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maxscript that exports UV as selection into photoshop

polycounter lvl 18
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dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
hi All, been working all day on this thing. its a script that exports an objects UVWs from 3ds max into photoshop as a selection. its currently very rough, mostly because i'm not a coder,
and because i started messing with javascript 2 days ago :P

its mostly for practice and proof of concept.
if selection.count > 0 then

output_file = createfile "C:UVWscript.js"
docusize = 1024
format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file

for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
--start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
      format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
    mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i

     --write the first map vertex
     arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
     intarray = arrayvert as integer
     format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
	 arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
     intarray = arrayvert as integer
     format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
)--end for i

 for i = 1 to NMF = polyOp.getNumMapfaces $ 1 do
--start of map face array. this is the 
   	 format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
     mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
      for E = 1 to 4 do
	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
         if E < 4 then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
      )--end for E
 	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file

)--end for i

close output_file
)--end if

its also got several limitations currently.

1: doesn't work on anything else but quads
2: doesn't work on mesh objects, or primitives, or anything else that isn't a poly object.
3: 3ds max exports it into a .js file. to open it in photoshop, you need to click file>scripts>browse
4:oh forgot, for some reason photoshop acts as if the file is open even though i told it to close the script in max.
so you need to create another script file, and copy-paste the output into that.
5: painfully slow

5: i don't know if it works with anything else but max 8, but i doubt it does.
6: same goes for photoshop. i was using photoshop CS1 for this one.
7: you have to manually set the document size of the photoshop file. docusize = 1024
for example tells it that the photoshop document is a 1024x1024 map.

then browse to C: \ and open the UVWscript.js file


1: make it work with other things than just quads.
2: port it to VB, once i'm done with the proofing, and make it so that

ah well, got lots to do, i'll be messing with this thing for the next few hours.
i don't think my brain has ever hurt this much before...


  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    meshu = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 1

    currently looking at some way to increase meshu[X] until it returns undefined, and then
    somehow break, and then save X into a variable.
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Wouldn't using the build in Render UV's w/ just seam edges selected be easier? Of course you'd need to then use the magic want in photoshop, but selecting big chunks is super easy.

  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    ok got something:

    while i < 10 do

    i = i+1
    print "lal"
    if mapface == undefined then exit
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    gamedev wrote: »
    Wouldn't using the build in Render UV's w/ just seam edges selected be easier? Of course you'd need to then use the magic want in photoshop, but selecting big chunks is super easy.


    short answer: no.

    edit: got it working with full polys now:
    if selection.count > 0 then
    output_file = createfile "C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop CSUVWscript.js"
    docusize = 1024
    format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
    --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
          format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
        mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
         --write the first map vertex
         arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	 arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
     for i = 1 to NMF = polyOp.getNumMapfaces $ 1 do
    --start of map face array. this is the 
       	 format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
         mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
    	 NumFaceCons = 0	 
    	 while i < 1000 do
    	 	i = i+1
    	 	if mapface[i] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = i-1 exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
    		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
             if E < NumFaceCons then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
          )--end for E
     	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    close output_file
    )--end if
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    hahah. Point taken good sir!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    edit: fixed the bug:
    if selection.count > 0 then
    output_file = createfile "C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop CSUVWscript.js"
    docusize = 1024
    format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
    --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
          format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
        mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
         --write the first map vertex
         arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	 arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
     for i = 1 to NMF = polyOp.getNumMapfaces $ 1 do
    --start of map face array. this is the 
       	 format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
         mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
    	 NumFaceCons = 0	 
    	 F = 1
    	 while F < 50 do
    	 	F = F+1
    	 	if mapface[F] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = F-1 exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
    		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
             if E < NumFaceCons then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
          )--end for E
    	  NumFaceCons = 0
     	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    close output_file
    )--end if

    now for optimization.

    oh, and here's a picture of the selection:


    1280 polygons, took some time to autoselect in photoshop :P
    but try and do THAT with the lasso tool in photoshop :D
  • Mark Dygert
    I'm not really sure I get the purpose of the script? Is it to transfer a selection from the UV editor to photoshop? If so, that's pretty handy nice work.

    I've always used a photoshop action that looks for specific colors that I have set to be the default in the render UV dialog box. I render a template, open it in photoshop, hit F12 and it puts the solid pieces on one layer, and the wires on another. It also sets up some folders and layers with names. I agree it can be a bit tedious to wand select all the shapes... so hopefully your script does what I think it does ha!

    /crosses fingers.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    I'm not really sure I get the purpose of the script? Is it to transfer a selection from the UV editor to photoshop? If so, that's pretty handy nice work.

