Thanks for pointing it But don't worry, it's even worse, the vertices are not merged haha I just do a fast merge before my renders, I'm sure I've missed more.
High poly (99%) done! I have stuff to do before moving for holidays, I think I'll set PBR materials in marmoset before jumping on the low / bake. I want to wrap my head around.
Hahaha yes, I saw it while I was taking the screenshots "Daaamn, they so going to see it again :P" !
The meshes is pretty ugly on some parts, I'll clean it before the bakes. My toolbag 2 scene had a hard time moving smoothy, too many zbrushed piece, even after decimation it was too heavy
Thank you, hope you'll all like the finished piece
Low poly done, and as I feared, it's a bit high on the polycount. The following screenshot is not complete, I've just assembled pieces to show you the overall wireframe.
On my scene I'm a 38k, and I think I'll be at 40k because I need 3 or 4 more little wires inside.
I don't want to sacrifice some shapes ,and too many little pieces, I don't think I can go considerably lower.
I love the attention to detail on display here. If I were to nitpick, I'd say the top of the helmet doesn't have enough geometry for the stripes to work at that distance without looking blocky.
Can't wait to see how this turns out. I'm a big fan of Gimenez after I read all of the Metabarons last summer. There a ton of great retro scifi designs in there.
The helmet looks like it received a fairly serious impact at some point just above the eye, do you think you'll add those cracks in? I'm curious to see what you do with the eye shield area that looks like it has some bubbling fluid in between the glass.
apllanaThanks :DI think you're right, I'll see what I can do! Thanks for the feedback!alecchalmers Thank you! Huuum for the liquid, I don't think I'll adress it in a real time manner.If it was in a game engine It would be different though.
I'll probably just add bubbles meshes!
The meshes is pretty ugly on some parts, I'll clean it before the bakes. My toolbag 2 scene had a hard time moving smoothy, too many zbrushed piece, even after decimation it was too heavy
Thank you, hope you'll all like the finished piece
Low poly done, and as I feared, it's a bit high on the polycount. The following screenshot is not complete, I've just assembled pieces to show you the overall wireframe.
On my scene I'm a 38k, and I think I'll be at 40k because I need 3 or 4 more little wires inside.
I don't want to sacrifice some shapes ,and too many little pieces, I don't think I can go considerably lower.
Fast DDO pass on top of my materials color base.
Computer is crashing like mad, I'll take care of it and then do the proper texturing
It's really starting to looks awsome. keep it up
The helmet looks like it received a fairly serious impact at some point just above the eye, do you think you'll add those cracks in? I'm curious to see what you do with the eye shield area that looks like it has some bubbling fluid in between the glass.
I'll probably just add bubbles meshes!
End of vacation, back on track :
I'll very soon call this done!
I was not aiming at game rez , so it's pretty high on both polycount and texture size!
Stats :
-4k Albedo/Microsurface/Reflectivity/Normal for the whole helmet.
-1k for the HUD on the visor
-43399 tris
You can kind a little more here (Don't want to flood too much here! ) :
Texture sheet : Albedo / Microsurface / Reflectance