Final models and stuff:

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Alrightio, gonna have a go at this thing, will be making stuff for ze awesome medic!
Right now I'm planning to make medicy looking stuff inspired by (german) medieval stuff, maybe it wont fit the TF2 universe too well but whatever

Current ideas:
Melee replacement: Needle dagger thing. Basically a somewhat ubersaw-ish design with a needle mixed into a blade of sorts, a dagger in this case. Gameplay wise im thinking it would steal health from enemies, store it in the needle and then you could melee your teamies in order to heal them, or something like that.
Secondary replacement: Crossbow inspired needlegun, I'm thinking it would look like a crossbow but behave like a needlegun. It would also shoot larger, heavier needles that could possibly slow enemies down a wee bit, it would also have less ammo and shoot slower.
Hat replacement: something like
>this< with a medic logo and other stuff, not sure.
So yeah those are my ideas at the moment, comments and whatnot would be appreciated (not that theres much to comment yet).
like a crusader helmet with an open + for the eyes ect
Concept for the helmet, got quite a few ideas for the needle dagger and syringe crossbowthingy so will be working on concepts for that next.
Heres the concept for the melee weapon, currently calling it the 'Flammenspritze' and hoping that its not incorrectly spelled or something (should translate into flame syringe). As you might understand/see its inspired by the flambard/flammard/flammenschwert, which was used by landsknechts do to awesome stuff with. Anyway hope you like it.
also thanks for ze comments.
The helm is looking pretty schmick. I think the flame-bladed syringe is a solid idea but your concept needs a little more development. You'll need to lose the green for a start. Aside from the rare plant, you'd be hard pressed to find green anywhere in TF2.
However, wouldn't it be rather inefficient for the medic to stab allies to heal the stolen health? he could just use the medigun. However, the stealing health idea was nice... maybe increase medic's regeneration rate the more you attack?
Nice job so far.
@Jackablade: If only they were german eh :P will most likely rework the flammenspritze a whole lot since it should be cosmetic only, have got some new ideas for it.
@Funkadacious: That was just my initial idea, I've been thinking about how it could tie in more with the design, perhaps with flammable liquid in the syringe or something.
Thanks for the comments, gonna rethink my ideas a bit
Another melee weapon concept, more in line with the rules now but I dunno. Doesnt feel as unique anymore
i like this alot more than the dagger
feels alot more medic like but with the desired "theme"
Changed the colors a bit, added some crappy shading and put some orange on the blade edge there as some sort of reference to the flambarg that its inspired by.
I have highlightet the things, that fits IMHO not. ^^
The Spike and the Yellow Cone with the symbol on it r a bit out of the design.
I personally wouldn't put the medic logo there. I don't know about other people, so don't immediately take my word for it, but I can find the superfluous class icons on the new community hats quite, well, superfluous.
like charge and targe, eyelander, and the new axe arn't?
i think they look just right. keeping in mind they wont be as VIBRANT in game as shown here.
Do what u like.
Just adding my 2 Cents.^^
@Gilboron: Well, I'll see about that when its time to texture
@Buck: i can see why cutting teeth and such could make it better but Id like to keep the flambarg-ish edge.
Anyway, like i said i changed the melee concept a bit (carrying handle wohoo):
And i also came up with a ranged weapon concept, I think i need to work a bit more on it tho:
Thanks for the comments!
Did it look like something from Zelda? Well, I haven't seen anything like it in a Zelda game myself(I've completed nearly all Zelda games) and Zelda also follow a fairly medival-ish theme, which you also do, so I don't really see the problem?
Go for the one with the spike and the + logo, the one with the handle looks out of place. Just my 2 cents
And a few fixes (barrel area) to the ranged weapon:
Im gonna call these final so i can get on with the modeling, unless someone someone finds some terrible faults with the conceps
Can't wait to see the models.
The lil Barrel loks like a small Heath Kit.^^
Stay with it!
Got a whole lot of modeling done on the melee weapon (need to come up with names for my stuff for sure), currently sitting at 1730 tris with symmetry modifier.
Going to try getting it ingame soon to see how its doing modelwise, so that might be in the next update
So i heard you guys like options, currently liking nr 3 myself.
(and nice reference :poly114b:)
For both the reason of silhouette interest and keeping with the "saw" theme the medic's melee has.
So yeah, there it is, going to add some more geo and smooth out a few things then its pretty much ready for textures
Changed the handle as i thought it looked too much like the original bonesaw (too bad you cant really see it ingame). Anyway got a few more ideas ill try out before moving on to texturing.
Put a medical cross in the circle where the handle meets the blade?
i liked the handle before better. looks a bit more like the flamethrower handle
The snake should be azul or teal for BLU and reddish-brown for RED. It should roll up the medigun 3 times and have the head placed so that it looks at the front, where the Medic is healing.
The second feature are darkish red/blue hexagonal prisms. There should be two of them, one before the trigger and one at the end of the barrel.
This is never a bad thing. Ever.
It's just my opinion on how it looks, he doesn't have to take it and It does look good just some parts looked better before.
Ladies and gentlemen, i give you... Sawcalibur! Now with 100% more textures.
So there you have it, next up is helmet i think
Thanks for the comments everyone!