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Stargate: Universe

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ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
Anybody catch this?

I was a big fan of the original movie, and didn't really get into the two TV shows until recently (they always seemed a little too silly/lite for me).

This new show seems much more serious. I can see where the accusations of "Battlestar Galactica clone" come from though.

A crew of military people come under sneak attack and are stuck with civilians on board a busted old space ship, lost and alone, while distrusting a long-haired British scientist who is at fault for their predicament.

That said, I thought it was really good. A big improvement over the previous 2 series so far, IMO.

The acting, sets and production design seem to have all gotten upgrades, lets hope the same is true for the writing.


  • nick2730
    Im a big time stargate fan and it really didnt feel like stargate at all, as a show im sure it will pan out fine and be good but its not the stargate ive come to love
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    I liked it. I met Richard Dean Anderson at e3 once, though he kinda freaked me out cuz he kept staring at me.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I liked the first movie, HATED the series (mainly because for some ungodly reason, it kicked my precious Farscape off the air). Didn't catch SGU, though.

    Does the series start fresh? Or does it pick up from something else? Would I get into it if I hadn't seen the other series?
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Vassago: Yeah. All you need to know really is what the Stargate is, and even if you don't the pilot gives a pretty job of catching the audience up to speed.

    Check it out on Hulu or the sci-fi website.
  • HellMark
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    HellMark polycounter lvl 18
    Big fan of all things Stargate. I liked the pilot but I'm cautious about the series. It's not traditional Stargate and clearly taking a lot from BSG which I also loved except for the last 5 minutes of that series. :)

    With this and Bryan Singer's BSG movie (not based on the last series) in the works it'll be interesting to see how this all unfolds. I'll watch for now to see how it progresses.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I had mixed feeling about stargate universe. when stargate sg1 fist came out it was fairly serious at least while it was on showtime. It had some nice fun moments like the movie did. I don't really like how the sci fi channel has changed over the years. It seems like they are just taking some formula and making clone series of one that worked well but they decided to cancel for some reason or another. I don't really see the battle star resemblance since this is more or less what happened when sg1 one started. Alien attack, humans go use the stargate in order to survive. So if you want you can say battlestar wasn't original which is absurd. I don't see the coop out. SGU is following what SG! started to do when it first came, it was "serious", and so was SG Atlantis. I think my problem with the new series is that I was hoping we get some of the old characters back and that didn't happen.

    So far I'm interested. I hope it doesn't suck.
  • achillesian
    Sage wrote: »
    I don't really like how the sci fi channel has changed over the years.

    cops or some shit was on "syfy" the other day, almost killed myself.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Watched the first two episodes on Hulu - got me interested. I'll keep an eye on it.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    PeterK wrote: »
    I liked it. I met Richard Dean Anderson at e3 once, though he kinda freaked me out cuz he kept staring at me.

    I love that episode of the Simpsons where Patty and Selma kidnap him, and he keeps trying to escape in ever-more daring ways.

  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 14
    It's a lot darker and seems more mature than the original series.
    It's 10x better than Atlantis, thank god.
    I do enjoy some lighthearted humor , like the original Series , but i think that will be hard to pull of without Richard Dean Anderson.
    Also Robert Carlyle has some great acting skills.
    All in all looking forward for some more SGU.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    meh. I liked the movie, and the first series (though someone had to force me to watch the first season before I acknowledged it was ok)

    This did not impress. The BSG cloning was too uncanny (even the lighting & things were like BSG) And honestly, after 2 hours, I didn't care about any of the characters. Maybe it'll get better. . . just didn't leave me wanting more.
  • iatriki
    I kinda liked it...a bit boring...but I'll continue watching it...I'm a bit of an SG fan and seen all the series except for the Atlantis thingie
  • Fearkage
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    Fearkage polycounter lvl 13
    I am a fan of them all really. Granted it got silly as it went along and eventually turned out how you would expect any Sci-Fi to end up but it had something which kept me interested. The new series I haven't seen yet but it does seem to be aimed towards a maturer audience which I am sure will unfold a plot a lot slower in comparison to the other series. Anyhow I will be watching it tonight here in the UK and judge it for myself.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    PeterK wrote: »
    I liked it. I met Richard Dean Anderson at e3 once, though he kinda freaked me out cuz he kept staring at me.

    pete - he was probably trying to see if you + pine cone and a rubber band would explode.. :D

    MACGUYVER VISION! pew pew!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Fuck yes. I just had the best video game idea. Macguyver The Adventure Game.
    Finally, a character who primarily combines random shit from his inventory to solve puzzles actually makes sense in the context of the story. Because he's fucking MacGuyver. Every story involves getting imprisoned somehow and breaking out with ducktape, a bicycle pump and some cheetah vomit.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    It's called Scribblenauts.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    has anyone tried typing 'macguyver' into scribblenauts - or would the universe implode....
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    I like the SGI section of the SG Universe/Timeline, its kept with the movie to a degree. SG Atlantis was ok, but it didn't compare to the storyline SG1 had. SG1 will always come out on top IMO.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    after the 8th season of SG1 the show went from pretty serious awesomeness to random fun adventure show... it was alright, but not awesome. Atlantis was a lot darker, i liked the tone of it, but I can't stand how childish the characters could get, the 3rd and 4th season were awesome, then the 5th season just totally ruined it when the writers left to work on universe, also they decided to cancel the series in favor of doing more shitty dvd movies like they did with sg1.

