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3DS Max 2013 - What are you hoping for?

Max 2013 hasn't been announced... yet, but I feel it will be within the next month or two. From what I've seen, they do the yearly deal, and its usually in Feb or March.

Looking at the User Voice Votes, I think it's kind of obvious what people want to see fixed/added.

So what do you guys want to see/are looking forward to, if anything?

Personally I am excited to see a new version. I think Max 2012 did bring some good things, especially in performance with many objects and poly counts, on my end.

The things I would love to see in Max 2013 would be, not in any order/importance:

1. Improved Viewport Canvas/ Mari type painting setup.
2. Faster/More Updated UVW Unwrap Setup with better packing and relaxing algorithms.
3. Faster Load time/less memory usage.
4. Support for even more objects/polies with high performance.
5. Faster Renders via GPU Acceleration (Mental Ray/Scanline).
6. Proper working Snaps and Cut tool!

There are probably more things I could come up with, but these are more of the major ones for now.


  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    but its only 2011:)
  • mLichy
    It's like cars, they already have 2013 models coming out
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    This and only this.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    the ability for you to click and hold on a caddy spinner and have it progressively increase/decrease. LIKE IT USED TO!
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    A uvw unwrap window that doesn't freeze max for 15 seconds every time i open/close it.
  • WarrenM
    Realistically, they should just go to ScriptSpot and sort by popularity. Pick the top 10 things being downloaded and commented on and do those. :P
  • mLichy
    I think Quad Chamfers is being looked at by Autodesk now because of Votes.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Dunno why quad chamfers are so important... doing good without them.

    For me it would be improving UVW Unwrap modifier. 2012 update wasn't enough. They should just go full throtle and not just change buttons and add few stuff. Nuke Unwrap and make it how it should be. Better performance. Connected sub object selecting (not separate in modifier stack and modifier itself). Better relaxing!!!

    Improving UI. Change caddies into something practical not just looking different (worse). Make UI customizing usable. I had to write my own maxscript to make my hotkeys... Throw out old stuff (legacy purposes ... cmon...) and make it load faster.

    For me now its all about performance. I think they should focus on how to improve whats there. Max is really great. Its full package. After so many years it became a mess. They should tidy it up and then move onto new things. Make it smoother, faster, more polished.

    PS: THE RIBBON!!!! why the hell its separate ?! Its like two programs in one. Every tool is actually duplicated in ribbon. There are great tools in ribbon but why the hell did they created whole new being for this ? couldn't they implement it into modifiers ? thats what I mean by saying "max is a mess".
  • mLichy
    Yeah, the ribbon is very odd. Like you said, they just cloned most all tools and put into there. I guess a plus is that the tools now have better explanations/Gifs to show how they work.

    But that didn't really need to be added just for that, especially this far in the game.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Havent used 2012 much so far, thankfully my clients didn't need it yet. From what isaw the unwrapper was changed quite a bit ui wise, but how are the functions? I switched to 3dcoat for that or even blender does a better job, some nice realtime mapping with seams would be awesome for a start. I usually clean up some things n max later on, do the packing myself but still this part could be sooo much better compared to other tools.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I'll definitely be adding to this list, but here's a few.

    - solid face color fill for non-selected faces (so you can constantly see the filled UV islands while packing).
    - Integration of some of TexTools tools, like the automatic UV shift overlay (you can do this manually at the moment, but this is 1 button press), as well as some of it's pixel nuding capabilities. It's face relax algorithm also seems to work a lot better than Max's, even though I believe it uses the same one? Not sure how that works. Also it's align island to edge selection is also handy.
    - UV subobject conversion mode, like we get in epoly - ie; face selected, ctrl+click vert mode and selected UV faces become selected in vertex mode.

    - To go along with Nitrous' other viewport shader modes, I'd like to see a texel density shader, similar to the one in the Unreal Editor.
    - PROPER NORMAL MAP SUPPORT. We shouldn't have to use third party plugins and shaders to get normal maps to look correct. Max is said to be geared for game development, it's about time it works like it.

