the materials being used in a similar way and emulate them.