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gausswerks.com, the new site for cool kids

polycounter lvl 18
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gauss polycounter lvl 18
so you say to yourself, over and over: man, i wish i was cool. also, wouldn't it be cool if gauss had a new homepage on his own, easy to remember site url instead of a long-ass PQ one, one that featured an up-to-date portfolio as well as a blog where he posted all of those great images he posts to the forums, all in one place?!

well it's here now. i know having all the images i post in one place just might completely preclude people from visiting these boards or other websites altogether, just sitting at their computer in a trance-like state hitting f5 over and over again in hopes that i'll post a new sketch, but that's a risk i'm willing to take.

click on the scary ol' butcherbot to visit the new gausswerks.com!


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    really great stuff there.

    only problem i see is that once you go to the portfolio/resume there's no linkage back to your blog.
    blog to port/resume is okay, have to go under your profile. maybe a little self linkage on the front there wink.gif
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Yay, now I can be cool! Nice one, Gauss
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19

    ye lotsa goodies i haven't seen before.. great stuff man
    i think you could chop off a few pieces from the portfolio area tho!
    'tighten the belt' so to say.. 'squeezing comfortably in between the boobies'.. perhaps 'giving 'er yee ol' brazillian shave' even??

    oh man..
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    thanks mop smile.gif

    snem: good thinking. if you look now, there's a darker gausswerks logo on the portfolio and resume pages that link back to the main site, allowing you to go to the blog or whatever. you're a crafty sort, you know smile.gif

    Makkon: i do it for the kids. coolness is not guaranteed, but it's definitely a lot more likely.

    shotgun: trim off too much and you don't enough steak for a full dinner, know what i mean? i think i'll leave your metaphors alone smile.gif . originally i had 9 pieces, not 12, but it just wasn't well rounded enough. yes, you're only supposed to show your very very best, but there's also some give and take about showing that you do more than say, in this instance, robots and vehicles. hope you get what i mean. how you picture your portfolio in your head and what the thing ends up looking like are always a little ways apart, eh?
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Some great stuff in there. And great to finally see your new sight. Now I can stalk you. Seriously though I think shotgun has a point. Personally I don't care for the HL2 full image concepts (the full scene ones). The guard tower one is the most obvious to me, where I find I like it better if I scroll up and look only at the orthos.

    The problem with them (including the arial one) isn't that they are bad, but they could use tighter composition, some of the perspective looks a little wonky to me, and the forground, mid and background use a lot of the same contrast levels and colors and tend to blend together a little bit (especially in the image of the trucks).

    Awesome stuff generally though.
    I respect your design abillity, and your individual drawings are really good. I hope you don't take this as me shitting on your stuff. I can post up a paintover I tried out if you are interested.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    hey no disrespect taken. shotgun definitely has a point that i don't disagree with; what you've posted mirrors the argument i've had with myself ever since i did those valve scenes.
    if you look back on when i posted the valve concepts here and on CA.org (especially my big reply in the latter), i talked about how i was really trying to make myself grow beyond my usual, by drawing complete scenes.

    i agree completely with your comments. the perspective is a little wobbly in places, composition weak, color choices unsure, and on down the line... but i've got to start some where.

    how else do you transition from drawing vehicles/people/etc. with no backgrounds to drawing scenes? i know i'm going to hit a plateau if i don't do more full-scene stuff, so that's all i can do.

    that's all well and good, you say, but why are they in your portfolio if they're not up to par with the isolated vehicle/character designs? i almost left out the scene drawings underneath the ortho stuff in the portfolio, but i've kept them in for two reasons. the first is what i replied to shotgun... they might not be my absolute best, but they do represent my best in that area. i don't think they're so horrible as to be omitted entirely. and the second reason is a bit more practical--especially for the mobile barrier, but also for the CPC design, to me it's important to show them "in action," despite my relative inability to do effectively. since you've seen the ortho drawings with them you might prefer not to see the scene drawings, but without them it's harder to conceptualize what they're supposed to be doing in the game world.

    so i end up thinking along the same lines as when i posted this stuff to CA.org--i don't really think i'm cut out for illustration and i don't consider myself an illustrator. to me there's a considerable gradation between a concept and an illustration. i suppose my failing is not sticking more clearly to my preference for the former. a concept can be presented beautifully illustrated, but if your illustrative skills aren't up to par (mine aren't) you're better off focusing on presenting things clearly and cleanly, instead of a muddy photoshop painting, so it's my fault for betraying my design formation.

    well good going man, now my incessant inner monologue has bubbled up into public discourse again and it's all your fault laugh.gif feel free to post the paintover, i'm rather curious to see it.
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    I miss Lovewerks, Ah! But I suppose it was time for an update since that's been your site for a couple years now hasn't it? Nice overall feel to it, definately an upgrade.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    gauss: Great work as always. I have yet to be dissappointed by any of your work.

