Welcome to the Monthly Noob Challenge 6!
Please read all the rules.
This may seem like it's pretty complicated, and if you are starting out it can be overwhelming, so take it piece by piece. This can be broken down into a segments. Think about what will be unique, what will be tiled, what kinda textures you'll need to make, just plan before you go. Set your standards high for your work, do your best.
PLEASE look at the ref, and work hard to get the blockout right. Take your time before you dive into it and plan, this will make your life easier.
All that matters is that you learn and give and get advice and are willing to be critiqued.
So here are the specific rules:
Must make your own textures, no stealing, we can't keep you from it, but the goal is to learn, even tileables, I mean you can take someone else's image and make it tileable, that's fine.
You must use a game engine OBVIOUSLY. UDK or Cryengine will probably be the most used.
You must try your best and finish as much as you can in this month.
Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique and we don't have 1000 disjointed threads littering the forums.
Well that's about it, if you think the rules should be changed let us know.
I would strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel, but it must stay very close to the concept, if not super close.
Please stay away from Ddo, yeah, it's great if you know what you're doing, and for a production pipeline supplement, but other than that, please don't use it. Ndo2 is allowed. This was talked about in the other thread, please don't complain.
Have fun!
PS: I am extremely familiar with Cryengine and can answer probably any question you happen to have when using it. Furthermore ask anything to anyone here, combined there is a wealth of knowledge.
I'm working with these settings
System Unit : 1unit = 0.75 inches
Display unit : Decimal inches
Still when i export any asset to UDK, its scaled down..
Wat am i doing wrong??
The fuck is Unity? Just kidding, I don't know if anyone has, but go for it! I personally don't like it but hey it's up to you;)
@ansh0488 - re 3dsmax to UDK units - use generic units in 3dsmax as 1 generic unit (max) = 1 unit (UDK), a 6ft character is usually 96 units high for comparison
i might join in even if i don't know how much i can do with all the deadlines coming up : /
I am going to be doing alot of things that I haven't done before. I have been lurking in the forums and am finally ready to try a new. It's actually my first time doing alot of techniques and theories.
Things I am going to use/do differently then I have before
Number 1: Use Concept Art as reference for the overall design of the environment.
Number 2: Block out in UDK BSP to get scaling for 3ds max.
Number 3: Go from high to low in 3ds max.
Number 4: Complete within the time of the challenge of one month. And Step up schedule and stick to it.
Number 5: Do better High Poly for hardsurface then I have been before.
Number 6: Do better Spec for Metal then I have before.
So Again Good luck to everyone and thank you for having these contests.
But tell me what you think.
This looks great luke! Did you model the high poly ir did you use nDo2?
Did some more work on my blockout, started filling it out the floor with the texture sheet I created before, still working out a lot of things though, lighting, colours, etc. Many of the textures and objects are placeholders just to get the feeling and space of the room, like the main console in the middle. I've got my secondary console high poly done too, just need to get it up to unwrap the low poly and bake that all down surface information down. Will hopefully be able to post some more progress soon!
I made some quick block-out, and now I am on the high poly version of the main table/command board !
(Some geometry is floating on purpose, for the normal map bake. I never really used this before, it is a lot easier to make, but when I will get to AO bake it might be less fun...)
Been working on my modular part breakdown. I've got measurements and all too. Will post those later.
Are you talking about changing the characters scale or the environment scale to the character. Or Both?
Awesome, I'm gonna start on my stuff this weekend. This is pretty much my first go at using a game engine, so it should be interesting, but I've watched a lot of tutorial videos, so I'm hoping I won't be too lost.
A lot of awesome progress already going on in this thread already!
Again Maths:
Room Probably Too Wide and Too Long, Maybe Too High. After looking up how high one story is. It's 10ft
608uu Wide 38ft
896uu Long 56ft
192uu High 12ft
32uu 2ft Wide
32uu 2ft Long
96uu 6ft High
Main Center Desk/Table
160uu Wide 10ft wide
352uu Long 22ft long
48uu High 3ft high
I know this is 2x2x6ft which is the correct height. Just in the camera height in game looks too hieght compared to the character which is currently 6ft so is the camera hieght like 6.5ft or 7ft? Also FOV could also be affecting it somehow. I am just using the perspective and not a udk camera. Which I should probably do cause of the fixed angle of the concept art.
