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The Depths WIP (UDK)

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Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
Here is a little scene I started a couple days ago. Still making tweaks so I thought I would throw it up here for some feedback. Thanks everyone.





  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, great atmosphere in this piece! I dont really have any crit except the green light from that corridor feels a little off. It sort of looks as if the light goes through the stone arch?
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Your flames are giving off light that is far too red for me, seems it should be more of an orange tone, I coudln't figure out why there was red light on the planks up top but then i realized that is your torch lighting. I can't tell what is up in the big glowing area, like what is creating that light? Is it supposed to be a hole to the outside or some kind of magical stone? If it is to the outside then perhaps darken up the glow from on it and place a nice giant moon in there, it could still be super glowy, but just dark enough to tell that there is a moon. The green does seem a little out of place, i can't imagine what would create a green glow but then again i'm not thinking that hard on it. Maybe if you can explain what's in there? Finally the texture on the disc seems to be a little too microscopic, perhaps a more general shape to it so it doesn't look like a bunch of squiggly lines since you'll never get all THAT close to it from down there.

    Beyond all of those crits I really like it overall, very cool ambiance.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks cheese- Ya I think there is a gap between the arch and the rock allowing light to bleed through. I will get it fixed.

    Duckworth- I will adjust the redness of the lights and I agree they need to be more orange. The light at the top is breaking in from a bright moon or possibly something else magical is happening up there.
    The green was a way to kinda lead the player through, I liked the two colors together. The areas are green leading to the next area and getting a different style of light.
    The shield I do agree form a distance but the possibility to get close to it is there. When standing on the bridge the player can look up so it does work that way.

    Thanks guys for the input keep things coming...
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    looks nice, like the composition. Only crits are your water isn't really reading atm. the waterfall and what I assume is a river. Probably not a big deal, cause in game it'll be animated.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks cheese- Ya I think there is a gap between the arch and the rock allowing light to bleed through. I will get it fixed.

    Duckworth- I will adjust the redness of the lights and I agree they need to be more orange. The light at the top is breaking in from a bright moon or possibly something else magical is happening up there.
    The green was a way to kinda lead the player through, I liked the two colors together. The areas are green leading to the next area and getting a different style of light.
    The shield I do agree form a distance but the possibility to get close to it is there. When standing on the bridge the player can look up so it does work that way.

    Thanks guys for the input keep things coming...

    On the green helping the player follow, i'll give you some advice that one of my professers always really rode us hard on, "why?"

    He always said to have a reason for why you are doing what you are doing for it to be truly great, if it's green that's fine but have a reason for it beyond just leading the player, maybe have a pedastal with a glowing skull sitting on it that you could use as pressure switch to open a door, or change the light to yellow and have some large flame fountains on either side of the entranceway, placing a green light without rhyme or reason other than to lead the player is a path to disaster. The reason doesn't have to be entirely logical but it does need to make sense. You could even do something as simple as having a few puddles with some bioluminescent lifeforms (glowing mushrooms, fish) in and around them.

    As for the moon I guess I hit the nail on the head with that guess, I would suggest trying out the changes I mentioned above, as of now it just kinda looks like there is a floating blob of blue light since I can see where it ends behind it.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Made some adjustments to my scene. I got rid of the torches on the scaffolding, removed the green glow in the arch, adjusted the reflections on the water, changed the fire color so they aren't so red anymore.
    If there are anymore suggestions please let me know. Thanks!





  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome scene! Looks like a lot of fun to run around. Any vids?
  • Jonsnow
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    great atmosphere
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Very strong atmospherics. Personally I miss the torches on the upper left area in the first few screenshots, it gives it a really inviting interplay of light--helps suggest direction of travel for the player. In the first shot of the most recent batch of "adjusted" shots, I really like the hidden blue light as well; maybe play more with lighting the scenes in places with hidden lights like that. The torches would work well highlighting both a suggested player path and leading the eye visually through the scene.