    - A smart chamfer. One that doesn't kill UVs when applied to an object after the fact. There are times when you have to redo old assets, as I had to do in Forza4 from Forza3. Sometimes chamfers were required to add better visual appeal to objects but it often times killed the UVs. There's got to be a better method for that.

    - Customizable launch parameters. Similar to what Per did with the 3dsclean setup. My work doesn't require a vast majority of the plugins that get automatically loaded with Max. I hate that. Modo launches in like 3 seconds. I want to be able to disable all plugins that I do not use, in an EASY manner, without fear of breaking anything.
  • mLichy
    Neox: Max 2012 Viewport Perf. is much better than 2010-2011 for me. Especially when handling many objects as I said.

    It also loads faster than 2010-2011 from a cold boot, and even faster from a warm start if u would.

    Otherwise, not a ton has changed otherwise, at least things I use normally. The UV Editor is the biggest change besides Nitrous.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    The biggest thing for me is that I'd like to see Viewport Canvas become a Bodypaint replacement. It's close, almost there I'd say, so if they finish it, that'll be all I want.

    Neox: 2012 added real-time LCSM to UVWs. It's a pretty major improvement. I now take all my characters and do a "2012" pass on the unwrapping (the project is still using 2011). Things like hands are soooo much easier in 2012 when you use live LCSM with vertex pinning.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    So its pretty much the same as blender, cool
  • Adij
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    Adij polycounter lvl 8
    only one request: stable & bugfixes
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Fix the three million bugs in skin.

    Make splineIK up vectors work properly.

    Put an IK/FK solver in.

    Put something in there that'll let you organise your referenced assets properly - the asset manager is shite.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    Neox wrote: »
    So its pretty much the same as blender, cool

    LOL, wut? no. not in the least.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 12
    I want Xoliul's shader and 3 Point Shader to work with Nitrous. That's pretty much it.

    But my true dream is a Preserve UVs feature that works properly. Now matter how much I learn about its behaviour, it's still completely unpredictable.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    I would just like nitrous to load normal maps without turning my models into obsidian. (highly specular black with no discernible bumps.)

    Also integrating the suite of operations from TexTools would be nice.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    Make the command panels wider. we all have widescreens now and i like to be able to read the names of my objects
  • walter
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    walter polycounter lvl 15
    Nitrous improvement.
    Viewport Canvas improvement: same viewport feedback like Mudbox, to see Specular, Gloss, and etc. Maps.
    A Good SSS Shader for IRay.
  • walter
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    walter polycounter lvl 15
    Direct X Shaders visible to Nitrous...
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    only one wish - to come out in 2013, like it says on the box. ;)

    i don't need another bag of bugs dropped at my doorstep...
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    proper Freeze uvs/pin uvs.(it doesnt work with rescale, or pack)
  • Insulaner
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    Insulaner polycounter lvl 11
    A reasonable price, but I think I'd better forget about that..

    I'm interested in what Autodesk is doing with this, but I guess chances are slim that they'll do anything with it for 2013..
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    ooh! ooh!

    I've got another one (the animators will like this..)

    make the curve editor and dopesheet not be so incredibly fricking slow they're all but unusable
  • Farfarer
    Target Weld that doesn't screw up UVs.

    Snapping that's worth a damn and doesn't kill scene interactivity to 5 FPS.

    Select mode in UV Editor (and be able to use the full range of selection methods - not just rectangle). I hate having to select stuff with a transform tool.
  • Insulaner
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    Insulaner polycounter lvl 11
    Talon wrote: »
    Snapping that's worth a damn and doesn't kill scene interactivity to 5 FPS.

