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Concept art is dead?

polycounter lvl 10
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melviso polycounter lvl 10
A friend sent me this:
Interesting video. Would like artists and devs opinion/debate on this.


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    It’s a method among many. I like it for specific purposes. 
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    That's a long vid....

    Anyhow, concept art isn't dead. Conceptting just keeps evolving. It's not just grab a pencil and draw anymore. Some methods save time, some methods give more realistic results. Some methods allow for fast redesigning or some allow more juice to flow.

    That's not just concepting... We do similar things in 3d work. Reference is important = realistic. Basemesh or buy models or buy materials  save time. Non destructive workflow allows you to change things quickly and easily.

    When you're just starting out, lots of ppl want to just do cool shits and make something original. But nobody cares about your originality. You need someone to follow. That Haz guy makes good female characters, study his work. That other guy makes awesome robots. Study his work. That's your shortcut. When you get good, you can explore your own style. Same with artists making fan art to start out... Some artists make big big bucks just making fan arts. Exploring stuff is fun, though game studios might not want you because they want other certain things.

    So, that's what I got from that vid. Seems about right.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I watched that video a while back and got about the same take away as PyrZern. "If you ain't cheatin, you ain't trying," more or less. Probably like everyone else, I spent the first several months of learning 3d thinking I was going to make something unique and awesome. But that was a waste of time, because there is too much to learn before you can even begin to think about that sort of thing. Now I just focus on learning, and I am having more fun and improving much faster. 

    It's kind of a click-baitey title, as I don't think the main point had anything to do with the death of a profession. Nonetheless, the content was great.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    Starting off this fellow was more inclined to the hyper real kinda guys.
    Says that the Naughty Dog and the Infinity fellows are the ultimate studios.
    That just isn't true. 

    They rose to fame a couple of years ago and weren't regarded as highly as they are now during the console wars of 
    old which shaped the way things are done today.
    Sure they quality, but they aren't ultimate.

    I agree with using that method in which you photo-bash, but to a point.
    You can't have everything in your port done in this method, but it would be wise to utilize this technique if you  are on a deadline and are tied for time. I am guilty of doing that once or twice.

    Art gods? 
    There are ultimate fellows sure, but no apex overlords.

    This seems like a video for tough guys, the fellow mentioned that it didn't apply to "stylized"/
    So this has been a giant moot point 
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I agree that photobashing is super common/effective these days, it saves the holy grail of production budgets: Time

    if anyone hasnt seen it yet, my buddy created a in depth tutorial on his process how he uses it effectivly while avoiding the 100% photobashed look some more jr artists struggle to hide. 100% free on his gumroad, go support him! 


  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Hey thanks for sharing, man that's ace I'll definitly head over to gumroad, frankly at this point could do with all the help I can find 'trying to' (...I'm rubbish at digital painting) concept an idea I've got percolating.
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