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SIG P220 for Fallout 4

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Millenia polycount sponsor
Texturing this P220 for Fallout 4. Gonna put some attachments on it also. Model/bakes by SAM61.


  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3
    Looks awesome! Any chance i can get flats? I reckon you use quixel suite for your textures now?
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Cheers! I've got a Marmoset Viewer up here which will allow you to view the individual texture channels with the /// button. And yeah, all dDo :)

  • Lt_Commander
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    Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 10
    Hey, I'm working on a weapon mod for FO4 as well - did you follow any guides for using the creation kit for adding weapons, or any references for material definition? I've kind of hit a brick wall in that respect, and you seem to have ported your mats over seamlessly. 
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Very nice work, texture looks really nice how did you learn to texture like this?
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Hey, I'm working on a weapon mod for FO4 as well - did you follow any guides for using the creation kit for adding weapons, or any references for material definition? I've kind of hit a brick wall in that respect, and you seem to have ported your mats over seamlessly. 
    I basically just used the same textures as I did in the Marmoset shots with a little bit of extra contrast in the specular & gloss. I'd recommend just tweaking the values until it looks good in-game (quitting to the main menu & reloading a save forces the textures to reload, if you update them).
    As far as the implementation/CK stuff I actually partnered up with another mod author on Nexus Mods to handle exporting/the CK side of things so I can focus on the textures.

    Zi0 said:
    Very nice work, texture looks really nice how did you learn to texture like this?
    You pick up a thing or two after doing something for 12 years, haha. I'm thinking of making some new tutorials at some point when I get a chance, but it's hard to find the time at the moment :/
  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3
    One question, do you drag and edit your own textures in the suite or do you work with the quixel mat library? I use fill layers without using a base texture really. But would be nice if you quicky sum up how you approach your texturing inside the suite :)

    i saw you upload it on game banana and it was up 53 seconds ago! Was to tired to give input though :(
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    I sometimes bring in new textures, but for the most part I create my own smart materials in dDo using their textures. You can actually see the unedited dDo preset I made on the ejector side of the gun on the Marmoset Viewer, if you're curious as to how that looks like.

    I tend to go for a pretty layer heavy approach, think the P220's metal material is 10 layers at the moment.
  • Lt_Commander
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    Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 10
    Millenia said:
    I basically just used the same textures as I did in the Marmoset shots with a little bit of extra contrast in the specular & gloss. I'd recommend just tweaking the values until it looks good in-game (quitting to the main menu & reloading a save forces the textures to reload, if you update them).
    As far as the implementation/CK stuff I actually partnered up with another mod author on Nexus Mods to handle exporting/the CK side of things so I can focus on the textures.

    Alright, thanks! Fallout 4 has been running my material calibration work through its paces, it's good to hear that I'm not the only one that's resorted to tweak and check methods.
  • CougarJo
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    CougarJo polycounter lvl 6
    Nice work as always! Really wanting to try modding for Fallout 4, just had a quick look at the documentation for now.
  • Bumblebee
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    Bumblebee polycounter lvl 3
    Millenia said:
    I sometimes bring in new textures, but for the most part I create my own smart materials in dDo using their textures. You can actually see the unedited dDo preset I made on the ejector side of the gun on the Marmoset Viewer, if you're curious as to how that looks like.

    I tend to go for a pretty layer heavy approach, think the P220's metal material is 10 layers at the moment.
    If you talk about smart materials, do you refer to that you create several fill layers with each having a function or that you use the material creator where you make put in a tiling texture and then put im the gloss etc for it. Heres a tutorial Ive made. Do you appraoch the materials the same I do? 


    Thanks man! Looking forward to your tutorial when it comes out! Also like the color you put in the spec. Saw it on artstation 
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Worked a little bit more, need to move onto the other side.

  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Did more on the textures & started working on a compensator.

  • BeardedMike
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    BeardedMike polycounter lvl 7
    Looks awesome!  I was thinking about importing the Glock model i'm currently working on in to FO4.  I have a bunch of accessories made for it already (suppressor, extended magazine, etc.) that i'm wanting to use as attachments for the workshop in game.  I've looked around but i cant seem to find the answers online, how are the weapon attachments handled?  Are they basically "hidden" parts of the model?
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Looks awesome!  I was thinking about importing the Glock model i'm currently working on in to FO4.  I have a bunch of accessories made for it already (suppressor, extended magazine, etc.) that i'm wanting to use as attachments for the workshop in game.  I've looked around but i cant seem to find the answers online, how are the weapon attachments handled?  Are they basically "hidden" parts of the model?

    I've not messed around that much with the Creation Kit since I have a friend doing the conversion/implementation work for me, but the way I understand it is that attachments are separate .nifs that attach to sockets defined in the main weapon .nif. You'd want to make even standard variants for parts you want to swap out separate .nifs, ie. if you have 2 different slide models, a regular one and a long one.
  • BeardedMike
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    BeardedMike polycounter lvl 7
    Millenia said:
    Looks awesome!  I was thinking about importing the Glock model i'm currently working on in to FO4.  I have a bunch of accessories made for it already (suppressor, extended magazine, etc.) that i'm wanting to use as attachments for the workshop in game.  I've looked around but i cant seem to find the answers online, how are the weapon attachments handled?  Are they basically "hidden" parts of the model?

    I've not messed around that much with the Creation Kit since I have a friend doing the conversion/implementation work for me, but the way I understand it is that attachments are separate .nifs that attach to sockets defined in the main weapon .nif. You'd want to make even standard variants for parts you want to swap out separate .nifs, ie. if you have 2 different slide models, a regular one and a long one.
    Awesome thanks!  All the parts being in separate .nifs makes sense now that thinking about how the weapons go together in the workshop in game.  Can't wait to take a shot at getting a few mods of my own in FO4.
  • Millenia
  • Millenia
  • Millenia
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