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What Modern Games are missing!

I was just sitting around beeing nostalgic about my childhood gaming experience and i asked myself, what is it that newer games lack that made the older games so special. And i finally come to the conclusion.


In games in the past music was a huge part, with music from Legend Of Zelda, the Final Fantasy tunes and not to forget Frank Klepacki. Music for games where music you could listen too while not even beeing at the computer and still hearing that really catchy tune and get reminded of the awesomeness.

Is anyone here with me on this one? I mean, does anyone even know the Gears of War theme? And how does it stack up to Hell March from Red Alert 2.

EDIT: Post if you know some modern games that have really great songs in them ;)


  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I think there are a ton of modern games with great sound tracks. Halo, God of War, Uncharted, Mass Effect, World of Warcraft. All fantastic. Star Craft 2's songs are also good but some of that stuff is based on the original game.

    But for super catch tunes like tunes of Mario/Zelda I would say the one that stands out most in my mind would be Halo's main theme. That and Portal's still alive.

    The only Gears of War music I can even remember is Gary Jules, Mad World and that was just from one of the trailer.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Totally agree with you about music. There are modern games that have brilliant soundtracks such as Oblivion, World of Warcraft, etc, but none of them are particularly memorable.

    I don't think it's all about the music though. I think you have to be careful when judging new games to old games, because nostalgia plays a big part in clouding judgement!

    Apart from music, I'm not quite sure what it was that made those games so good. Was it that we'd simply not played anything like them before? I think it's partly to do with graphics too.. Everybody's so focused on how beautiful the game looks, and don't put any soul in to their games nowadays... Perhaps that's it. A certain lack of character maybe?

    I'm not at all saying that all games nowadays are shit, I still love modern games and some of them hold up to the classics. Saying that, I don't play too many games now :D
  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    Personally I love the music from Unreal 1. UT's music was almost as good but not quite, and UT 2004 was yet another step down from that. I haven't played UT3 yet, but I imagine it's more of the same. Maybe there's just not as much thought put into music in games these days.

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  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    And don't forget the brass solo's of the 1942 games..

    Could never get that out of my head

    In regards to putting soul into games I think the very exact thing happened back then too. Look at the horror that is ET for atari. There were plenty of horrible games back then just as there are now its just the good times we remember more readily then the bad.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Loved poppin this game disk into the CD player!

  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    A gem is Planescape: Torment, love the game and especially the tune that plays as you met the ghost in the morgue:
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I feel you nailed it on the head PogoP, a lot of reasons we talk about how awesome games were "back in the day" were because those games happened to be our first experience with a genre. It's only natural to be a little disenchanted or less thrilled when playing game after game in the same genre for 10+ years, just doesn't give you the same buzz, granted there are always exceptions, like some new games might revitalize your interest and what not. But, you also have to realize new people are playing games. So what might be your 20th game in a genre, will be their first, making it just as interesting as your first. Just wait another 10 years, 20 somethings who played Halo when they were kids will be complaining how games aren't as good as they used to be.

    As far as music in games? The only game soundtrack that I actually remember is the soundtrack to the game Descent 2. Which I decided to just look up while writing this, just because, and found that it was put together by members of Skinny Puppy and Type O Negative, two bands I enjoy. Granted when the game came out in 96 I had no clue about those guys, however it is a fun coincidence that I would grow up to eventually like them.

    I also have the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack in my head as being good, but that's because I played it like a day or two ago. But it was adequately epic to what you were doing, which is kind of what I look for in a soundtrack.

    For the most part game soundtracks aren't really something that leave a lasting impression. However I do hate it when it's a very short loop played repetitively, which is ironic to this thread topic considering it is what you mostly find in older games, haha. Seriously it makes me just turn the music off and listen to something else while playing.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13

    This music and the cutscene it gets played in really got me hyped playing the game.

    I agree music is a great thing when done right in games, it can make the simplest of gameplay or levels on "rails" seem absolutely epic. I think Halo 3 did this really well with the last level. You just drive some damn warthog for a minute, but the music really keeps you..."immersed"

    I'm a big fan of Movie/game soundtracks, always very inspiring stuff. :)

    WoW has a great soundtrack, and the new cataclysm stuff is coming along great:

  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Neo_God wrote: »
    However I do hate it when it's a very short loop played repetitively, which is ironic to this thread topic considering it is what you mostly find in older games, haha. Seriously it makes me just turn the music off and listen to something else while playing.

