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AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
Hi Guys :)
I've started to do another female character, and this time I'm using Morrigan from Darkstalkers as my inspiration.

I've been working on her body for now, and aside from her hands (which is still in progress), I have reached this far. Comments and crits would be most appreciated as I'd like to get any major issues out of the way sooner. I'll be updating with progress as I go along. Thanks guys :D



  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Here's am update.


    I think I need to adjust her neck/clavicle area. Looks a bit odd I think, but I can't work out what it could be >.<! Just gotta add her shoes, feathered straps and wings and it's onwards to texturing!
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    I've kinda restarted from scratch as I really didn't like the body.
    Crits + comments would be very much appreciated :)

    Currently working on getting the body proportions and shape right 0
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    I've made some more progress. Blocked out some clothing/hair. I'm still not 100% convinced on the body, but I can't really see what else I can do to it. To me, the thighs are a bit too long..
    Also I'll post a much higher quality pic later on today. Shouldn't save out my twitter pics >.<

    Comments and crits would be very appreciated :)

  • moiman100
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    moiman100 polycounter lvl 12
    You are getting lots of comments :D Looks good to me
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    Hey dabookerman, looks like it's coming along. The area the erks me a bit would be the legs are feeling a little disjointed by the knees. Generally muscles will interlock and produce an s-curve rhythm and right now it fells like everthing just pinches at the joint. Also the calves feel thicker than the thighs which seems odd to me. 3e41da95c1d7d5db2377691ca8ccbdf6.jpg
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Moiman100 - >.< Am I? Where?
    neilberard - Thanks a lot Neil! I'm still learning anatomy, and it's tricky to get right. I'm just looking at lots and lots of ref images. I have shown this to quite a few people, but they don't have a lot of experience with anatomy, and only notice the major things, which they didn't see any of in this case. I do want this to look right so I'm willing to put the time in.
    I've made some of the changes you suggested, am I on the right track? Thanks again!
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    Hey Adam,

    I can't really say much about your newest sculpt, I think it looks like it's almost there. Are you still going for a stylised / exaggerated proportion character or is she going to be more realistic? Depending on which direction you're going this may not be helpful at all.

    More of a curve in the leg muscle following that slanted tendon.
    Wider stomach or area of fat below the belly button.
    More defined transition from rib to hip to leg.


    Looking good though, looking forward to the next posts :D
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks so much for your feedback Milly!

    I've been trying to balance the look, but finding myself flipping between stylised and realistic without realising it, if that makes any sense! I'm definitely going for more stylised, but not so much so that it looks cartoony. I'm gonna apply those changes and make a few tweaks to things I don't like, and i'll post back :)
  • SeanO'Connor
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    @Milly - Widening the hips made a world of difference. I've made the hip bone more prominent, but it's quite a balancing act not to make her look anorexic from certain angles. Also I've definitely blown her breasts up a bit! Although at present it looks a bit too much perhaps? I think once the fur/feathers are placed on top, it will help not make them look too big. Furthermore, I think her muscles on her legs are a lot more prominent, and I've redone the back of her knees as I really disliked them.
    SeanO'Connor - Cheers :) Aye, I've not gone back to the head for a while, and it present she has a more focused stare to her face.
    I will definitely be posing her! In fact I want to make about three poses once I'm all done with her. Her trademark fighting pose, one with her sitting on bats and a more seductive pose.

    Here's an update to her body. I've gone through a few things, namely the legs and arms, and her front side. Just need to remember to stretch out the fingers a bit. I'm gonna start on the wings now just to have a little break from her body, but your comments are always appreciated :)


    I've also done a (really rough) posed paintover, and I'm actually starting to dig her progress. :D I didn't make any adjustments to her after her pose, and apart from her left arm, I reckon she's coming along alright!
  • SeanO'Connor
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the feedback Sean :)
    I'm struggling with the iliac crest, because most of the reference i'm seeing shows her to have it incredibly pronounced.
    I've made most of the changes that you've suggested, with the exceptions being breasts (they'd be held up by her corset top thing, so i'll sort them out once i've modelled them in, make them a bit squished). I've softened most of the areas suggested as well, although not as much as you suggested. I kinda liked the more pronounced musculature on her legs from her pose.
    Anyhoo, updated pic.. I hope i'm going in the right direction! >.<
  • SeanO'Connor
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Haha I made a Morrigan a while ago (quite embarassed about it now).

    Probably my biggest inspiration for proportions was that rockstar concept artist Hyung Tae kim:


    For some reason (even that Killer Bee), his proportions just seemed spot on with Morrigan... like it's perfectly Capcom.