    I've always used a photoshop action that looks for specific colors that I have set to be the default in the render UV dialog box. I render a template, open it in photoshop, hit F12 and it puts the solid pieces on one layer, and the wires on another. It also sets up some folders and layers with names. I agree it can be a bit tedious to wand select all the shapes... so hopefully your script does what I think it does ha!

    /crosses fingers.

    pretty much, yeah, but i still need to simplify the operations.
    currently its probably as slow as rendering out a template of an object, and loading it into photoshop.
    ideally its going to be a single-click, and the UV selection is instantly in photoshop,
    but i think i might have hit the limit of what i can do with javascripting photoshop.
  • glib
    Psst, renderhjs already has a button that does this in his script (which also has a thread in this forum). Nice work though ;).

    [edit] I'm an idiot, I should have tried it first. renderhjs's just copies it to the clipboard, not any photoshop-side stuff. Ignore me!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    so far, i've failed to find a way to improve the speed of the JS,
    but i added an "expand" function to it now, so that the borders are increased by 2 pixels:
    if selection.count > 0 then
    output_file = createfile "C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop CSUVWscript.js"
    docusize = 1024
    format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
    --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
          format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
        mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
         --write the first map vertex
         arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	 arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
     for i = 1 to NMF = polyOp.getNumMapfaces $ 1 do
    --start of map face array. this is the 
       	 format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
         mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
    	 NumFaceCons = 0	 
    	 F = 1
    	 while F < 50 do
    	 	F = F+1
    	 	if mapface[F] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = F-1 exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
    		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
             if E < NumFaceCons then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
          )--end for E
    	  NumFaceCons = 0
     	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    format "activeDocument.selection.expand(2);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    close output_file
    )--end if

    i need some way to disable redraw in photoshop...
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    don't worry glib, that's why my first post in this thread is blank :P

    Nice work Deja. Could definitely be useful for making good layer masks.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    if I understand it correctly the main flaw in adobes JS workflow is that you NEED to click each time the file > scripts > ... thingy?
    isn`t there a way by passing through some parameters to photoshop?

    e.g here is a maxscript that opens the current texture in photoshop using parameters that are passed through to photoshop

    now if one could do the same with the scripts to be executed (e.g path to temporary script file) that would be nice. I was already searching but did not found anything yet.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not sure I'm following exactly what you are trying to do here. (Using Max 2009)

    In Unwrap UVW, you can do Tools > Render UVW Template > Mode (choose solid) > Render UV Template.

    This will export an image with solid blocks for the UV elements, and it also includes Alpha. This alpha can be loaded as a selection in Photoshop.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    @Ryno: a few cons:
    - not dynamic in size so you would have to define each time what resolution to use for the photoshop texture.
    - requires to select the UV template so that there is a selection
    - manually delete the layer afterwards after the selection

    in a ideal way you would have:
    - 3dsmax and photoshop running
    then you select the faces in the UV editor - run the script and you would get instantly the selection of that in photohop in the same texture document that matches the objects texture from 3dsmax.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18

    I remember someone posted this a while back. It seems to do exactly what you are doing. Not sure how fast it is, didn't try it yet - but from the video it seems to be very quick. Maybe you can take a look at it?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    In photoshop, run the script by choosing File - Scripts - Browse... Select the script file from your <3dsmax root>scripts directory. Make sure the photoshop document you wish to use is open AND the active document. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the script file into Photoshop
    - I wish at least that could be avoided out of the box - without assigning shortcuts ect.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I think there must be a way, but I am pretty new to Photoshop scripting so I haven't found out yet.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    well like I mentioned before the script
    is particlary interesting as it passes additional parameters to photoshop

    the snippet of the particular part I mean
    for b in bitmapsToLoad do (
    	pathsToExec += """ + b + "" "
    --DOSCommand execMe
    shellLaunch photoshopPath (""" + pathsToExec + """)

    some info about the command 'shellLaunch'

    shellLaunch "e:/t.avi" "/play /loop"
    launches the the t.avi file and tells the media player that supports the parameters /play /loop to play and loop the animation.
    So what I would like to know where to read up the parameters Photoshop supports. I am hoping that there might be one that supports to pass through a script to be executed which would solve the misery of the runScript thing in photoshop.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Ah! Droplets might help...?