    Morrowind immediately comes to mind. It was a great loop, but when that one great (short) loop is the whole soundtrack, it's kind of a bummer. Shame, really, as the music itself, what little there is, was actually pretty epic.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    My problem is that game soundtracks are too much like movie soundtracks;
    Everything is epicly epic orchestrated, or awkwardly uses popular songs, or has incredibly boring 'uhn-tiss' type music.
    Without limitations, game music falls down a notch, imo.
    Music in video games was at its peak when the technology was limited. NES game soundtracks are incredibly memorable, the SNES is the same but with more mood, and emotion availabe. Psx had some sweet midi music; but I Dunno.
    thats how i feel, i guess
  • PhattyEwok
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • [Deleted User]
    a game that needs music to be good isn't a particularly good game in the first place with the obvious exceptions of rhythm games
  • Sandro
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    Music was awful back in the days. Yes it was catchy, but repetitive as hell and got really really annoying after a while. And 8 bit sound feels extremely synthetic and sends shivers down my spine.

    If modern games lack something it's not art and music.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Nostalgia makes everything seem tons better than it actually was.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    the music from uncharted, especially nates theme is fucking amazing. every time I hear it I want to toss on some grimy clothes, and gO adventurin'. dreamer is right, some of the old music while cool was highly repetitive and after 5 mins of playing roms makes me want to kill. unless its donkey kong country :D

    I think music for games has evloved into such a more complex medium, its like scoring a film yet it all has to flow dynamicly depending on what the player is doing, looping into each other seamlessly, distinct themes and ques when actions are made etc.

    I think nowdays you dont think about it / remember it as much untill you really sit down and think of it because its been refined to the point of being a major part of the overall experience, much like film, instead of just being something used to fill dead air noise.

    if you check out most soundtracks from modern games like gears, prince of persia, metal gear etc, the music is incredibly rich and without the sensory overload of gorgeous graphics and distracting gameplay your brain can appreciate it even more :)


    also....god of war, some of the most aggressive use of brass I've heard in a while in their soundtrack, really really suits the themes/tone of the games.

  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    Ooh man, Ebagg, i had forgotten about Mechwarrior, that was great!

    Has anyone mentioned the Doom music, Doom1 and 2 that is, they were pretty Iconic at the time.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
  • TheWinterLord
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    My problem is that game soundtracks are too much like movie soundtracks;
    Everything is epicly epic orchestrated

    That's bollocks.


    Actually, I agree, games' music hasn't changed, just us.
  • Visceral
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    Dont tell me this dosnt get you excited to kick some american ass :P
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    don't know if it was mentioned, but Shadow of the Colossus to me has the best soundtrack when it comes to making the game actually feel epic and grand, The way the music shifts depending on what's going on during battle is unmatched.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Games nowadays are missing difficulty,games are too damn easy these days. Anyone who Beat games like battletoads and ghouls and ghoblins can attest to that.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Totally agree. My golden era of gaming was the Snes days, and I STILL even now, whack songs from those days on Youtube. I usually play Super Metroids soundtrack, or even Donkey Kong Country. DKC2 has some of the best music in games ever.

    Things were also so much more simple back then, it was an age where YES, its fine to jump on an enemies head, and thats it... So stuff was fun. These days, a game isn't deemed good unless its got a tripple A blockbuster story...

    Its probably the reason why some of my fave games this gen are Mario Galaxy and the like, or the Metroid Prime series. I mean I love me some Uncharted and Gears, but its not the same, at all...

    In fact, one thing I've been VERY sure to maintain on OverDose is that its soundtrack makes sense. Each level has two music loops, one that plays as an ambient style track, and another that overlays when you actually enter intense combat, but keeps the same beat. It has a really retro, arcade like feel to it and works really well.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Oh and thats not to say music in games is pants these days, christ no. Games like Mass Effect brought me to tears at times with its amazingly epic soundtrack. Its just that creating games these days isn't about fun, its about matching Hollywood production values, so the core concept of gaming has changed.

    Back in the day, you were GOOD if you could beat a level without losing a life. These days you are good if you prestige via head shotting while taking into account wind direction and speed... Its just a totally different world.
  • Mark Dygert
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  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    :D My fav game is Super Metroid, best animations, good music, good design, and too many hours of play, very very atmospheric.

    Hagane was another SNES game i loved.

    Yeah, games are now so easy... and the worst is that i finish a game in a few hours, they are too SHORT (shooters the most), with small levels/campaigns poorly planned. The total content in actual games are ridiculous, a few maps, a few enemies (repeated), and that's all.

