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Back pain = AAAAARGH

Well. This is a fucking how-do-you-do.

Back story: 6 months ago, my amazing girlfriend bought us tickets to see Dylan Moran's live show, which is tonight. Two days ago, in a trek around Guildford trying to find the guitarist for my college recording project, who had disappeared off the face of the planet, as guitarists do, I managed to slip on some wet stairs. Rather than actually falling, risking a bruised knee or grazed shin, I put my arm out to balance myself on the handrail, making something in my back go 'twang'. Shaking myself off, the pain went away, and I thought not a lot else of it, despite my black mood at the exercise in herding cats that is getting musicians and producers in the same place. The pain gradually came back, and settled at a low throb.

Yesterday it was painful, but I could deal with it. I woke up today, and it was a bit better. But then, with no warning whatsoever, the pain crescendoed to the point where I can now barely walk, and even sitting is painful. Fuck, just the very act of BEING is painful. Walking brings me near to tears.

My wonderful dad has offered to take us to the theatre, so we can actually enjoy the night, which is great. But it's REALLY not a good time to be practically out of action. I've got work to do, deadlines to meet, and people that have (rather stupidly) dumped all their work onto me in the knowledge that I make things better (I'm practically top of my class, and we're working in groups). Now I might well have to pull out of it entirely, and leave the work to people that haven't the first idea what I've done to the song so far and don't know what to do next.



Anyone else been inconveniently temporarily crippled recently?


  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    my brother had something similiar, slippery disk, but carried it for a long time not knowing it happend to him. Check yourself, you never know.

    good luck
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Damn... good luck, see a specialist! Hope you get better!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    OMG I hate life for this reason. The body is so stupid when it breaks.
  • skankerzero
    I herniated 2 of my lower disks back in September of 2004.

    I live with the pain almost every day since.

    Get yourself checked out.
  • cep
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    cep polycounter lvl 18
    Does it hurt to move the arm you balanced yourself with?
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    well not so much my back but I got crippled recently by my wrist , a month and a half ago I was a the gym bench pressing heavy , when some kid bumped into the side of my weight as I was benching, I would have let it drop if it werent for 1 problem, to the left of me was a woman bench pressing and If I were to drop it , it would have fell/crushed her. So instead of dropping the weight I jerked the weight in place , in that process messed up both my left and right wrist,

    my right wrist healed a week later, but my left was messed up to the point I couldnt even lift a pen with it (luckly for work/art reasons im a righty)

    I had to go to the doctor they gave me some anti flamatory/swelling medicine, ive been on them for the last 2 weeks or so, my wrist for the first time in the last month in a half finally stopped hurting and the last few days I can lift normal things with it again (soda cans and such)

    It'll be nice to hit back to the gym again...Im going to strangle that kid with my left hand when I find him -_-

    In short :FAK' ARGH!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    See a doctor, man. Back, knees, and shoulders are not things to mess with.

    Anyway yeah. My recent, annoying injuries:

    dislocated a knee early this year, prevented me going to college out of state
    hurt the same knee a few months ago, still hurts when i am too rough on it
    got thrown on my head and hurt my back just over a week ago, could barely move without terrible pain for days
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    your muscles need to relax, all your added stress is going to do more damage and make it last longer. Then start sleeping on the floor or a really solid bed.

    Get some muscle relaxants and fast. The best one that comes to mind, opium.
  • Michael Knubben
    That's terrible, steve.
    I'll tell you what, you rest, I'll take your girl to see Dylan Moran.
    And don't mention it. That's what friends are for!

    Seriously though, make sure you see a doctor eventually, back-pain is of the sort that lingers, and has a seriously big chance of worsening with time.
    Your back hurts, you adjust your posture so as to cope, your posture makes your back worse and your back hurts so you adjust your posture so a... well, you get it.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    Man, I've had the exact same thing (minus the railing grab, I'm not That stupid ;). It happened a few years ago. Since then, I've had the same muscle (right upper trapezius) get caught several times, not as bad but still pretty demobilizingly bad. I'm just recovering from one right now... hit me again after a soccer game. These kind of stuff tend to reoccur, so watch it.

    1. http://www.tigerbalm.com
    2. Swim + sauna / steam-room + jacuzzi as much as you can
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    Oh man I just went through this 2 weeks ago. It really REALLY sucks.
    I had a bulged disc in my lower back. The first day I was in extreme pain I was stuck on my back couldn't move an inch. Had a sharp pain from the base of my spine down the sciatica nerve of my left leg all the way to the tip of my foot. Pain kept coming like contractions. Was fucking horrible. I'm guessing your probably went through that eh Skanker?

    After that I was stuck in bed for at least 6 days I think, first few days I could barely even get up to go to the bathroom. Your kidneys start to get sore as hell laying straight on your back for hours and hours too. Not to mention being bored and helpless to do anything.

    Had no insurance too so I didn't go to a doctor. Was kinda freaked out about that. Luckily my father was experienced with lower back problems and could help me out.

    Also pretty lucky that I recovered quick though and seem to be in as good condition as I was before the whole ordeal. That was a horrible experience.

    One thing I recommend is to spend some money and get the best chair possible for your back if you plan on sitting for hours on end working at a computer.
  • spookyruthy
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    spookyruthy polycounter lvl 8
    I'd suggest going to hospital first. Secondly, if you're in so much pain that walking is difficult for you, you need to tell your tutors, get a doctor's note sorted so that they will believe you, and try and conduct your work online via e-mail and things.

    I was off sick for 3 and a half weeks last year (right before a group project deadline as well) because of undiagnosed IBS and undiagnosed lactose intolerance. It was gross.

    Don't worry, man, it happens to the best of us at the worst of times!
  • Steviant
    Last night was, well, dramatic to say the least.

    Saw Dylan Moran: was great fun, seats were comfy, it was in Oxford so the sight of me walking around with the help of a cane was seen as completely normal by everybody there. Had a great time. Got home, had dinner, went to bed. Woke up an hour later screaming in pain, and it hasn't stopped since. Seeing a doctor in a couple of hours. Hospital had a 5 hour waiting list on A+E last night, due to my town being what it is on the weekends, and NHS Direct were about as useful as a chocolate kettle. The local phone doctor was cool though, if a bit vague. Take lots of painkillers, try to move as much as possible, was the cure.

    After I find out what the hell is wrong with me and how long it'll take to go away, thats when I call my tutors and get an extension on my deadlines.

    Thanks all for the sympathy and wisdom :).
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    My chair at work causes extreme pain at times to my coccyx. I guess it's lack of padding or something (it's a horrible cheap task chair). Since I'm not a fulltime Microsoft employee they won't buy me a new chair, and my contractor firm won't buy me a new chair unless I have a doctor's note. So I may do that.
    The pain is knarly though. Sharp stabbing pain right at the coccyx, which climbs about 8-10 inches up my back. I'll adjust in my seat and I'll be good for another hour or so.
    The pain is non existent if I sit up perfectly straight, but I can't do that for 8hrs. It's horribly uncomfortable and makes it hard to work.
  • Steviant
    Well, went to the doc's today, he put me on co-codamol for the pain and valium for the spasms and muscle lock. He reckons that its a rather badly sprained muscle, not nerve or disc related, which is a major relief. Reckons 3 weeks to heal and has given me a note for college to give me an extension, which is nice. I've got physio in January to help prevent it from happening again, and the drugs appear to be working :).

    Alls well that ends well, I guess.
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