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Bench - What do u think ?

polycounter lvl 10
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Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
Hi everyone, :)

here another props. Tell me what do you think.

Comments and advices are welcome:poly142:



  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Pretty good start. The metal doesn't really read like metal to me though. And the wood has scratches in it that look a bit out of place. Unless someone used a knife on the bench. And as a general tip, try to work more colour and gradients into your textures if you're doing handpainted textures.
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    I totally agree for the metal. I will rework this.

    About the scratches it's a choice. I didn't want a simple bench, it's why a add "more scratches " to give a character.
    And about the colour , I will try to work that.

    Thanks for your advice.
  • David3D.The
    I think this looks good but the wood is a little flat, the colour is just a flat colour with the scratches on it, maybe add some more wood grains to the wood to give it some subtle variation so the colour isn't so flat?
  • Eoq
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    Eoq polycounter lvl 8
    What previous talkers have said, keep working on the material definition :)
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    Yup good start if you can push the metal a little more that would be good and try and et some variation with the wood. Also try and push those highlghts on the wood i think it would look really good
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all ,

    thanks for your advices.

    Here a update of the bench.

    I change the value/color of plank . I added wood grains and I rework the metal and the specular.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Tell me what do you think.:)

  • David3D.The
    Already 10x better. Looks good. Not sure if the metal looks a bit washed out. That might just be a preference thing though. Nice work. :)
  • Dennispls
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    Dennispls polycounter lvl 16
    I would say those harsh highlights on the metal doesn't make sense. Where does the light come from? Why is the wood not impacted by the same light intensity?
    Have a look at some reference photos of metal benches and see how light is affecting the surfaces (here is an example http://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/media/images/h/h/KC_Seat_Bench_Type_2_large_image.jpg.
  • steve0
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    steve0 polycounter lvl 5
    Good start, however, I do not see any signs of constructional history. I'd love to see some screws, to see how it was put together. Also, I can't tell if it is my monitor, but there seems to be a red line where the two wood planks meet. If that is in the texture, then the paint would need a different spec/gloss from the wood. Some scuff on where people have sit on the bench would be great to see. People placing their purse down, keys, jean scuff, etc. Kind of treat it with the love that you put on the ends of the top planks (why isn't that love spread to the bottom planks?) Maybe with not as much scratches per say, but a difference in hue in the texture.

    Sorry if this is overwhelming, your model and textures are on the right start and the wood is pretty nicely defined (metal still isn't reading right, definitely looks washed out). It just needs to show some story and constructional history! Cheers :D
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Ok , I changed the diffuse and specular and I added story construction with screws and a few moss for the story. I can't give more story because it's not a unique bench . But I'm agree with you steve0 , it will better with a real story. About your picture Dennispls , I'm not agree because your picture show a "polish bench" and my bench is a simple bench with a simple wood not a polish wood.

    So tell me what you think now. And thank you again for yours advices
  • Dennispls
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    Dennispls polycounter lvl 16
    I think you misinterpret my post Dragonar. That picture was just to show how light bounces of the metallic surfaces. Of course this is not the exact same type of bench you are going for.
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Oh ok Dennispls. I misinterpret your post ^^.

    Do you have maybe other idea/way to improve it ?
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