    Soul Reaver was a good game i enjoyed with, and Baldur's Gate another one (with great music).

    Another thing is that AI in actual games sucks a lot. Enemies are not a big deal and they are retarded, they don't give us play. Dungeon keeper had a cool but still simple AI, very functional, but now... why we don't see improved AI systems?.

    Music in games are err... sometimes good, sometimes very bad. In general, I would like to hear better music in games, with transitions from relax to combat/surprise, like unreal 1. It's something only a few games have.

    And talking about music quality, starcraft 1 OST is way better than Starcraft 2 OST. The same for Baldur's Gate series, the one is the best!.

    Red Faction had some good musics too.
  • Ruz
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  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18

    Most memorable one ;)


    Interview with the musician.

    Edit: this one is also cool:

    And I really like the Mechwarrior2 soundtrack as well.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    PogoP wrote: »
    I don't think it's all about the music though. I think you have to be careful when judging new games to old games, because nostalgia plays a big part in clouding judgement!


    It's more fun remembering the good times we had playing them, as opposed to actually playing them. They were great for the time, but surely nobody can say with any honesty that games were actually better then.

    If people didn't care about graphics, then we wouldn't have made such a fuss over the SNES' Mode 7 capabilities or raved about titles like Starfox, games certainly weren't as immersive as they are now (even over shorter campaigns) and the story / dialogue (or text) in some older games were absolutely atrocious, even compared to the worst examples of today's standards.

    The only things many older games probably have over modern titles is accessibility and replay value.

    I love retrogaming as much as the next guy, and I feel sorry for the younger kids that missed the 8- and 16-bit days, but let's not get too carried away with the triple-A hating.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    While I completely disagree that it's just the music, I have to agree that a lot of game music these days is more background noise, than anything else. It's the same with movie music too. I guess people started taking the whole "if the audience notices the music, you're doing it wrong" thing and taking it too far. Unless you're a fan of the game/movie soundtrack, the music is completely forgotten 2 seconds after it's over.

    I'm not a game soundtrack fan, and don't understand the people that only listen to game soundtracks. I'm just a regular fan. And yeah, let's be honest. Nostalgia is a big part of this.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I love if someone says games where better back then its always dismissed as nostalgia. In fact quite alot of people(I,ll provide links if you really think its neccesary, from developers even) think games at the moment arent living up to their potential.

    Some games were better back then. Deus ex, why has no one bettered or even come close to attempting something like that? The games now are extremely limited compared to the games we used to play and to what most average people expect. You have more freedom in the first doom game than you do in almost every subsequent fps to come out.

    Its easy to dismiss the older games "ha ha you can see their pixels". But they had it where it counts, focused on gameplay and refined(or not)but at least more uniqueness.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    I don't personally believe that modern games are any better or worse now than they were 20-25 years ago. Back in the day, in general, we didn't have difficulty settings, and as such, playing through a game on easy or normal makes it seem like games are easy now. For the most part, modern games are just as challenging, if not more so, if played at a difficult setting.

    As far as music goes, in the past the music was much more a part of the foreground sound rather than background, and as such, we just recognize classic video-game tunes much more readily. I still believe music has a huge amount to do with how much a player enjoys a game, and I still appreciate good music in any game or movie.

    I still have my NES hooked up, and I still play classic games from time to time via emulators, and I can honestly say that many classic games still hold up today. In much the same way, 20 years from now, the best games of this generation will still hold up then.

    In this thread alone we have people calling out games from pretty much every generation since the NES, so it's not like all of the great games populated one generation.
  • Visceral
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    I have been seeing alot of people talking about that this is all nostalgia. I think not. I think music in gaming has changed. From the early 90's where songs for games where developed much like hit songs that could play on the radio, into something moore modern where music acts much as an atmosphere provider moore than an awesome tune to get you pumped for a game.

    On the other note i have been checking your youtube links and i have to admit, some games do have good music. World Of Warcraft dosnt count however beacuse that feels like one example on my theory of music as atmosphere.

    Keep posting examples of good game music ;) i prefer if it where modern games music.
  • MegaMoogle
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    MegaMoogle polycounter lvl 9
    I agree up to a point. The thing about older games was that there was very rarely voice acting, and not a lot of loud sound effects to distract from the music. It was easier to pay attention to the music because of this. I realized when you mentioned that you miss hearing the soundtrack, that I can't really think of a memorable recent soundtrack from a game, and really I think that has more to do with all of the loud SFX and fast paced gameplay, it keeps the player from running around and just enjoying the music.

