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Zbrush Head

Hey guys.

Im kinda new here. great place. :)

I'm on break from school and work so I was going bored out of my mind so i just decided to start this head sculpt in zbrush. its the first time ive tried to zbrush a realistic head. based the proportions off photographs of my own head.

this is about 30 minutes in zbrush.

any crits? major problems i should fix early on?





  • 00Zero
    more refining. brought the eyes closer together, as well as gathered some reference and started detailing them.

    i need to learn how to use subtools so i can put some actual eyeballs in there and sculpt the eyelids around them so they look right, right now i bet theyre not following a perfect sphere so they look weird.


    any crits are welcome
  • 00Zero
    HEEEY figured out how to use the subtools. :) at least enough to let me put eyes in. i fixed the curvature of the eyelids to match the new eyeballs.

  • 00Zero
    more shape changes and refining

    now i need to figure out what kind of character this guy is gonna be.
    i was thinking that one guy from id's RAGE trailer. asian dude with the scifi hat.

  • Vrav
    Offline / Send Message
    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Sounds cool.

    His lips are rather small - general rule is the corner of lips lines up with the center of the eye. If you look at some faces, you should see this is the case; cross-checking stuff like that is vital if you're trying for realistic proportions. :)
  • 00Zero
    ah yea, youre right. my (actual) lips are a bit smaller though, but ill make them a bit bigger. thanks
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    This is a good start. I think some of the proportions are off. The jaw area seems small in relation to the eye and nose. I think also that the eyes may be spaced a little far apart for the size that they are also. Thats what sticks out for me right now. Hope that helps :)
  • ScoobyDoofus
    Offline / Send Message
    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Nice start, but my first and best advice at this point is:

    Use reference. Lots of it.
  • 00Zero
    yea, thanks guys.

    i took a look at some facial proportion drawings and adjusted my model to better match.

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Certainly a step in the right direction.

    My advice, forget about detail. Your moving up in subdivisions too quickly and not establishing the main shapes as you should first. Really try to push the lower subdivisions to the max before you step up and things will start working much better for you.

    That aside, its a really nice head for your first attempt. Lot's of people will tell you brute force is the best way to learn, so just keep playing with it. Especially when you have the free time like you said.
  • 00Zero
    i really was trying to do as much as i could with the lower subdivisions, but i can always go back and push it more i guess. thanks

    btw, im digging your GoW character. very cool
  • 00Zero
    more work. been checking out a bunch of facial photos.

    can you tell me specifically which parts really stand out as mistakes? ive been looking at it so long i kinda dont see them anymore. although i probably will after i wake up in the morning with a fresh pair of eyes.

    ugghhh photobucket is such a pain.





    goodnight, its almost 3am....meh. so much for waking up early.
  • Harry
    Offline / Send Message
    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    cranium is all wrong at the back, the curve shouldnt go down that far
    hopefully you get what i mean
  • 00Zero
    yup, i see it. and i see a bunch of other things now after a good 12 hours of sleep :\

    some guys over at pixolator gave me a paintover of all the areas that need tweaking so ill be working on that and should hopefully have this thing ready to retopo by tomorrow
  • 00Zero
    so i fixed a bunch of proportion problems and added hair.

    what do you think?

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    a smile is not created by just moving the corners of the mouth upwards, it's done by the contraction of some muscles pulling the corners back- and upwards towards the cheekbone, it's better on the last image but it still doesn't really appear like a smile
  • JohnnyRaptor
    Offline / Send Message
    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    pretty good progress. id say the lower portion of his face is too compressed, pulling it down would improve, oh and the ala of the nose are too thin. and spend a little more time on the ears. you have tiny details like skin wrinkles and folds under the chin, but youv neglected something as large as the ears.
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