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[UDK] - Davy Jones´ Room

polycounter lvl 7
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Sugus polycounter lvl 7
Hello Polycount!

It’s about time I made a thread for this Project I’ve been working on:
Hopefully you are all familiar with Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s chest. Whilst watching it I saw this very cool scene which I thought would be very interesting to recreate in a Games Engine, adding along the way some personal modifications here and there.


The reasons for which I chose this scene are the following:
- Interesting lighting
- I haven’t properly done any indoor environment within Games Engine
- Interesting assets (specially the Organ and the Tubes)
- Interesting Particle Effects
- Very nice composition

The objective of this project is to learn about Lighting, improve modelling/texturing techniques and push my knowledge of the Unreal Engine a bit further.

Okay, enough babbling, here are some images:

Early blockout:


Close up of the Organ:


I have set up a really basic shader for him. The following things are on the list to do:

- Add some colour variation. At the moment its very monochromatic.
- Blend it in with the floor

Marmoset render of the Coral Tubes:


One of the textures that I yet have to add, it will serve as an underneath texture to put Sea Life on top (barnacles or so), I’ve named it Reef Base :


I should hopefully be able to work constantly on this from now on and hopefully update regularly!

Stay with me :D


  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    'mmmmm' such usefull feedback?

    I think the textures could be a bit darker so if u start lighting later on the scene won't feel too bright. Ur scene feels all very brown-tinted atm while the scene from the movie has more grey tints, it's just that the lights themselves are yellow/orangy.

    Interesting scene and ur start looks good :) Keep going~
  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    I like the idea of creating davy jones' room, it is a great environment. It will be tough to get this wet, grainy and dirty look but I think you made a great start. I like the tubes! :) I am looking forward to more. Subscribed!
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Really like the stuff you've done so far.

    You said you like the lighting. I don't to be honest, and I don't think you should follow it. It works in the movie because we know we're going to see Davy Jone's environment beforehand. Looking at just that pic, I can hardly tell what it is. I think you should push for something lighter.
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7

    I think the textures could be a bit darker so if u start lighting later on the scene won't feel too bright. Ur scene feels all very brown-tinted atm while the scene from the movie has more grey tints, it's just that the lights themselves are yellow/orangy.

    Interesting scene and ur start looks good :) Keep going~

    Thanks Rhout, i will be darkening the textures a bit, i agree with the orange feel of the scene.

    Also i'll be adding some colour variation to the organ, so that its not as boring and plain as it is now.
    hamzaaa wrote: »
    I like the idea of creating davy jones' room, it is a great environment. It will be tough to get this wet, grainy and dirty look but I think you made a great start. I like the tubes! :) I am looking forward to more. Subscribed!

    Yeah, it is going to be tough, but I’ll try my best : ) Thanks for the support!
    Really like the stuff you've done so far.
    You said you like the lighting. I don't to be honest, and I don't think you should follow it. It works in the movie because we know we're going to see Davy Jone's environment beforehand. Looking at just that pic, I can hardly tell what it is. I think you should push for something lighter.

    That was one thing I did consider, changing the lighting a bit. Furthermore, the scene suffers from the “Hollywood” effect, which basically means that some of the lights in the scene make no sense, like the strong green/blue light from above (but obviously make the scene look good).

    Later on I’ll probably do paintovers to decide which lighting I want to approach.

    As for now, I’ll be focusing on improving the organ:
    - Colour Variation to it
    - Dim down the orange tones
    - Add variation to the tubes behind it
    - Vertex Paint it to have moss and stuff

    Also I forgot to add the floor texture used above:


    The specular has been modified within the Engine a bit.

    Organ updates next! :)
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys! I’m back with some updates!

    I changed a bit the camera angle:


    Aerial Shot:


    I also modified a bit the Organ:

    - Bended the keyboard a bit
    - The back pipes are now composed of a variety of two pipes instead of a single one duplicated around (it’s a bit dark to see, but there is some variation in there )
    - I also modified a bit the diffuse and got rid of some of the orange-ness within the organ. However it is difficult to reflect this within the engine, mainly because of the lighting. Definitely need to improve that

    Created the Carpet, but need to correct the following:

    - Make it blend a bit better with the wood planks.
    - When it comes to an end try and make that less abrupt

    I also started arranging the Coral Tubes around, and created a material instance from the main material in order to quickly modify the main parameters of the other material (colour, spec colour, spec power and saturation)

    As usual crits and comments more than welcome :)
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Another update to go :)


    The lighting is majorly letting this down, so I should start thinking about that.
    Crits and comments apreciated :)
  • Zyloh
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    Zyloh polycounter lvl 8
    I'm really intrigued by this project. Can't wait to see more!
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    @Zyloh: Thanks for the support! :)
    @Amile: Pirates of the Caribbean are indeed cool films hehe, thanks very much!