    The guy in the green coveralls...whats with the payphone?

    As for "muddy photoshop painting" I always like the texture of your work, but some of it does seem a little unfinished at times. A bit lacking in polish.

    As a model/texture artist, I would be wanting for more explicit detail, rather than suggestion of detail, when realizing some of these concepts.

    Your tank/carryall designs clearly show you can do clean drafting quality stuff, I'd just like to see a bigger dash of that style in the rest of your body of work.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I think this paintover doesn't work as well as yours in terms of mood but I think it is easier to "read". I added a orange light off to the right and changed the values for the forground, background, and bumped up the contrast for the mid ground. The orange and the contrast help to draw one's eyes to the trucks and dudes. Feng Zhu says to always add debris and whatnot flying around and shit. I think that could have worked well for this image. The back of the right truck is a bit low for the perspective, but I think the rest of it works.

    In terms of doing full scenes, I think most of doing it well can be summed up with "tricks" and methods, and the hard part is the skill (which you have) so you shouldn't worry. I think this stuff needs tweaks not starting over.

    Recently I have started taking note of colors and compositions that I think work. More or less this is stuff you can rip off that nobody will notice or complain about it. There is a limited number of set-ups that look good anyway.

  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Gauss: would it be possible to put your concept art for the companies you have worked for? SSX for example.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    me likey! make a button so i can add you to my links page!
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    maulor: haha yeah me too, lovewerks will always have a place in my heart. i'm going to keep it up at the old PQ site as an archive; at some point i might keep it mirrored somewhere on my new site. glad you like the new one though.

    scoob: yeah, what is up with that payphone? mysterious! smile.gif i hear you on bringing the character work up to the level of the dialed-in mechanical stuff... but you know how it goes. you spend your experience points all in one area and it takes a while to bring another up to par. man, that was a really nerdy was to say that. and believe me, while working as a professional, my drawings are "to spec"--when I work there isn't much a modeler has to wonder about how to handle, and if they do I'll whip up a quick detail study of exactly what they're unsure of! smile.gif

    Ninjas: thanks a lot man, I appreciate it. Some good words about just basic tricks about lighting (the main old light/fill light trick I still manage to keep in mind) that I'll have to investigate more later. Feng's got a lot of great tricks, but on the other hand, despite my enjoyment of the industrial design style as exemplified by Robertson and Zhu and the like, i'd rather not get into such a homogenic rendering style. I know that doesn't mean I can't make use of some tricks though... I've got a few Gnomon dvds that I ought to take another look at. thanks again for the comments.

    Lee3dee: I'd love to, but the majority of my professional work is still under NDA unfortunately. Churchill from SSX 3 I can post since I own the character and it was public before it made it into the game--here's the drawing:


    steady: poop had asked one a while back so I have one ready--thanks for reminding me of it smile.gif

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I feel cooler already! In fact I made it my homepage so I can name drop Jack Monahan around the watercooler at the apple store, just so everyone can know how cool I am.

    I do really like it, and I like how you divided the blog and the folio, makes it good to have them each accessable but not married too tightly.

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, Jackie-poo & Benji-kins both are the first links on my new *empty* folio page.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    wheres churchill?
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great gauss. Awesome content of course and the design and layout is simplicity itself.
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    Jack Monohan go... *DOO DOOO DOOOO DOOO*

    That my friends is from Rock School with Jack Black. He doesn't say Monahan but it fits, anyhow wink.gif

    http://gausswerks.blogspot.com/ -- the topic at the top of IE: "<img src="....jpg">

    Looking really nice and simple though laugh.gif
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Loving it Gauss! Can't wait till you add more sweet art.

  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    That butcherbot is sweet. Looks like the bastard son of Robocop 2 and a bot' from Virus. I think you have just the right ammount of content.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    thanks guys.

    hawken: what do you mean, where's churchill? a newer drawing will make its way onto the new site soon enough, i think smile.gif

    Daz: thanks mate, that's something i've always appreciated in site designs so i knew that's how i'd do my new site. that, and i do all the html myself and i don't know much past basic html smile.gif

    thnom: yes, i'm aware of the issue, it's because i'm using an image in the title of the blog.. it's a bit of a hack, i should be able to figure out a way to use the image and keep a proper title on the page.

    thanks zatoichi, means a lot. butcherbot's one of my favorites.

    oh and there's a new image up in construct, be sure to refresh if you don't see a new update! laugh.gif
  • MauF
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    MauF polycounter lvl 18
    Nicely done, Gauss I really like the simple design, it's quite easy to browse. Oh and I have the same problem with illustrations, and yeah some of gnomon's dvd's have helped a lot, and some books, but I think just sitting down and trying is the best way, in time you start seeing and thinking stuff you wouldn't had noticed before, so I do get why you would put them up there, too...
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