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[Portfolio] –Brad Boyles, Asset and Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 7
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SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
Hi there everyone. I've been lurking polycount for almost two years now and I absolutely love what goes on around here. I've finally mustered up the courage to post some work and a website. The art sheets and screen caps are sort of tentative. I had a promise to the hiring manager of Obsidian that I would get my site up by tonight in preparation for GDC, haha. I plan on adding wireframes, poly counts, ect to the assets currently without them. I will be graduating from Ai-OC towards the end of this year and I would love all of your comments and critiques on my work to aid me in my adventures into this amazing industry. Thanks for your time!



  • nick2730
    everything looks pretty good.

    Only thing that stands out to me is that the Sci-Fi Hallway is using textures from the 3d game textures book. Create your own, otherwise it looks like you simply copied
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    gah I totally failed to state that. Yeah that book is great for procedural texturing. May apologies and thanks for reminding me nick2730! Will get on it ASAP.
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    props look better than enviros as to me.

    The realistic ones (in a building) look too dark. I know it is night, but those images can't show your texture or lighting skills cauz everything is dark except for glowing areas.

    And the sci-fi gun is too low res both texture and mesh (considering FPS of course, but unless written otherwise by default it is viewed as current-gen FPS gun).
  • Goat Justice
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    Goat Justice polycounter lvl 10
    +1 to matroskin's comments.

    Also: There is an awful lot of normal noise on your hairdryer asset. Mixed with a somewhat desaturated diffuse, it kinda looks like its made of cement. I'd probably cut that one if it was me.

    There are some things you can do pretty easily to get more bang from your prison tower asset:

    1. Fix the door texture. What's there now looks like some sort of brown plastic with wood grain on it. Its much cleaner than the rest of the building too.
    2. The grimy area at the bottom of the tower could be a lot more dramatic. Likewise for the drips from the top and windows. Really let them get nice and dark in places. It makes the sides look less tiled, and provides some nice contrast. A bit more AO in general might be nice too.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    Alrighty guys and gals, credit was given where needed on the sci-fi hallway.

    Matroskin I agree with you. However during my last couple quarters in school I really plan on getting my environments looking better. And as far as the gun goes, I am possibly thinking of removing that piece or at least re texturing.

    Goat Justice, thanks also for your comments. I will totally go back and re work the prison tower, those slight fixes sounds good to me. As far as the hair dryer goes, it's being used in a falllout mod (http://theatomiccafe.net) and my director wanted our assets really desaturated for the game. However I am wondering if it also looks so bumpy in marmoset. In fallout 3 the normals look much less pronounced. I think I will post some screens of some of my assets in game for comparisons.

    Again, thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback!
  • Goat Justice
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    Goat Justice polycounter lvl 10
    Cool. I'll be interested to see the tweaked tower, and if the hair dryer looks better in engine, use a shot of that for your folio. A lot of the time people evaluating your stuff will blow through your images really fast. Always put the best possible render out there.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    the images are imo a bit to kilobyte heavy.. you can definitely shrink them down a bit without any noticeable artifacts.

    Imo the brigth-sides dark-center choice is not that good. Especially because the thumbnails have a dark background. They disappear a bit right now.

    in general I would suggest to work more on normalmapping techniques. Most of the stuff looks very flat and photoshop-plugin-like.

  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    quick bump and update to the website for GDC! For those of you in SF this week for GDC, have fun and best wishes! :)
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    None of the links for your new fast attack vehicle environment work, fyi. The ones at the bottom of the "environment" part work fine, but I can't enlarge any of the vehicle shots.
  • 3DLee
    I've been following your work on the fast attack vehicle though, nice work! As mentioned though, your links are broken/non-existent.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    Gah yes, I totally need to fix that. Thanks guys. Was in such a rush finishing it before the trip up north. I will try and get it all fixed tonight at the hotel room. I also have the plan to add a contact button at the bottom of every page.
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    Don't really feel like reading everyone comments before me so If its said before sorry in advance.

    fix the broken link cause i cant see your model when its only like 256 pixels wide.

    Fill the background of you site to all black.

    the last image in the assets page is a link to download a psd. Change ti to a jpg page.

    BIGGER renders. You should be displaying you work at a MINIMUM of 1024. try and go bigger if you can

    I would suggest writing in your resume into you website since you have a full page dedicated to it, and also have the option to download the .pdf and .doc. Just makes it a little easier on the user to check out your credentials.

    Finally don't use a blurry picture of your self. Find a friend or a tripod, it will make you seem less "armature"

    Hope this helps!!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Read the about section... Saw some errors... Might want to spell check that... (See Below for my suggestions)

    I am a 3d asset and environment artist. I also enjoy dabbling with character and creature creation. I have done mod work as well as contributed to an Indie Game using the Unreal Development Kit, as well as the G.E.C.K. (WHAT IS GECK? NOT EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS.). I am seeking a role as an asset or environment artist that will challenge me every day and one where I can continue to develop my skills so that one day, I can lead a team of 3D artists on the development of a AAA title video game. I currently reside in Orange County, California. If you have any questions or comments about myself or my work, please feel free to contact me.

    These are just suggestions and I'm sure some of my wording is a bit off. I wrote this quickly just to point out some common stuff people over look and will frown on if it's not done right.

    As for the work. I wont critique everything but a few of the things that stand out to me.

    Overall the model presentation is really weak. Most of them are super dark and it's hard to read anything in the models.

    Take the knife for example. It looks like it was used to attack a metal door. It's scraped up everywhere. Plus I would frown on someone using a 1024x1024 on something like this even in an fps when guns are using the same size texture pages.

    Plus you could mirror both sides of the knife and save yourself some texture space and put this thing down to at least a 1024x512. Still using the bigger page but cut in half. A 512x256 might actually be enough.

    Did you do high polys for these? If so where are they?

    You show potential and looking at your resume it says you will graduate this coming december. You really need to start kicking ass and working your butt off on your stuff and by december have a nice site to present stuff to potential employers.

    Good luck with everything and keep working on this stuff.
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