    Anyway very nice work, keep up the updates.
  • Fraeger
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    Fraeger polycounter lvl 14
    Really, really good work!
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10
    The cave enterance looks much better, but I agree with Gauss about missing the torches on the upper left. It seems to make the scene more alive, and less hidden in shadow.

  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Not to sound like a douche, but what is the giant round thing?

    I feel that it looks out of place in your scene.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Brandoom- Haha, its not douchey. It is a gong type of object that I imagine the people down here would sound when calling in the creature from the water kind of like a Kracken. I might play around with removing, but not sure yet.

    In regards to the torches at the top of the scaffolding I am also contemplating bringing some of them back but not sure. I am torn..

    CHolden- Thanks and I will do a fly through when the scene is complete and show some of my props etc,,

    gauss- I might add another light in the top dark cavern area but not sure yet, I will test it and see what it looks like.

    Wonkey- Thanks man, I might add some torches back stay tuned

    itismario- I am using 2 rock textures one for the stalagtites and walls and floor and another for the rock pillars.

    Jonsnow- Thank you!

    Fraeger- Thank you too!
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    MESMURDA polycounter lvl 12
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Ah, a gong. That makes sense.

    I don't think you need to get rid of it. But perhaps edit it a bit. I don't get a very gongish feel from just looking at it. The colors and design are throwing me for a loop. Maybe try for something a little more ornate;


    I do really like your scene though. Its coming along nicely.
  • eY3lEs5
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    I love atmospheric scenes, this is coming together beautifully. Maybe when you have time, if you could lay out your props for the scene and some texture samples? I'm curious as to how modular this scene is, let alone see the props individually (like tristram tunnels thread) :poly142:
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Wow, this is simply breathtaking! I'm keeping my eye on your progress, I'm currently learning UDK myself. Any tips/tricks or documentation you have to offer would be invaluable. Such as that waterfall, I want to know how you did that!
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Brandoom- The gong was originally a shield that I turned into a focal point for the scene, so i can see it not fitting in to well. i will adjust the texture on it making it feel more weathered and belonging in the scene. i tried cheating a bit..

    Mesmurda-Thank you..

    eY3- When I feel close to having it done I will get my stuff together and post. The scene is extremely modular. I am using 2 different rocks, 1 scaffolding with some seperate bracing pieces, a rope, a gong, a chain, an arch, a rock pillar, a bridge pillar, a rail, a torch brazier, and water plane

    Makkon- What kind of info would you like to know? I can answer your questions if you want, either here or pm me. The waterfall is a simple plane with a material I grabbed from UDK and made some tweaks to I mostly used it as a guide, nothing to crazy really.

    Thanks for the replies everyone, please keep them coming...
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Ah, well if it's that simple no worries then. Thanks!
    I suppose if you have any tips on lighting and composition, that is certainly the strength of this piece by far. What sort of planning did you do before you started building your level? Any layout designs? I'd also like to see pictures your individual assets that you used in the scene, and perhaps some texture sheets. :)
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9

    Here is an updated shot. I added a couple more torches along the scaffolding path to add a little color interest.

    I re did the gong texture to make it fit more with the visual language.

    I removed the under piece that was under the gong.

    I tried adding a slight light in the cave to the left of the waterfall and it took away from the interest of the scene.

    Do the torches work along the scaffolding or should they be 86'd again?

    Once again all feedback is still wanted.

  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Makkon wrote: »
    Ah, well if it's that simple no worries then. Thanks!
    I suppose if you have any tips on lighting and composition, that is certainly the strength of this piece by far. What sort of planning did you do before you started building your level? Any layout designs? I'd also like to see pictures your individual assets that you used in the scene, and perhaps some texture sheets. :)

    Hmm planning? I guess I just kind of had an idea in my head and went with it, no real concepting except in UDK, bad I know but that's how I work a lot of the time. I wanted a subterranean type of cave, grabbed a few cave scene references and rock styles and modeled and sculpted away.

