Hey guys and gals! I wanted to start a thread that I can go back to and check on my progress, and hopefully garner some meaningful critique along the way (so please don't hold back). I have my blog too, but I rarely post stuff there (hopefully I can keep it up to coincide with this thread). Plus, I feel like I'll get more artist traffic on here.
Anyway! First post in my new digital sketch thread!

This dude will eventually go into my friend's game. It's about cartoony characters climbing mountains, basically. He wanted an iconic explorer type for the first player model. I'll be revisiting this theme when he and I aren't so busy with other projects.
Any suggestions to make him pop more? Textures? Props? Presentation? I was thinking I'd eventually make a cartoony lion pouncing at him, but alas, I'm busy at the mo. I was intentionally keeping him simple and sort of TF2-ish (at least in his cartoony simplicity), but the more I look at him the more I want to make him hyper-realistic, a la Brink. Either way, I rigged him using Mixamo's Auto-Rigger, not realizing they don't include a wrist-twist bone in the forearm, so his wrists deform so horribly

Otherwise, I kinda dig him!

Anyway, hope you like it! C&C always appreciated!!
Also be careful of your layout, how you crop the edges. In the first image, his shoe is tangent to the bottom edge. In the second image it would be nice if you line up your text, or framed your texture flats. Stuff like this can really help your presentations look more professional.
I retopo'd and UV'd and when I started baking maps, I just couldn't get workable results from the hard-surface stuff. I need to revisit some of the LP parts and figure it out, because I still think a God of Heavy Metal would be badass.
EDIT: changed the WIP pics, because Photobucket turned to crap when I wasn't looking. Thanks, Jessica Dinh, for all the helpful suggestions.
Thanks for the advice, Jessica! You're right about all of it-- I've been trying to finish him so quickly there are definitely simply details I've overlooked. Especially with the presentation shots, where I just want to get things over with :P
Ack! You're right! dang Photobucket!!
EDIT: I changed the God of Metal pics, at least. I'd like to keep the explorer stuff at that rez, as it works well for PCs and tablets/smartphones, but if someone thinks portfolio shots should be bigger, please feel free to suggest an ideal image size.
EDIT #Deuce: All images are updated, kept the map theme between the Explorer's shots, maintain consistency throughout his presentation. Thanks again Jessica!
This was my first sculpt in trying to come up with a character design:
I'll be fleshing him and at least 2 enemies out more on paper in the time leading up to GDC.
I also am in the process of migrating my portfolio URL. I'm currently using Dunked.com (sorta like Carbonmade, but a little more versatile & affordable). Once I get my domain transferred, it'll be pointing directly to my new portfolio, here.