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Dinoriders illustration - Need C&C!

polycounter lvl 9
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Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
Hi, long time since I posted here but I really would like some honest feedback on this piece I´m currently working on.
It´s very inspired by the Lizardmen from Warhammer, but I´ve made some designs of my own.
Any comment would be helpful! Thanks guys!


  • Greg Westphal
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    Greg Westphal polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man, the first thing that jumps out at me from this piece is the lack of atmospheric fog.  You can push it like crazy to build depth.  The other thing is you're bouncing some of the green from the grass up onto the belly of the creature but none of the sky tones are reflected onto the cloth and the metal which makes the form read really strange as if its being lit by a different set of lights.  If you want a paint over I can probably tackle it tomorrow during my lunch break.
  • Simplejay
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    Simplejay polycounter lvl 8
    Another thing to watch is flow, i find my eye first going to those high contrast areas around the dino head spikes, and then following the spikes off the page. So something is needed to guide the eye around to the other characters.
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, thank you guys so much for your feedback!

    Greg Westphal you are more than welcome to make a paint over if you want. I will try a bit of atmospheric fog like you said!

    Simpleja yeah this is a hard one. I usually end up forgetting to keep the simple things simple, like points of interest and visual guidelines.
    I will make some alterations with this in mind, perhaps even redo some thumbnails and see if I can come up with a better composition.
    Really great that you pointed this out, thanks so much! :)

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