    Thick arms. Waist is half the size of the hips. You get a suggestion of the Pelvis (notably the illiac crest), and the muscular definition is perfectly believable.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Having modeled Morrigan before (and "breast reduction hair trim fries eating recolor" lilith) I thought understanding the studies of the sprites here helped me on why the original roidy proportions were what they were.
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    SeanO'Connor - I've really been fighting the abdomen area. I basically took a step back and try to look at the overall proportions, and realised that the overall proportions were off. What I did was lower her abdomen a tad, and I also moved her groin area. I always thought there was something off about the sideshots, and it's as if there was no room. To me at least, it seemed to have made quite a significant improvement, but then the next thing that looked very off was the size of her head.. It looked tiny in comparison! My housemate also agreed, so I enlarged that a bit, and showed him a before and after pic, and he definitely preferred the after pic a lot more. Her head is also more in proportion since she's now 8 heads high!
    I've not had a chance to address the shoulders yet, as I've made the changes before your post, but I can see what you mean on her 3/4 back view. It does look like she's shrugging in that.
    I also appreciate you offering to do a resculpt for me, but I almost feel like I shouldn't because I've learnt an awful lot just by going back and forth and really trying to understand how all of this works! I'm still happy to give you the sculpt though as it'd be easier for you rather than doing a paintover :)

    JacqueChoi - I absolutely love his artwork. He really exaggerates proportions, but it always looks correct. In that pic, I absolutely love Killer Bee's abdomen.

    leilei - That link is super helpful! I'll properly read it before I go over and retweak Morrigan, but I'm loving the analysis on the proportions. It takes a lot of thought to go into those sprites!

    Anyhoo, I made these tweaks before your recent comments, so I'm currently at this point.
    I think I'm gonna do another pose, and take a bit more time with it this time. Any other tweaks suggestions you guys can think of, I'm more than happy to take. It's been a really great learning experience! :)

  • SeanO'Connor
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Apologies for the late reply, it's been a bit of a hectic past few days. I've only managed to do a few tweaks, but I've pm'd you Sean. I'll just be working on her other parts in the meantime!
  • SeanO'Connor
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    This is coming out better I am glad cause I really like Morrigan's proportions.

    Keep It up looks like your on the right track.
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Apologies for not replying. I've had a very busy last few days.
    Sean - That's awesome, i really appreciate your sculpt over. I've definitely made a few adjustments based on your sculpt, especially around the abdomen area. I think the only thing I kinda feel like is that her buttocks are really large on yours, but you're giving me another perspective, so it's just a case of balancing out everything. I will post a version some point this weekend.

    Just out of curiosity, which mat cap are you using?

    Thanks again :)
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    Lookin way better! Keep going.
  • SeanO'Connor
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Ok. So, here's my last WIP for a while. I've been pretty busy the last few days because I'm going on holiday to Japan >.< so I've had very little time to work on this. I think I've more or less got to a point where I'm fairly happy with the body overall. I'm going to go and refine the hands and face/head, and then continue on with the rest of her.

    Sean - I've not made her as bulky or muscular as you have, but I did implement a lot of what you showed in your resculpt. I made her arms thicker, dug into her abs, worked and reshaped her back, and her clavicles as well.

    Anyhoo, let me know what you guys think :)

    Also. I think Hazardous is working on a Morrigan himself :P Looks like I've got competition haha.
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Man, it has been a very long time since I last posted any progress. In between working on this, it's been a busy few months. But I'm at a "finished" sculpting stage.

    I'm basically gonna retopologise this, but I am still very keen to receive any crits or make changes if they're needed.

    In fact, I think I may have over done the boot wrinkles, so i'll fix that. Otherwise, hair and feathers will be alpha carded.

    Texturing is my weak point and I'm aiming to 100% hand paint the textures (unlike my Pokemon trainer which used a lot of photo ref). Any tips or links/tuts would be very much appreciated. Apologies for taking so long to reply, and i'm looking forward to any feedback :D

  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Man, looks awesome. Really great sculpt.

    I think you should spend some more time on the pelvic region though. Something about it looks off. just below her navel, the area there just kind of flattens out in a weird way. I'm no anatomy expert, but maybe just revisit that area. Its that area between the iliac crest, lower abs.

    Keep it up. Can't wait to see this textured.
  • AdamE87
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    AdamE87 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks a lot for the feedback dude. I know what you mean about the pelvic region. You can see in the past posts that I had been struggling with that region :P It's tricky to nail down the look I want.

    Here's the change I made..

    I'm going to take a break from this in favour of the low poly project that's started today, but when I post again, I aim to have the some texturing sorted. Any other feedback would be most appreciate, thanks :D
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