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Toolbag 3.04 Beta - feedback

polycounter lvl 3
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demonslayer polycounter lvl 3
I thought we could start a little feedback topic over here regarding the latest release of TB.

So far i just started testing the standalone Marmoset viewer + fog + shadow catcher.

-the viewer performs great,
-so does the fog.
-viewport boost button is such a great addon, i like to smash that little rocket button!

-Sadly i cant get the shadow catcher to be displayed in the Viewer at all.
I tried to move it in the scene hirachy without a result, can someone verify this?

-would be great to select which lights trigger the fog = volume lights.


  • EarthQuake
    Hey Daniel, we've got bug here where the shadow catcher shows up in the wrong spot. I wonder if that's what you're seeing, or if you don't see it at all? If it's not showing up at all, can you send me a test scene? The easiest way to do that is to go to File -> Export -> Scene Bundle, and zip up the .tbscene and /assets/ folder.


  • demonslayer
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    demonslayer polycounter lvl 3
    Hie Joe,
    it seems like i cant see it anywhere right now/in the Viewer.
    btw i didnt uninstall my 3.03 version.I just updated to 3.04.
    i sent you a link to my NAS and hope it works out.
    let me know :D
  • Pemaktitkis
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    Pemaktitkis polycounter lvl 7
    Any updates? I have the same issue
  • demonslayer
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    demonslayer polycounter lvl 3
    Another thing i found out is that the fog settings dont translate into the viewer.
    This means you cant turn down the fog effect for Lights.
    No matter what i adjust it always looks the same when exportet./not matching the viewport.

    iam pretty sure that the glass simple shader isnt working flawless,as it dies not always represent my viewport settings.especially when you use the glossiness slider.
  • EarthQuake
    Another thing i found out is that the fog settings dont translate into the viewer.
    This means you cant turn down the fog effect for Lights.
    No matter what i adjust it always looks the same when exportet./not matching the viewport.

    iam pretty sure that the glass simple shader isnt working flawless,as it dies not always represent my viewport settings.especially when you use the glossiness slider.
    The shadow catcher bug should be resolved with the next build, which we're trying to get out soon.

    I'll look into the fog issue, thanks for the report.

    The glass simple preset uses newton's rings, which isn't supported in Viewer, so it may look different. You should try the refraction shader for glass though, it's way cooler and is supported in Viewer. Here's an example: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eKbaD

  • demonslayer
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    demonslayer polycounter lvl 3
    thanks, i know the glass example,sadly i cant get the glossiness to work at all.Also the shadow catcher seems to be not working on the latest beta2.
  • EarthQuake
    thanks, i know the glass example,sadly i cant get the glossiness to work at all.Also the shadow catcher seems to be not working on the latest beta2.
    The shadow catcher issue should be resolved 3.04 B2, but there may be some specific instances where it still isn't working. Can you please email support@marmoset.co with an example scene that shows the shadow catcher problem and a detailed explanation of what is happening? The best way to do this is to go to File -> Export -> Scene Bundle and zip up the .tbscene and /assets/ folder.

    Please explain what you mean by the gloss problem, and provide a test scene for that in the same email if you can.


  • demonslayer
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    demonslayer polycounter lvl 3
    Hi Joe,
    i will mail the support if the shadow catcher problem occurs on my next project.I just tested it on my old projects and it works.
    To the glossy issue i have / viewport vs marmoset viewer, i found out that the completley diferent look comes from the Render setting: "use local refractions". This settings looks so nice in viewport, sadly it seems unsuportet by the Viewer itself?
    didnt find something specific about it
  • Geosmith
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    Geosmith polycounter lvl 6
    Marmoset updated in the middle of one of my projects, all the skew I painted was lost. No big deal, repainted it all and went to rebaking. I close down marmoset, start it back up again, skew is gone again. Could this be an issue or is there something just on my end? I can't find this reported yet. Don't think I've ever lost painted skew before, that said I'm using quickloader now, one for highpoly one for low which I've never used before. 
    EDIT: Can confirm, each time I close marmoset skew is lost.
  • Geosmith
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    Geosmith polycounter lvl 6
    Also, one of the biggest features I'd like to simply be able to select all the lowpoly objects in a baker. Using quickloader or modifying a material outside of marmoset for a lowpoly will change the material within marmoset and it can be annoying having to select each and every lowpoly folder to reasign an existing material. 
  • EarthQuake
    Geosmith said:
    Also, one of the biggest features I'd like to simply be able to select all the lowpoly objects in a baker. Using quickloader or modifying a material outside of marmoset for a lowpoly will change the material within marmoset and it can be annoying having to select each and every lowpoly folder to reasign an existing material. 
    I will add this to our suggestion list. Thanks for the feedback.

    Generally speaking, it's best to sort out your materials before importing into Toolbag, this will save you a lot of hassle trying to wrangle it after you get the mesh(es) in. We've changed how materials work in relation to the baker (preview materials apply directly to the important material rather than creating a new material now, this has to do with multiple uvs/texture set support). I plan on updating our tutorial soon to cover best practices for mesh and material setup, if you have any questions for now feel free to ask.
  • Geosmith
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    Geosmith polycounter lvl 6

    Generally the materials applied to my lowpolies in max have a random colour so I can differentiate texturesets. In Marmoset though I have a special high contrast material saved out that I can import into the scene for previewing the bake, so if I use a quickloader each time I export the lowpolies from max after making a modification, the material with a random colour overrides the one with the normal map/high contrast. 
    I could change the settings for each and every material to match up with the high contrast one, but there's a lot of change, and a heck of a lot of materials.
  • demonslayer
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    demonslayer polycounter lvl 3
    found out a strange thing today. when youre in the baker menue and show your bake (normals f.e) its shown witha gamma 2.2 curve aplied in the viewport.This could lead to wrong workflows.Just a strange behaviour compared to other packages ;-)
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