    Didn't catch SGU yet.. I'm sort of on the fence about it. I liked it better in sg1 when they were hanging on by sheer wit, rather than star trek styled technobabble that comes later.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    That's funny how they used Stargate Worlds in the show. If only we could harness the labor power of the MMO players!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Is that what that was? I suppose you'd know. It looked kinda like Too Human to me.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    I thought it was like a miniture version of BSG, you got the political people arguing with the military and all along a nutty scientist story line going on.

    I wasn`t too impressed but only seen the first couple of eps on Skytv so will give it a few more before I pass judgement.
  • .Murder
    im a massive stargate fan, and i really liked the first ep of SGU i cant wait for the rest
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    ok, figured I'd bump the older thread instead of creating a new one..

    Why doesn't the military have some sort of rules and regulations on the use of the RAPE STONES!!!. WTF.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I want to why nothing happened with Louis Phillips' character after having "transferred" back in the middle of sex with some strange woman! wtf! haha that was hilarious.

    The show is interesting, but it's starting to get old - they need to pick up the f'n pace. It's always the same thing - mad scientist is mad, fat nerd is fat and lonely, food is running short, medicine is running short, water, power, rinse/repeat. They need to get onto a f'n planet and start a colony already, jesus! Grrr
  • mainframe
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    mainframe polycounter lvl 18
    Not feeling it so far. Will see how it pans out down the road.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I dig it! I really like the characters so far.

    My only complaint is it's a little too soup opera-ish at moments. I don't care about the character on earth relationships. I want them to focus more on scouting planets to find the tools they need to get back. I just want to see more alien stuff though.

    - BoBo
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    ^ precisely. earth = snooze
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I love it, and the episode on the alien planet with the Kino was just perfect, very well done. Episode 9 wasn't as good, but still great.

    I can't help but wish Scott would die some how and give me more time with Eli and Chloe though.............?

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Ya. I'm still enjoying it and the episode "Time" was very entertaining. It is a little soap opera-ish, but not unlike BattleStar Galactica in that sense.
    Part of the mandate or idea for the show apparently is that there are few/no bad-guy aliens. The threats will largely come from within the group of survivors. I read they are trying to avoid ever having an actor w/ a rubber face speaking English on the other side of the universe as an "alien".

    So far the only alien life we've encountered is the sentient(?) dust devil, some microbes and the jungle/termite/chest-burster things.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    I think its the most boring piece of shit ever to bare the Stargate name. I have always rather enjoyed Stargate and Atlantis had its moments too but this... WTF?! I have only watched 5 eppisodes and I already feel like its in its 5th season and the writers have lost the plot.
    Its like a cross between the worst of BSG and Stargate all wrapped up in lame.

    Flame away :P
    Oh and I hated BSG too :P

    Different strokes for different folks I guess. I won't bother watching this anymore unless I see evidence of something remotely resembling actual exploration and aliens....
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Liking the characters, but they need to get going with some kind of decent storyline. I was really surprised not to the see the 'Time' episode not get a concluding episode lol, thought I had missed a week.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    This show is slow as fuck, I watched a few episodes and gave up.
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Not enough explosions for me.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Stargate Atlantis was really cheese ball. But the constant adventuring, cliffhanging, and hilarity made it pretty enjoyable.

    I didn't like BSG because there was too much drama. Seems like SGU is heading in that direction. (Don't get me wrong I like drama in Law and Order, but not in my sci fi shows.)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah it seems like they said..

    We need a new show, the BSG nerds need something new Caprica is totally different then BSG so lets make BSG clone again, put it in the Stargate Universe and thow it in the Star Trek Voyager can't get home cart, combining the 3 sci fi shows to create one gigantic scifi nerdgasm show and it'll be a ratings hit!!

    Oh and lets create rape stones so they can communicate back and forth since they are hundreds of light years away from Earth.
  • iatriki
    Man, the last episode was booooring! They discovered a chair and that was it.
    BSG had drama, but this ain't got nothing.
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    Anybody catch this?

    I was a big fan of the original movie, and didn't really get into the two TV shows until recently (they always seemed a little too silly/lite for me).

    This new show seems much more serious. I can see where the accusations of "Battlestar Galactica clone" come from though.
    I'm still at "If it doesn't have Kurt Russel, it's not Stargate!". It's gonna be hard to convince me to watch anything again that is connected to the lame series.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    SG1 is awesome, though it was let down a little by the last 2 series :S
    I didnt get a chance to catch SGU because if i remember correctly it conflicted with Spooks or Lie to me or something :P

    Im definitely gonna catch it when its on again though :D
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    SG1 is awesome

    I hated the stargate series'. Mainly because the crap show kicked Farscape off the air. But still, I didn't like it. Characters and storylines were entirely uninteresting to me.
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