    EDIT: My modern day game music guilty pleasure is the soundtrack from Katamari Damacy. >,> It's so catchy! And gets stuck in your head.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Actually I think the problem with most modern games is that they are not Final Fantasy VII
  • [iWi]
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    Silent Hill 1 -

    I'll never forget ;
    ( the story, music , gore - all works together ! )

  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Another factor might be the fact that back in the olden days you have far far less games coming out, so any game you got you would play through multiple times because there were so few games out.

    Now we have it seems at least 10 amazing games coming out each year and thousands of pounds of shovel ware and decent/ok games. Once you beat a great/good game now instead of playing it over and over you move on to the next great game because there are just a ton more games out there now then before.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I agree that lot of games now just doesn't hold up to games in the past. Sure, they got better graphic, but gameplay has been dumbed down and made more simple.
    Take my two favorites, Morrowind and System Shock 2, they were complex and fun. The sequels (even though Bioshock was just 'spiritual' sequel) was prettier but simpler and easier, the idea with sequels is that they should improve and apart from graphic, the rest of the game suffered imo.
    Bioshock with its "You cant die" and big promises (all your actions has consequences? huh, save or drain little sisters?)
    Oblivion with loads of loading screens just to get into a house, the auto levelling monsters so you never would be cool (thank god for mod community).

    I do look more towards some of the east union games these days, like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Witcher (can't wait for the sequel for that). Where its ironic that I as an artist would complain about improved graphic in games, I do think that games should try go more 'hardcore' then mainstream. And yes I know, money money money.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    lulz, it wasn't all awesome

    I'd like to comment on Skate's licensed music tracks, the Funeral was such an awesome choice. It changed my mood from "rararragh, I gotta nail this trick!" to just smooth cruising and going with the flow (also, Skate was harrrd compared to Tony Hawk)

    RDR had a stellar soundtrack, one of my favorite songs

    WET had a great score as well, although the soundtrack was padded with alot of licensed music
  • glenatron
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    glenatron polycounter lvl 11
    So true about difficulty. Ghouls n Ghosts / Megaman were both face-melters.
    And chiptunes used to be awesome. The music in games like Cybernator made my balls fizzle.
    Btw, if anyone's checked out the new Scott Pilgrim game, the music evokes crazy nostalgia (awesome game too). Best game soundtrack I've heard in a good long while.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    it's funny, I thought most of the SNES games sounded fairly cheesy when it came out. I just checked out Cybernator and was immediately turned off.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    McGreed wrote: »
    Take my two favorites, Morrowind and System Shock 2, they were complex and fun.

    Everyone always comes out with the usual 'Morrowind was awesome, Oblivion sucked' argument, but I really do think that people need to revisit it and play it again. In terms of the story, Morrowind was undoubtedly superior, but everything else was so similar I don't know how opinions can be so polarized about two such similar games.

    At least in Oblivion you could actually hit things - Morrowind's melee combat was nothing short of fucking awful.

    Disclaimer: I loved Morrowind, thought it was awesome and still play it.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10

    The Starcraft II music really impressed.

    Not in game music but it was a blast to hear the stooges playing on the jukebox at the cantina.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    danshewan wrote: »
    Everyone always comes out with the usual 'Morrowind was awesome, Oblivion sucked' argument, but I really do think that people need to revisit it and play it again. In terms of the story, Morrowind was undoubtedly superior, but everything else was so similar I don't know how opinions can be so polarized about two such similar games.

    At least in Oblivion you could actually hit things - Morrowind's melee combat was nothing short of fucking awful.

    Disclaimer: I loved Morrowind, thought it was awesome and still play it.

    I agree for the most part. Oblivion was far better than Morrowind in regards to raw gameplay. Morrowind was superior in story and environmental variety.

    Uggh, now I want a new (single player) Elder Scrolls game.
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Modern games need...

    To bring back inspiring coverart.

    Lose these...


    Reintroduce these...


    And stop clinging to this!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequel
  • CrazyMatt
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    I feel modern games lack simple game mechanics and play structure. As far as I can comment on the music with everyone. I feel the dramatic orchestra themed music is a bit overdone too much. I miss the days of mario, zelda, sonic, and bandicoot. Where games music aimed at having a fun theme. Though maybe this is where I realize. There are just way too many violent games being redone.

    Everything today is just getting a little too repetitive and more complicated.
  • xvampire
  • dejawolf
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