    That reminds me.. It would be awesome to restrict snapping to the selected object..
  • odd_enough
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    odd_enough polycounter lvl 12
    - For the love of god, MAKE IT STABLE! I can't stand the damn thing crashing randomly whenever I weld something, or edit normals, or make UV changes. Please stop acting like Adobe =/

    - Maya-like control scheme. Or at least an option to switch between schemes. I know this won't happen, but I can always dream. I currently use a plugin for this that seems to conflict with some hotkeys and makes it unable to perform shift+drag edge extrudes. Do not like. I have a 3D mouse at work, but when I go home, I'd like to be able to navigate without getting pissed off.

    - As others have mentioned, Nitrous support for 3PS and Xoliul.

    I can't really think of any others. I generally switch between Max and Maya. If I need something one sucks at doing, it's almost always better in the other.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    odd_enough wrote: »
    - The ability to perform math functions within input fields. I really missed that when I transitioned from programs like C4D that had that. Saves a lot of time.

    CTRL+N with the cursor in a text field.

    much like the old "max doesn't have a repeat last command" thing - it does, they just don't shout about it

    and stability wise - on decent hardware (ie intel + nvidia) 2012 is pretty good, it's no max 9 I'll grant but it's a step up from the last couple
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Option to reverse z-sorting in selection. A LONG time ago, somewhere pre-Max 4, the default z-sorting for overlapping selections went from front to back and cycled very logically between any overlaps. Somewhere around 4.2 or 5, something in that behavior changed and it's been a pain ever since trying to click-select overlapping faces. It seems to want to grab the back one or any backfacing first. Also, make the average center snap for a selection default to 2.5D snapping in an ortho viewport, so it STOPS SNAPPING TO ZERO FOR THE OTHER TWO AXIS!
  • odd_enough
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    odd_enough polycounter lvl 12
    poopipe wrote: »
    CTRL+N with the cursor in a text field.

    Ah. Thanks for clearing that up for me :) That certainly helps a ton. :thumbup:
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    - true raycast selections would be nice.
    - UV editing as a mode. Push more of TexTool's features in as well (agreed with the relax function someone mentioned up there)
    - directx shader compatability. wtf. this wasn't even fixed in any service packs. wtf.
    - do something about the command panel / ribbon duality, and please don't ribbonize everything. it's usually agonizingly slow compared to clicking one of the old and ugly command panel buttons
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    im unsure as to why people have a problem with the unwrapper tbh - I miss a couple of the little things from 2009 - eg. selecting move from the quad resetting to unconstrained move and the ability to save your relax settings as a default.


    it craps on what Maya has to offer from a great, great height, the quick peel is great and it's finally got itself some alignment tools (i skipped 2010 and 2011 due to horrendous viewport performance so never really did any work with the unwrapper in case that stuff was in those versions)
  • mLichy
    Well, I think mainly people hate it because of it being slow to open/close now from before.

    Also before patches, it was SUPER slow, like unusable at first, even on a box.
    But now its pretty good I think. But I do with they just redid it completely as well,
    or at least redid its core features, so its faster and can pack/relax faster/better.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    The only advantage I can think of to having it be a modifier, is that you can do some changes, then toggle it on and off to see the differences. Then if you don't like what you just did, you can delete it.

    But I don't know that it's worth it. That may be great with other stack items, but unwrapping in particular doesn't benefit from that as much. Mostly because you don't really pass any unwrap operations up the stack to the next modifiers as you do with other stuff.

    The main problem with it though, is that once you collapse the unwrap modifier, you lose all sorts of information. There's a lot of stuff that only exists for the lifetime of the modifier. Like say UV-seams that you made for pelt (the blue ones), or even selections. Settings get lost too. You have to set stuff, and then hit another button to set the current settings as the default. Otherwise, the next time you use the modifier it's with the old settings again.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    poopipe wrote: »
    im unsure as to why people have a problem with the unwrapper tbh - I miss a couple of the little things from 2009 - eg. selecting move from the quad resetting to unconstrained move and the ability to save your relax settings as a default.


    it craps on what Maya has to offer from a great, great height, the quick peel is great and it's finally got itself some alignment tools (i skipped 2010 and 2011 due to horrendous viewport performance so never really did any work with the unwrapper in case that stuff was in those versions)

    How many different soultions did you use for unwrapping? Of course its much better than it was years back, but this doesn't mean its as good as it can be, okay cant tell for 2012 but 2011 cannot be compared to what other packages, even free ones like blender have to offer.
    However you can save your relax settings, you just have to save it in the relax dialogue and after that in the unwrapper options.