    Also it's worth noting that if you save as a .jsx file and have #target photoshop in the script, it'll launch the app if it's not running. Might be possible to pass parameters to a script too?
    This is VBS example but may work for Javascript too...
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    sorry for the wait, i finally managed to get empire total war working :P
    anyways i'm back, and i figured some way to launch the script from 3ds max.

    here's the modified maxscript first:
    macroScript saveUVstophotoshop category:"Dejascripts" tooltip:"unwrap UVWs into photoshop selection" Icon:#("GameTools",2)
    if selection.count > 0 then
    output_file = createfile "C:UVWscript.js"
    docusize = 1024
    format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
    --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
          format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
        mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
         --write the first map vertex
         arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	 arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
     for i = 1 to NMF = polyOp.getNumMapfaces $ 1 do
    --start of map face array. this is the portion that prints "selRegion = Array(VX,VX,VX.....);"
       	 format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
         mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
    	 NumFaceCons = 0	 
    	 F = 1
    	 while F < 50 do
    	 	F = F+1
    	 	if mapface[F] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = F-1 exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
    		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
             if E < NumFaceCons then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
          )--end for E
    	  NumFaceCons = 0
     	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    format "activeDocument.selection.expand(2);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    close output_file
    )--end if
    shellLaunch "C:openscriptinphotoshop.exe" ""

    and here's a link to the visual basic application (might only work with photoshop CS1, or on my computer)

    put that stuff in C: \

    i found this in the photoshop CS scripting guide:

    Dim appRef As Photoshop.Application
    Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
    appRef.DoJavaScriptFile ("D: \\Scripts\\MosaicTiles.js")

    just pasted that code into a visual basic console project, changed the name of the script and path, and added a reference for photoshop, and seems to run nicely.
    i'm now going to tinker and see if i can somehow get more stuff done in VB, and see if its faster too.
    oh btw, that console window will show up until the script is done "rendering" the UVs.
    and also, remember to have a picture open in photoshop, or it won't work.
    oh and don't forget to have an object selected in max too.
    very very hacky :P

    oh, and last, its now a macroscript, so you can run it from a button.
    but if you want to test if it works on your computer first, just put -- in front of the line that says macroscript.... etc.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i think i might have figured how to do selection with visual basic.
    now i just need to work around these VB 2008 incompatibility issues.. hrm.
  • dejawolf
    Offline / Send Message
    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    ok, got selection working in VB :)
    doesn't seem to be faster though.. hmm.
    guess i need to work on my selection algorithm then.
  • dejawolf
    Offline / Send Message
    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    actually i think this whole scheme is faulty. i think i'll instead try and find out if i can paste
    a black and white image of the UV template that max has rendered, and load that into the photoshop selection quickmask area or something.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    might be faster yes :) and easier to code
  • Titus
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    Titus polycounter lvl 14
    Aslo i render UVs into PNG with alpha channel and it looks in photoshop like separate layer, and you can also select only wire or solid elements ;)
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    made another script.
    this one exports the UVs as vectors into photoshop.
    it doesn't work on objects with more than 1000 polygons though, photoshop just throws an error.
    trying to figure out how to work around this currently:
    if selection.count > 0 then
    output_file = createfile "C:UVWscript.js"
    docusize = 1024
    format"app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;n" to:output_file--write to file
    format"app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;n" to:output_file--write to file
    format"app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;n" to:output_file--write to file
    format"var docRef = app.activeDocument;n"to:output_file--write to file
    format"var letterSubPaths = new Array();n"to:output_file--write to file
    format"AddLetterHPath(letterSubPaths);n"to:output_file--write to file
    format"nfunction AddLetterHPath(inOutSubpaths)n{n"to:output_file--write to file
    --start of vertex operation portion
    for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
    --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x) part.
          format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
        mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
         --write the first map vertex
         arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	 arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
         intarray = arrayvert as integer
         format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
    	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    --start of face operations portion
     for i = 1 to NMF = polyOp.getNumMapfaces $ 1 do
         format"var letterPoints = new Array();nn"to:output_file--write to file
         mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i--gets the currently active mapface in the array
    	 NumFaceCons = 0	 --variable to hold the number of vertices in the map face array
    	 F = 1               
    	 while F < 50 do-- loop that finds out how many vertices is in this map face array
    	 	F = F+1
    	 	if mapface[F] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = F exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	    UX = E-1
    	    arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
            if mapface[E] == undefined then (arrayfacevert = mapface[1])
    		format	"	letterPoints[%] = new PathPointInfo;n" UX						to:output_file
    		format	"	letterPoints[%].kind = PointKind.CORNERPOINT;n"	UX			to:output_file
    		format	"	letterPoints[%].anchor = V%;n" UX 	arrayfacevert				to:output_file
    		format	"	letterPoints[%].leftDirection = letterPoints[%].anchor;n" UX UX	to:output_file
    		format	"	letterPoints[%].rightDirection = letterPoints[%].anchor;nn"UX UX	to:output_file
          )--end for E
    	  NumFaceCons = 0
    	  format	"var insertIndex = inOutSubpaths.length; ninOutSubpaths[insertIndex] = new SubPathInfo();n" to:output_file
    	  format	"inOutSubpaths[insertIndex].operation = ShapeOperation.SHAPEXOR; ninOutSubpaths[insertIndex].closed = false;n" to:output_file
       	  format	"inOutSubpaths[insertIndex].entireSubPath = letterPoints;nn" to:output_file
    )--end for i
    format	"}n" to:output_file
    format	"var myPathItem = docRef.pathItems.add("", letterSubPaths);n" to:output_file

