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[portfolio] Rorozilla, Character Artist

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rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
Hi everybody!

I've been lurking the forum for a while but havn't been properly involved, so ill be remedying to that!

My name is Rosalie M.
I am a young 3D artist form Canada. I am currently looking for a job in Montreal and I am very eager to start my career as a Character artist soon!

I don't have a site yet, but i will be fixing that soon! so in the mean time, here is my Deviant art page: www.Rorozilla.deviantart.com

For the moment, i am keeping active by making a small game for Ipod and Iphone with my boyfriend. I will be posting some of the art work for it soon!

Any critique on my portfolio and upcoming games are more then welcome! I am really looking forward to becoming a great 3D artiste and I think the best way to get there is by getting advice from all of you guys here! :D


  • achillesian
    wow demon mother and pirate lady are great!
  • rorozilla
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    rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you so much Achillesian! That means a lot to me! I worked very hard on them!!
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah i would definitely say your pirate lady is your best piece! It's really great!
  • Tenchi
    Pirate lady was my favourite, I like your art style :D Don't forget to include textures and wires for the recruiters to assess ^_^
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Really nice hand painted work man. Good luck with the hunt
  • rorozilla
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    rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks you LRoy, Wester and Tenchi! I'm glade you like it! but do you guys think its hiring material? I always tend to be hard on my self and think my stuff is not good enough, but at the same time, i don't want to oversell my self and then not come trough!

    so if you where an employer, what would you say i need to improve on the most! i have gotten a lot of mixed replies from so people at big companies, saying my portfolio wasn't divers enought, and then the next would tell me they would of loved to have seen more specification! so who do i listen?!

    Thanks again guys! it really warms my heart!
  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    You've got some great work!

    The thing I would say to first do, before you send any portfolios out to employers, is to buy a domain name for 10 bucks and set up your own site. Deviant-art kinda scream amateur, even if it's an instantly recognizable da-portfolio. Even a blog or weebly.com site would be a bit more professional.
  • imijatov
    Good work, Rorozilla. I would say your Pirate Boy/Zombie characters don't match the same quality, level of execution like your Pirate Lady and Demon Mother do. Might be worth your time to revisit the pirate lady's facial expression. Currently, her lips are a little "swimmy" and because she is frowning her eyebrow, her upper eye lid should appear more scrunched also. Like Razgriz mentioned, it would definitely do you good to get a more personalized domain name, than da. It will show your professional side more (if the layout's done well) and will tell a potential employer you mean business!
  • rorozilla
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    rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
    that is noted! i don't know why i procrastinate so much to make my own web site, but i guess i will have to face that one head on if i really want to come off looking professional!

    thank you very much Ragriz for you help! :D
  • rorozilla
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    rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Imijatov! i am not familliar with the expression swimmy, so if you could explain more, it would help me understand :). And for the eyes you are very right, i knew there was something off, but i could never get my finger on it!

    the zombie is old and i have to say, he is one of my first works so you are right about him not fitting in there, but my pirate boy is one of my newer ones, and i added him to my portfolio to show my style versatility, dose he not fit because he looks badly made, or because he is a lot more cartooney then the rest?

    Thanks again for your input! this is really helping me become a better artist!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    I don't think the pirate boy is badly made. If it's for an iphone game I think it would be good to show his wireframe and texture.
  • rorozilla
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    rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys! It's been ages!

    So, I'm currently looking for a job! I've been working for 2 years now in the Montreal Game Industry as a 3D character artist and I have a couple new portfolio pieces to show for it!

    I just finished pimping out my Portfolio Website and I would love for you guys to go check it out. I really need feedback as to weather it makes me look like good hiring material!


    And for the rest of you that would just rather scroll down this thread to see what I do, here's some pimped out screenshots taken from the unity editor. Those where all for an Avatar System I have been working on for the past year at Groovy Pulse Game! Let me know what you think!


  • rorozilla
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