    I will be posting the assets when the scene is officially finished.
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Amazing work, love the atmosphere of the scene. Looking forward to seeing some breakdowns when your done with it.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Let's break it down a bit more :) Right now I feel like lots of nice detail is getting lost. You have a great scene going on, really nice composition and overall interesting. However I would

    - Highlight the lower left, somehow, you got some cool wooden structure there.
    - The middle bottom, the wooden structures there.
    - what about cool-looking foliage? :)

    Great work so far, I'm really looking forward to more :)
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Let's break it down a bit more :) Right now I feel like lots of nice detail is getting lost. You have a great scene going on, really nice composition and overall interesting. However I would

    - Highlight the lower left, somehow, you got some cool wooden structure there.
    - The middle bottom, the wooden structures there.
    - what about cool-looking foliage? :)

    Great work so far, I'm really looking forward to more :)

    Thanks Chris, I will look into throwing some foilage int where it makes sense like up towards the opening and maybe hanging over the top of the rocks.

    I will look into lighting a little bit of the structures below, without drawing to much attention to them. Thanks again...
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    ajr2764 wrote: »
    Amazing work, love the atmosphere of the scene. Looking forward to seeing some breakdowns when your done with it.

    I will get these together when its done. Thanks man..
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Hey reverend, I lost this thread for a while sadly, but i'm glad to have come back across it :) I think the change from green to orangish white light is one of your biggest improvements, the gong change certainly helps as it no longer forces me to stare at it the whole time.

    Just an idea on the scaffolding since you don't seem to be in favor of the torches - perhaps create a small hole in the rocks near the larger hole and have the same kind of light shine down directly on the scaffolding as a way of really pointing it out without looking too unnatural?
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    DDuckworth wrote: »
    Hey reverend, I lost this thread for a while sadly, but i'm glad to have come back across it :) I think the change from green to orangish white light is one of your biggest improvements, the gong change certainly helps as it no longer forces me to stare at it the whole time.

    Just an idea on the scaffolding since you don't seem to be in favor of the torches - perhaps create a small hole in the rocks near the larger hole and have the same kind of light shine down directly on the scaffolding as a way of really pointing it out without looking too unnatural?

    Thank you, ya the gong was also something my wife suggested changing as well as brandoom.

    I will look into something more with the scaffolding but I did add a few more torches back. I should have an update this evening after I get off work..
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Here is another update. I added some mushrooms, some simple foilage, and a few other slight tweaks. I tried another torch on the left and then moved it down to the scaffolding by the water and it was to much. My eye was being drawn to it to much. See if you agree



    All feedback is still appreciated... Thanks everyone..
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    You really took great care of your crits, good work dude!
    Looking great, all I can think about is maybe some grass or moss-stuff beneath the shrooms?
    Keep at it!
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    There's a couple of things in the I feel are off to some point:

    - Water, water's ripple seem too big, it tends to throw away the scale of the whole thing.
    - Bridge pilars dont fade into water at all, they seem to float
    - Also if the scene shot you show now is your final angle, you might add some more geometry to your rock cliffs on the right and left,

    - There's a very distracting bright blue spot on the left (where it seems there's a tunnel going away) that me and other dudes at work noticed, it draws your attention away from the point!

    - The shrooms that are very close to the camera look a bit rushed if you know what I mean, unless it's temporary meshes.

    Of course the rest looks good, I like the wood scaffholdings and there's a great progress made since first pics. Keep it up
  • duxun
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  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    ParoXum wrote: »
    There's a couple of things in the I feel are off to some point:

    - Water, water's ripple seem too big, it tends to throw away the scale of the whole thing.
    - Bridge pilars dont fade into water at all, they seem to float
    - Also if the scene shot you show now is your final angle, you might add some more geometry to your rock cliffs on the right and left,

    - There's a very distracting bright blue spot on the left (where it seems there's a tunnel going away) that me and other dudes at work noticed, it draws your attention away from the point!

