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hi poly


I'm going to build this hi poly and make a normal map for a next-gen model.


  • Michael Knubben
    Is the concept yours?

    If not, posting your intent really isn't very useful, this forum is for posting work.

    If it is: It's looking pretty cool. The concept doesn't make it very clear which bits stick out and how much, but if the model ends up having some nice overlapping stuff, it could turn it really nice. I don't really like some of the really thin bevely bits, though. It seems like the objects the sit on don't have very much shape to them, but that'll be sorted out with modeling, I'm sure.
  • dolemite
    the work is mine. sorry, i guess I should have mentioned that.

    thanks for the feedback. I'll probably be reworking the concept a bit before I begin modeling.
  • rhoymand
    I don't know if this is what you're going for, but I changed the proportions to make it more like a sniper rifle. made the barrel, stock, grip, and scope longer. also added a bipod.

    the stock still needs a cheek piece and the scope needs a rail.

    also, whats that stub in front of the trigger?

  • dolemite

    thanks for the responses!

    The stub underneath the gun is for mounting a tripod. I might go ahead and model one of those as well.

    It's supposed to be a heavy machine gun based on the M-60, not a sniper rifle. I guess it's my fault for putting a scope on it. My idea was that the future soldier would sync with the scope and use it for night vision, thermal, etc. as well as sniping if he needed to. Also he could prop it somewhere and fire remotely.

    Perhaps motorized tripod would help sell this?

    @ rhoymand: Thanks for the paint over! I always appreciate those. If I was going to make it more of a sniper rifle I would definately take it the direction you have shown. It helped me to realize how I made something that isn't heavy machine gun enough and I'm now looking for ways to do more of that.

    I'm not sure if I want to have a big box of ammo on the opposite side of the gun, or a string of bullets.

    Will also play with some of the shapes inside of the gun tonight.

    thanks again! I know paint overs take time and I SOOOO appreciate it!
  • svcoyle
    Cant wait to see the model
  • rhoymand
    oh so its more of a camera than a scope. I'd change it from being cylindrical to more square.

    for a medium machine gun the stock is looking weak. it needs to be bigger and beefier.

    if it could be fired remotely then whatever its mounted on would pull the trigger or the gun would be fired electronically. if its the latter then it needs to look more futuristic. right now it looks kinda manual with a lot of moving parts rather than electronic.
  • dolemite

    thanks for the square idea. I was going to do more tonight, but I'm kind of tapped out for the moment, it's pretty late here.

    Will try and do more tomorrow.

    thanks for the feedback and for helping me develop this idea!
  • butt_sahib
    Offline / Send Message
    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Looking excellent!
    Definitely see great improvement in depth with the latest.

    Looking forward to the model :D
  • EarthQuake
    I think if you step back and look at the overall shape, the design is very boring, just a couple box shapes and some angled lines. I would try and rethink the form a bit, and try to design from views other than the side only. If you only think of it from the side you're going to end up with a design that only looks cool from the side(ie: bad for a FPS gun).

    Try blocking out the basic shapes, and then see what you have there, once you can block out an interesting shape, try painting over that model in a perspective view so you can focus on adding details and shapes where they count.
  • dolemite
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