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Anxiety, and concept art

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pmiller001 greentooth

Hey everyone!

I know you all arent therapists, but I feel like you've been in this boat before. So bare with me. I’ve been working this great job since April. I love it, my official title is digital artist. I was hired because they liked what I could do as a modeler, and now they have me wearing all types of hats(doing different jobs) and thats fantastic, and i’m forever grateful for this opportunity. 

They’ve even had me do a remarkable amount of concept art (something i didn’t know i could do). 

Since i began doing this, I’ve started having minor anxiety attacks at work. 

it usually goes like this

>we have an idea

>they tell me to create things based off of the idea.

> I get on a roll. 

> I’m having a great time, then suddenly self doubt and dread sneak in

> I started hating the work, and myself. 

> Breath shortens, Heart quickens, I begin to think, if I fail, this company will fail, and we’ll all die. 

> I get up go to the bathroom

>Look in to mirror, don’t scream. 

> Sike myself up. “you got this”

>go back out feeling better, present work for critique. 

>they either like it or don’t. 


I’m doing pretty well with coping with it, but its only began happening recently. Does, this, or something like this happen to you? how do you cope with it? 


I hope you’re doing fantastic otherwise. Hows your day been?


  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 12
    Well you described the process of almost any creative job :smile: 
    I think you have the right attitude when you say either they like it or they don't, nothing worse than someone getting all upset when the client asks for changes or dismisses a proposal, so unprofessional...
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Thanks for the words Battlecow.
    It really freaks me out sometimes, but I think I'm doing alright. 
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10

    Hey everyone!

    I know you all arent therapists, 

    It's called humblebragging.
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth

    Hey everyone!

    I know you all arent therapists, 

    It's called humblebragging.

    I'm sorry it came off that way.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Anxiety is rough, and it doesn't always have a logical source.

    Some months I cruise along with what should be high stress projects.  Other times I have a fairly easy project I've done a 100 times, but I'm really stressed out about it.

    A lot of it has to do with what's going on in my daily life.  Social life, relationship issues, etc.

    I'll tell you what will help - working out.  It helps get your brain sorted.

    Other than that, meditation and therapy can also be effective.

    Experience helps, but like I said, sometimes it just pops up again.

    Just do your best not to take it out on anyone else.  :)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    The Anxiety is it's own issue, and should be dealt with separately.

    The rest is what's called:

    And we all suffer from it.

  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    yeah, I think that's similar to other creative jobs, but you'll be alright man.
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Thank you so much everyone.  
    I wish i could tell you how much it means to me, to know that I'm not alone. 
    Such a great community. 

    @Aesir You're right. I was on medication before I got this job, and I stopped shortly after I got the job. It didnt feel like a mistake until recently. I wont make tht mistake again. THank you

    This is comforting to know, that someone like you has the same thoughts. Thank you for the support and inspiration buddy. 

    Thanks man. The positivity made my day, thank you. 
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I think you mean Impostor Syndrome: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impostor_syndrome
    The one you posted is the opposite.

    As for this, I think the more comfortable you get with concept work, the less anxiety it'll give you. As an artist, it usually never goes away, only gets a little better, haha. Best of luck, though.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    When you get stuck and start feeling bad and not sure if you think it's good or not, maybe just ask for feedback although you are not finished, hearing someone else's views and ideas usually refresh the air and maybe resets those feelings.
  • Bletzkarn
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    Bletzkarn polycounter lvl 6
    I don't think what you're experiencing is particularly a bad thing. You're feeling stressed because your job carries a decent amount of responsibility. I personally believe this pressure will forge you into a really good artist who can make great art but also make tough decisions and work under stressful circumstances. 

    I do believe it will get less stresfful as you get more experienced.
  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11

    > Breath shortens, Heart quickens, I begin to think, if I fail, this company will fail, and we’ll all die. 

    Well it sounds you have an anxiety problem, first to overcome it,  you must think what happens after you literly fail and the company fails,

    guess what nothing happens because you can always work somewhere else, and it lookslike you cant trust your self or your skills, always trust your self and let it flow to an unknown result, in the end you will have good results,

    now if you keep getting anxiety go to your doctor and talk about it, he will give you some pills it will help

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Joopson said:
    I think you mean Impostor Syndrome: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impostor_syndrome
    The one you posted is the opposite.

    As for this, I think the more comfortable you get with concept work, the less anxiety it'll give you. As an artist, it usually never goes away, only gets a little better, haha. Best of luck, though.

    Hehe Dunning Krugar actually goes both ways. and does overlap with imposters syndrome.