    oh, and here's a modified UV selection script that only exports the selected UVs in 3ds max into photoshop.
    spent some hours banging my head into the wall trying to figure out how to make UVs render out into a render window. so far i can draw single pixels.
    --macroScript saveUVstophotoshop category:"Dejascripts" tooltip:"unwrap UVWs into photoshop selection" Icon:#("GameTools",2)
    if selection.count > 0 then
    output_file = createfile "C:UVWscript.js"
    docusize = 1024
    format "activeDocument.selection.deselect();" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    --get the vertex selection first into the array I, and loop through it.
     for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
     --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
           format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
         mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
          --write the first map vertex
          arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
          intarray = arrayvert as integer
          format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
     	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	  arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
          intarray = arrayvert as integer
          format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
     	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    for i in polyOp.getFaceSelection $ do
        --start of map face array. this is the portion that prints "selRegion = Array(VX,VX,VX.....);"
       	  format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
          mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
      	 NumFaceCons = 0	 --variable to hold number of vertices bound together by a map face
      	 F = 1
     	 while F < 50 do --loops through the number of vertices in a face to get the number of faces.
    	 	F = F+1
    	 	if mapface[F] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = F-1 exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
    		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
             if E < NumFaceCons then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
          )--end for E
    	  NumFaceCons = 0
     	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    format "activeDocument.selection.expand(2);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    close output_file
    )--end if
    shellLaunch "C:openscriptinphotoshop.exe" ""
  • dejawolf
    Offline / Send Message
    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    some more modifications to the script:

    this time it will automatically figure out the size of your bitmap, based on the size of the diffuse texture applied to the selected object.
    macroScript saveUVstophotoshop category:"Dejascripts" tooltip:"unwrap UVWs into photoshop selection" Icon:#("GameTools",2)
    if selection.count > 0 then
    if $.material.maps[2].bitmap != undefined then
    output_file = createfile "C:UVWscript.js" 
    docusize = $.material.maps[2].bitmap.width
    format "activeDocument.selection.deselect();" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    format "var docSize = %;n" docusize    to:output_file--write to file
    --get the vertex selection first into the array I, and loop through it.
     for i = 1 to NMV = polyOp.getNumMapVerts $ 1 do
     --start of map vertex array. this goes into the V = Array(x,x,x) part.
           format "var V% = Array(" i  to:output_file--write to file
         mapvert = polyOp.getmapvert $ 1 i
          --write the first map vertex
          arrayvert = mapvert[1]*docusize
          intarray = arrayvert as integer
          format "%," intarray  to:output_file--write to file
     	 --write the second map vertex. this one is inverted, because of 3ds max's non-conformity!!
    	  arrayvert = (1-mapvert[2])*docusize--the mapvert is a value from 0 to 1
          intarray = arrayvert as integer
          format "%" intarray  to:output_file--write to file
     	 format ");n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    for i in polyOp.getFaceSelection $ do
        --start of map face array. this is the portion that prints "selRegion = Array(VX,VX,VX.....);"
       	  format "selRegion = Array("    to:output_file--write to file
          mapface = polyOp.getmapface $ 1 i
      	 NumFaceCons = 0	 --variable to hold number of vertices bound together by a map face
      	 F = 1
     	 while F < 50 do --loops through the number of vertices in a face to get the number of faces.
    	 	F = F+1
    	 	if mapface[F] == undefined then (NumFaceCons = F-1 exit)
          for E = 1 to NumFaceCons do
    	 	 arrayfacevert = mapface[E]
    		 format "V%"arrayfacevert  to:output_file--write to file
             if E < NumFaceCons then ( format ","arrayfacevert  to:output_file)
          )--end for E
    	  NumFaceCons = 0
     	  format ");n activeDocument.selection.select(selRegion, SelectionType.EXTEND);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    )--end for i
    format "activeDocument.selection.expand(2);n"  to:output_file--write to file
    close output_file
    )--end if
    shellLaunch "C:openscriptinphotoshop.exe" ""
    )--end undefined bitmap for selection
    )--end undefined selection
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    nice work man, I will have a look at this later and see how it works
  • dejawolf
    Offline / Send Message
    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    renderhjs wrote: »
    nice work man, I will have a look at this later and see how it works

    its not a big change, just changed docusize = 1024 to docusize = $.material.maps[2].bitmap.width
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