    About the math in textfields, holy crap awesome!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    there's a lot of complaints, should I just continue to use 2009 then?
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    2012 is better than 2009 until it breaks. If I have a choice in the matter I don't adopt a new version til the first service pack (it's a strategy that's served me well all the way back to version 2) - I didn't have that luxury this time around and the first couple of months were hell. Since the updates it's been pretty good to be fair provided you stay away from using custom CAT rigs, it's more stable than 2008 (and the evil symmetry / mesh corruption bug seems to have gone)

    Neox -
    There's no save option in the relax dialog on 2012 and saving your unwrapper settings has no effect on the defaults in the relax dialog - this is a major step backward and I am cross about it.

    I've not tried many other apps for unwrapping in the last year or two but it's telling that I haven't encountered a situation where I have enough trouble unwrapping something to warrant looking elsewhere. I'll grant it could well be a case of "what you know" but you'd have to get pretty close to a one click solution before you get ahead of the ol' quick peel & relax (face angles, amount 1.0) combo.

    I use Maya often enough, have had a go at blender and of course given the zbrush effort a go and nothing's really stood out as an improvement - particularly when you factor in the arseache assosciated with switching apps halfway through doing something.
  • Azreality
    As many have said I would like to see more UV mapping options built in.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    Blender like pelt mapping with live preview of stress/stretching.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Unified file manage window, tired of 3 different file managers whenever I do different things, save scene, select baked files location, import files ect. And make it possible to 'bookmark' file locations, in every file manager and remember last locations for that section (dont use the same current location for both import and export files.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Computron wrote: »
    Blender like pelt mapping with live preview of stress/stretching.
    It does both those things already iirc
  • mLichy
    Oh, they need to fix UV Save Settings too. Windows still default to other things that I have said not to, and they randomly appear in different locations on screen. Really annoying.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    @poopipe: yeah ithought exactly the same, why change it, it works and i'm fast - but then some students at a uni course i was giving showed me blenders unwrapping, definitely changed a lot, i wanted to switch, than i gave 3dcoats unwrapping a go, as i already use it for retopo it boosts my speed quite a bit, as i can unwrap the retopo almost on the fly, define seams let it do the rest of the job, not stitching needed, here and there i have to relax in max and clean minor parts but overall it gives a very solid unwrap in almost no time, though it is not as interactive as blenders.
  • Tavor
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    Tavor polycounter lvl 8
    Shameless plug to Debug the UV Unwrapper. 2012's UV unwrapper just felt broken even after the service pack in some ways, and people still find things wrong with it. Its still an awesome tool, though.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Decent Normal Map baking tinkering? Also, Weighted-Painted Normals for Anistropy and Flow Maps.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    What do you guys use the math in text fields thing for? It never even occurred to me to use it.

    Neox: How is that different than the way 3dsmax unwraps? You just define seams, then select that shell and hit pelt+relax. Same thing isn't it? It's the exact same process Headus UVLayout does it. And now in 2012 they have live LCSM too.
  • mLichy
    You can do math operations in the listener (F11) as well.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    you can put any expression you like into the text fields using ctrl+N so if you wanted to make the object half as far away from its parent as it is now you'd simply put it's current transform in parent space in and divide by 2 - ie 3.464563/2

    it'll do more complicated stuff than that if you can find a reason too

    I use it a lot but then again I rig a lot...
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