    Illusionary superiority in less skilled people. Illusionary inferiority in highly skilled people.
  • meguskus
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    meguskus polycounter lvl 7
    As others have said, most artists have anxiety/depression or both, it just seems to be a part of being an artist. I don't think you should treat it any differently than "regular" anxiety though, visit a doctor and read about what you can do. There is no guaranteed cure unfortunately, but certain medication can help immensely.
  • Daew
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    Daew polycounter lvl 9
    I think it goes beyond just artists. Doctors, basketball players, ufc fighters, musicians i bet they all suffer a similar type of anxiety that we suffer. I mean how can you not. You put a lot of time doing into doing something, a personal investment into something you really care about and then the result sucks. So your going to start doubting your abilities and doubt all the time you put into it. But like it's said, how can you brave if you are not afraid. Fear is a natural state and to be brave is a choice, albeit a hard one. 

    also maybe artists just have their crappiness shown in a visual medium so they are more aware of it.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Go to your doctor and tell him/her that you're having anxiety attacks and start trying out different meds.  If your first try makes you feel stoned or drunk tell your doctor and they will prescribe something else, we're all different so it will take some trial and error to see what helps you out.
  • Finalhart
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    Finalhart polycounter lvl 6
    I believe confidence takes a big roll on removing anxiety attacks, i may be wrong because i'm not in a position where i can say i'm comfortable with my skillset. Maybe thinking that you are doing art and it should be a fun and relaxed where nobody will die if you fail can help. Concepting is tough, growing your visual library can give you the boost you need to be confident.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hi there @pmiller001 -

    First of all, congratulations on this career development ! It shows that the people you work for are recognizing your abilities, and that's a fantastic achievement that you can be very proud of.

    Now on to the topic of anxiety. I think it is sometimes easy to forget that concept art involves a skillset that is a very, VERY different from the one used for modeling. Of course these tasks are both tackled by artists and it is very possible to wear both hats as you do, but still the cognitive process involved is radically different. Modeling is all about reaching an established target ... while concept art is about establishing that target in the first place.

    In a sense being a modeler is a very confortable job, especially if there is a good pipeline in place (polished concept art being provided, with a good review process to check things every step of the way, and so on). On the opposite end of the spectrum, concept art is much more "fleeting" by nature : you sometimes get to deal with requests coming from non-artists, and constantly have to guess what people want and do not want. This involves a totally different mindspace. And then there is the question of adapting to a given style as opposed to being given the opportunity to do things completely on your own. 

    So at the end of the day I think it is totally normal to be stressed out about it, simply because it is a much, much harder job. Therefore I don't think that the suggestion of "talking to a doctor" or taking meds will help you in any way or form, and could actually be detrimental. I think the key is to rather face the difficulty up front, but not through brute force but rather by developing good strategies. Things like developing moodboards to communicate your vision before even drawing anything, practicing your drawing skills daily, and so on.

    Also, think of the path of least resistance and be proactive about it. For instance if you like sketching on paper more than having to wrestle with an unnatural tablet, do that. Heck, nothing prevents you from doing everything on paper if you want to - and chances are, your boss will like it.

    Good luck !

    (And the day has been great, thanks :) )
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Wow, thank you all for the support. 
    I'll be going to the doctor in the next week to get some new medication. 
    To hear this from all you great artists is beyond encouraging. Thank you so much. 
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Pior speaks the truth for the most part, and I suspect you already know this for yourself whether or not seeing a doctor is appropriate but...
    Just because general stress and anxiety is common in artists does not mean you need to live with your anxiety attacks.

    I'm seeing a lot of potential dismissiveness in this thread that I suspect just comes from people misunderstanding the possible depth of "anxiety". You hinted at having past problems with this (or perhaps something else, you were vague and fairly so). While I'm sure I'm going on about this, make sure you're in constant communication with your doctor while going off any meds. It's important, they have a better idea of whats "normal" and whats not than a bunch of artists on the internet (no disrespect to any here).

    If it feels like it's getting to be way too irrational or too much for your liking, or it begins to interfere with your work, talking to a doctor is a good idea. I don't know why that bit would be detrimental ever, unless it's setting you back a significant amount of money... Even then, though. I dunno. I felt like I needed to post a counterpoint to some of these "this is normal and fine, even good" statements because I've suffered with anxiety for years and that's... exactly what people said to me. I'm not you, @pmiller001 , I don't know what's going on in your head or how deep this goes. Maybe for you, it really is normal and is just new to you. But it would be better to be safe than sorry (and trust me, I know).

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Oh yeah @BagelHero , totally agree with the fact that symptoms are to be taken seriously. And indeed, words tend to be a bit too interchangeable these days. Being accurate is pretty damn important, especially with these topics.

    I guess my point is just that considering the timing (that is to say, this uneasiness starting precisely with that new hat to wear), then it really all sounds a lot like what one would naturally experience when switching from a confortable job to a completely different one with heavy responsibilities.

    Anyways, to the OP : good luck !
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