Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Need a crit!


Im still new to this site, so I dont know how to post Jpegs up here...

I need crits on my...

School Environment
Bathroom Environment

Soap Prop
Toilet Prop
Flag/Pillar Prop
Shield of Time Prop

Any suggestions would be most appreciated! These are all meant to be for in game use.



  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    If you want crits you're probably gonna need to post some stuff here.

    1: render of object
    2:wireframe overlay of object
    3:flat texture layout

    Info on what you're trying to accomplish, what the model will be used for, etc...

    I took a quick look at your toilet and while the model looks fine for a toilet (other than having no idea how the polys look) I think the texture is pretty rough.
    Usually toilets are procelin which doesn't get dinged up, it would be a really smooth surface. Yours has a really dinged up random bumpmap appearance.
    The tex itself looks 'sloppy' to me. I seems like you wanted a dirty toilet but it's just random colors of grime. Usually a dirty toilet would have crud down around the bottom but the floor. Maybe a dirty bowl and stuff dripping down the sides of the bowl. Water wrings inside the bowl, etc... But the top of it would be fairly clean, dusty at most.
  • CowmasterStudios
    how do i post pictures on this forum? I've tried the JPG button and tried putting in photobucket image link... but to no prevail!

    help? :]
  • bounchfx
    have your image somewhere online.. then it's just standard html code unless they've changed something here drastically since the last time I've posted an image..

    basically put "URL OF IMAGE" and you're set.

    testing so I don't feel like an ass..


  • CowmasterStudios
  • Mark Dygert
    no quotes just...


    But replace {} with []

    Also notice I linked to the jpg not the HTML, which could be why the image button isn't working.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
    Offline / Send Message
    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Isn't this pretty much the same thing you posted back in June?


    Looks like ur normals are still a little too high.

    The flag has floating bits a torn flag is fine but you need to realize bits just don't float.

    I'd also have two separate sites one for your 'photography' and one for your 3d.
  • Paul Pepera
    Offline / Send Message
    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Hm, where to begin...

    First, please do not put your work renders against white backgrounds, it makes it a pain on the eyes when critting texture work. Try a darker background.

    You really need to work on your lighting. Among other things, there are blue light reflections on the floor/desks in the school scene, but no actual lights in the scene? The window in the bedroom scene looks real bad, just a photo slapped on the wall? even the bottles are casting shadows on the glass?

    Your texturing is extremely sloppy. Basically everything has the same normal map/grunge surface detail; whether it's wooden, plastic, metal, it all has the same bumpy surface. You also need to watch the texture scale, the normal map detail on the walls in the classroom is WAY too large, same goes with the floor.

    I have no idea what kind of surface you were going for in the toilet prop, it looks like it's wrapped in some plastic material. The scraps and dirt on it doesn't really make any sense, looks like a kid was drawing on it with a crayon or something (unless that is the look you wanted to achieve?)

    The texture resolution on the soap prob is way too big; your not going to map a tiny, 50 tri- deco asset on a 1024 texture map.

    Your work comes across as being very rushed, like you threw together these assets and scenes in a single night. Put some time and love into your work, it will show.

    Also, kinda off-topic here since you only asked for crits on your game peices, you really need to pick a career/job path you are gearing this portfolio for. Do you want to work on game or direct independent films? Your "About" section talks alot more about your love for films and only the last blurb mentions anything about the game art. Your resume has no clear objective, are you looking for a game art job or a film job?
  • CowmasterStudios
    ok im going to turn down the Normals in my scene a lot and try to take out the bumpy look...

    Im also going to take that Motel scene out of my portfolio since that is a old piece.

    The textures on the toilet are going to be redone completely...

    any other comments anyone else has?

    Also if anyone knows of any exercises I could do to help my art along let me know.
  • RobStites
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    RobStites polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with the crits on the normals, they just appear to be noise. I think you need to gather more reference and really look at what the surfaces look like because right now it's just not there. The toilet looks like you used the plastic wrap filter in photoshop on it or there are some serious normal issues. The tile on the floor is used in both scenes, but the scale is completely different. In the school scene it looks like linoleum that's been scaled way too big while in the bathroom the normal map isn't working like it should.

    Gather some good reference and focus on what the surfaces actually look like.
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