I'll take another shot at the proportions again tonight.
Change the game type in the world settings to UTDeathmatch (I know that one works for sure with the scale you have).
Thank you that fixed my in-game viewing problem. I know it was a simple fix. Now I'll just adjust my proportions and I think I should be good to start modeling. The reason I am doing all this is because in the past I have had trouble with proportions so I want to get it right from the beginning.
Is the room a rectangle? or is there an off cut for the door area? as when I placed the door block, I had no room for the window.
I think someone said they would post a layout they was doing? can't remember who it was.
I'll be starting the HP.
as far as I'm aware you want to set your Unit settings to 1 unit = 2cm as this is how UDK is set up. Try a simple 2m cube and make sure it's right
I made the highpoly, the lowpoly, I exploded both high and lowpoly for the bake, made the cage and baked the normal map, everything is fine.
My problem now is to bake the ao for this model. I have to use the un-exploded version of the model to have the proper shadows between each part. But now I had to make a new cage and this is bringing glitches everywhere becose the cage is not exactly the same as before, the AO and the NM are not perfectly at the same place.
(To explode the mesh I put a keyframe on frame 0 and 1, 0 with the clean prefab and 1 the exploded parts. Which I had to merge to create the cage. If I separate the cage I think it would not work because each vertexes would not have same id after I merge it down and it would break the bake completely)
What is the solution then ? I should have backed normal map for each pieces independently from each other without moving them and therefor have the exact same cage for ao and normal ? (But then lost much time for all the bakes and then combining all the textures together)
((I am on Maya, and I am baking NM/Ao with Xnormal))
Not much progress tonight unfortunately with those real life obligations getting in the way, bah! Stayed up late though to get some progress done on that secondary console. Baked the high poly down onto the low poly, imported into Cry and working on the texture now. It's 2:30am and I think I'll call it a night and just call this the first pass of the texture, still gonna add screens, labels, scratches, etc. Hopefully in the next update I show you guys, it'll look a lot sweeter with all those nifty subtle details to make it shine
Got this block out done last night. At the moment I am attempting to match the camera angle and position.
Overall measurements are:
Total room (feet): 8.5(h) x 16(w) x 18(d)
These were my original thoughts on the size of the room
however I have found that the room needed widening on the
right to accommodate the hallway in the back and establish
additional room between the War Table and the Sonar Station
The room is now approx. 17.5 feet wide.
War Table - 30(h) x 48(w) x 96(d)
I akin this to the approx. size and shape of pool table.
Based upon rendering the blockout at the same resolution as
the concept I find that the War Table needs to be shorter and
wider. I will make adjustments to this effect.
Sonar Stations (right side of room) - 32-36(h)(slope) x 62(w) x 18(d)
These are 32-36 high taking into account the slope. It looks
like at their lowest point they are just higher than the War Table.
I also agree that the floor can be created from various modular parts. I had a very similar thought to others and am using 4 parts (A-D) to build the floor. See the notes image for a breakdown of the parts.
What do you all think?
Thank you for any feedback.
Cheers for now!~
But i cant help but feel like the ratio is slightly off in terms of your character representation.
It seems that some of the control panels on the equipment around the room would come up to his groin area. Also some of the screens to the left would mean that the operators point of view would be level with the top of the screen.
Terrible ergonomics for a cic :P
But as i said. All correspond really well and the blockout is looking spot on.
Thanks very much! I appreciate your feedback. I will reattack on the proportions and look at raising up the stations around the room. You make some excellent points.
Umm, *Right Click > Save As* much? lol Incredible work! I myself am putting together a giant list of resources for everyone including a lot of the sci-fi tech interface type stuff.
Well done guys. Keep at it!
@rock guy - looks great! one suggestion is that if those screws are on the floor, they'd probably be flush with the metal panels. love the detail!
@lukepham101 - slow down man! hahaha looks great, i'm envious of your speed !
The work you guys have been posting has massively inspired me to attack my first polycount project.
Block out in progress...