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[WIP] ~ Dice Man

polycounter lvl 7
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Palla polycounter lvl 7
Started blocking in a new character this weekend based on an old sketch, so I figured I'd start posting WIPs here since it's still early. The idea is that he's sort of a Ming dynasty noble who's also kind of a drunkard and a brawler. More backstory to come. Feedback more than welcome. 

Here's this initial sketch I'm going off of (Sorry for the noise)~


  • Palla
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    Palla polycounter lvl 7
    Quick update, got most of the costume blocked out. Also had some headphones lying around from last year I hadn't used~

  • karytsukino
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    karytsukino greentooth
    Hi UmiPhoenix  !

    Nice job, I really like the style ! If I could crit snything I'd say that the coat need some folds in the back... but its just my opinion. Great job anyway I'll def follow his thread :smile:
  • Palla
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    Palla polycounter lvl 7
    @karytsukino Thanks! Def agree with your comment. I went back and did another pass on the back. Here's the latest, starting to finish up the high p, save for some last minute comments I got in the Polycount Slack. I also ditched the hat, since the character ended up going in a way more sci-fi direction than I had originally conceived. 

    Still a few tweaks I wanna make to the robo arm, in addition to making both arms longer overall. Want him to be pretty lanky looking.

  • Mateus
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    Mateus interpolator
    Hey, very cool design, I really like it! I have the impression that his arms look too short compared to the rest of the body, and maybe the head is just a bit small as well. But that could be the direction you want. (?)
  • Palla
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    Palla polycounter lvl 7
    Mateus said:
    Hey, very cool design, I really like it! I have the impression that his arms look too short compared to the rest of the body, and maybe the head is just a bit small as well. But that could be the direction you want. (?)
    Yeah for sure! I'll definitely be lengthening them before I move on, that seemed to be the consensus in the Slack chat as well. I'll check out the head too. Thanks!
  • Rambo4you
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    Rambo4you polycounter lvl 10
    I really like the concept too, there are some stuff I would have changed, like the fingers being all the same length. But you seem to be conception still and might have changed all of it at this rate. Same goes for the helmet, the bandana is very well done, but then you had something flat coming up behind it. But in the second iteration you already removed it. In the first iteration you also had some snickers that where very big which made it look cartoony, but his head was detailed and not as cartoony. It felt like you where forcing 2 styles together.

    But all and all I really like the concept, really cool work. Keep it up :)
  • Palla
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    Palla polycounter lvl 7
    Just finished this guy up!! More on Artstation~ https://www.artstation.com/artwork/a3z8X

  • Ouran
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    Ouran greentooth
    Really cool work here. Very original design!
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