    Here is another update:


    Still need to create a material instance for the plants to get some colour variation in there!

    Baaack to work :D
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Quick update before going bed:


    Slowly getting there with the lighting. Slowly... hehe

    crits and comments apreciated :)
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    I like how the blue light rays look going across the piano, but the light ray in the center of the image heading to the right is ripping the attention from the scene. My eye keeps landing on that bright blue light shaft no matter where I try to look.

    Also the windows are not really reading that well and are getting to blurred so you cant really tell what they are suppose to be. I think you might need to really push the yellow to them, and maybe use an emmisive on them to get the look from the concept.
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    BARDLER wrote: »
    I like how the blue light rays look going across the piano, but the light ray in the center of the image heading to the right is ripping the attention from the scene. My eye keeps landing on that bright blue light shaft no matter where I try to look.

    Also the windows are not really reading that well and are getting to blurred so you cant really tell what they are suppose to be. I think you might need to really push the yellow to them, and maybe use an emmisive on them to get the look from the concept.

    It does attract to much attention indeed, i shall get rid of it asap. Window is proving to be a bit tricky, i'll do as you say and play around with settings.

    I also think its about time i start playing around with Post process effects, because currently there are none in the scene. Hopefully that should enhance it :)
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7


    The window is still bugging me, i might redo the texture for it as i'm not too happy with it. At the same time i got rid of the light shafts (for now), and focused on getting the rim lights for the Coral Tubes.

    The smoke particle is rather too strong now, so i'll tone that down.

    Maybe the organ light is a bit too bright?

    Cheers guys!
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    well if i may, you could give some color to your ground fog, i don't like that white fogt that much.

    I love where it is going, keeping an eye out on this.
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks underfox, I did give it some colour now, white didn't look good.

    I've been playing a bit with LUT´s, i received good feedback and told that the actual scene was more blue-ish and that mine was currently too greeny.
    Haven't delved too much into it, but this is so far what i've achieved.


    Better, worse?

    Oh, and please ignore the window, i'm still trying to get it to look decent... it's on my list of things-to-do :D
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    better for sure. this is looking really great. lookin forward to updates
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    yep much better indeed.
  • Lloydyy89
    This is looking fantastic, it's so detailed. I cant wait to see the final version!
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    @LRoy, Underfox, Lloyd: Thanks for the support guys :)!

    I haven't been updating in a while, the reason being the hand in for this project was last week and i've had to move to other projects. I do plan on working more on this one (its no where near finished) to get it to a decent level for my portfolio and hopefully use it for the Blitz Open Day submission

    Anyways, here's a subtle update:

    I tonned down a bit the lighting as it was a bit extreme, although i might pump the orange light of the organ a bit, to make it stand out more.

    Played around a bit more with DoF and enabled Bloom, as well as adding some light shafts through the window.

    At some point i need to get round making the chandeliers for the candles and also get a lightning effect going on!

  • maverickhornet
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    maverickhornet polycounter lvl 9
    This is coming on really nicely! I do feel that you may benefit boosting the light at the focal point a little more. Other than that, wonderful!
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    quick paintover for you. You could go either direction with the lighting, either boost the light from the window and get some nice light shafts going, or black out the exterior and get a nice warm light from the organ thing (maybe some candles or something, nice warm hues to contrast the cool blues in shadow):

  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    @MaverickHornet: Thanks mate, I will probably do that to attract the viewers attention more to the organ, atm its not bang on clear where the focal point is.

    @Marks: Thank you very much for that paint over! I will probably go for boosting the light that comes from the window (it's the one closest to the original), although I will need to make sure it doesn't distract the viewer from the intended focal point (the organ). The scene still needs more elements, in the future i plan on making and placing candles just like in the original scene. That should hopefully bring in those warm hues you mention. Thanks again! :)
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Sugus wrote: »
    @Marks: Thank you very much for that paint over! I will probably go for boosting the light that comes from the window (it's the one closest to the original), although I will need to make sure it doesn't distract the viewer from the intended focal point (the organ). The scene still needs more elements, in the future i plan on making and placing candles just like in the original scene. That should hopefully bring in those warm hues you mention. Thanks again! :)

    If you have the exterior light brightening up the area where the organ is, then that's adding to your focal point. Your focal points need to blend into the scene naturally remember :)
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Had some time to revisit this (particularly on lighting). Here's a quick video i put together. Still not 100% happy with it though:

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