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How to change Mixamo character's bone to normal bone to animate

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lHiccstriDl vertex
I want to animate the mixamo character but I can't becouse it's bones are not normal they are white and they look like to lines but normal bones are coloured and they have shape and these white bones don't pretend like normal bones when rotate one other one doesn't follow the one that I rotated. What can I do to animate these like normal bones


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Which software are you using? Which option did you download? It isn't a full rig, it's a skeletal hierarchy. It's what you would use for mocap/game engine import. There are scripts to convert the skeleton to an animation-friendly rig with controllers(Maya/Biped/Cat)
  • lHiccstriDl
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    lHiccstriDl vertex
    I am using 3ds max and I downloaded it for normal fbx in T pose. I literally stuck in 3ds max  I need to prepare animations for my game and I never used 3ds max for animating but I know how to make animation in there , I rigged arms and I made my first animation there was no problem in 3ds max but when I export it to unity left hand's mesh was looking like to this (http://i.hizliresim.com/vXvL2D.png) I thought it was becouse of the mesh becouse it's hand was looking to other side in the first place  so I thought that rigging gone wrong becouse of that :D then I brough mixamo character and I rigged it and  I made my animation but same thing happened in the same area again (note: if I set a setting in physique to rigid from deformation I can see the problem in 3ds max as well )
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Physique modifer is ancient and pretty much obsolete. You should be using the Skin modifier instead.
  • lHiccstriDl
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    lHiccstriDl vertex
    I don't know much about 3ds max I just watched a tutorial and I made it but I know little bit about skin modifer I will  try it 
  • lHiccstriDl
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    lHiccstriDl vertex
    I rigged it with skin modifier but the same problem is there but this one took  very little time and it gave little bit better look to it I think I can fix it now thank you for your help and the bug was becouse of the forearm it can't turn to right or left  it can just go up an down so I over rotated hand to get my postition this is why that bug existed and one more thing how can I  rotate the forearm to right and left ? I can only rotate it to up and down
  • lHiccstriDl
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    lHiccstriDl vertex
    I finnaly fixed that if anyone else is having that problem stop using physique modifier use skin and do not use normal biped use cat parent object so you can make 3 segments in forearm it was the problem I had to have 3 bones instead of 1 bone in forearm and use solvers in skin modifiers it saves your 10 hours
  • Noth
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    Noth polycounter lvl 15
    they supply some scripts for creating control rigs - https://www.mixamo.com/scripts
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