    - The shrooms that are very close to the camera look a bit rushed if you know what I mean, unless it's temporary meshes.

    Of course the rest looks good, I like the wood scaffholdings and there's a great progress made since first pics. Keep it up

    Hey paro, thanks for the feedback. I will look into the scale of the water material
    I will also try out lightening the blue cave area and see how it goes.
    The mushrooms material I will look into re working.
    I will also make the bridge supports fit better into the water..

    Thanks Cheese and duxun.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9

    Here is another update with the following
    Changed the scale of the water
    dimmed the blue cave light to the left
    darkened the mushrooms in the foreground and added some more rock geometry on the edges
    got the bridge pillars to transition into the water a little better
    changed the tiling texture on the mushrooms although you cant tell right now because i wanted the ones in the foreground to be more silhoutted
    I also added some hanging moss up near the scaffolding in the damp areas

    Thanks for the feedback Paro and everyone else, also thank you all for the kinds words. If there is anything else that doesn't work please feel free to let me know.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9

    I think I might be calling this done unless anyone has anymore feedback towards it? Thanks to everyone who gave me their feedback so far, it is truly appreciated..
  • Ewaf
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    I love this. That atmospheres perfect. I can't point out anything that appears out of place, very nice man.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    I think it's great, you've gotten a really great balance going now, made a lot of progress!

    For my last crit you don't even have to bother with it, but many of the shrooms are sticking into the rock on the sides, they are just plain intersecting the geometry and since they are so close to the viewer it's obvious and stands out to me.

    Awesome piece!
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Here is the final shot and some mesh and material breakdowns. If there are any questions I will answer what I can if anyone is interested. Thanks..









  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    UDK? wow this is super impressive!
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Hey xvampire this is all done in udk thanks for the compliment
  • popngear
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    Great composition!

    The only thing that really bugs me (and I can't tell in the renders because it's quite dark) is the orange rock texture having tiling within itself. Perhaps though, that's a tiling done within the material?

    Anyways, good use of foreground elements also to frame the shots.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    popngear wrote: »
    Great composition!

    The only thing that really bugs me (and I can't tell in the renders because it's quite dark) is the orange rock texture having tiling within itself. Perhaps though, that's a tiling done within the material?

    Anyways, good use of foreground elements also to frame the shots.

    What do you mean by having tiling within itself?
    Thanks for the kind words man...
  • popngear
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    There is a small swatch being tiled many times within a single texture. Since you have 1024x1024 (or 2048x2048?) of unique pixels to play with, you may as well make use of it rather than having a tiled swatch within a single texture.

    I am referring to the square outlined in green that is being repeated everywhere


    Again, not really a big deal in your final renders, but given some brighter lighting situations and if this were a game that would let you walk up to the surface, it would become quite obvious.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    I see what you mean popngear, although we did alot of our rocks like this on our game. If I was going to use the outside part of the texture for other objects then I would of made the texture tiling. Thanks for the compliments popn
  • BluPanda
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    cool pix! great job!
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Blu Panda, thank you. I also wanted to tell you nice sci fi diver model. i am really digging it when i first saw you post it.. Where are you working at?
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor keyframe
    Hey i like you showing of the pieces, would you mind showing off the wooden walkway?
  • Maxim
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    Anyone know of any good tutorials on how to do waterfalls in udk?
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Hey i like you showing of the pieces, would you mind showing off the wooden walkway?

    Hey Snake, there is an image of the scaffolding on the rock sheet pic I posted. if you want another image I will post one this evening.

    Hey Maxim, just go into UDK and reverse engineer and see how UDK does it.
    try that and see if that works.
  • ajv3d
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    ajv3d polycounter lvl 7
    I'd recommend looking at some particle tutorials, I haven't seen anything waterfall specific though.
    Maxim wrote: »
    Anyone know of any good tutorials on how to do waterfalls in udk?
  • ajv3d
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    ajv3d polycounter lvl 7
    Wow, for starting this only a few days ago, this is amazing.
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