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Purchasing Software off Ebay--Question

polycounter lvl 9
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AVBN5000 polycounter lvl 9
Hi all,

There is a seller with a very high positive rating that is selling Maya 2010 Suite (Maya, motionbuilder, mudbox, softimage) for around 800 bucks or so or at least to the highest bidder that is.

I asked him how he was able to sell something thats around 5k for 800 bucks and he stated back that his company bought in bulk and didnt need some of the copies they had recieved.

I was wanting to know if this was believable or not because it sounds like a steal to me...which also concerns me if the copies he has are bootleg or not.

Any ideas?

Also on a sidenote, I have a barebones server that I am willing to trade for some 3d software. Send me a private message if you are interested.

Thanks a bunch guys


  • Ben Apuna
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    Sounds too good to be true. Those licenses could be legit but I'd bet they are the standard "Not for resale" licenses that get sold to companies. So registering them in your name then upgrading them in the future might be at least troublesome if not impossible.
  • AVBN5000
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    AVBN5000 polycounter lvl 9
    K, thanks. I figured as much but i need some clarity. Also i looked it up again and it appears as if they have added the Educational version into the description this time.

    Anyways, thanks!
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Watch out.. it's likely they could be legit but only Student or Educational licenses that can't be used for commercial purposes.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Legitimacy issues aside, you are better off going for Maya 2009 if you can get it cheaper or more easily; as Maya 2010 has no upgrades or improvements to the modeling tools or workflow.:shifty:
  • jipe
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    jipe polycounter lvl 17
    eBay sellers are so damn sketchy. I'd try to unload my unregistered commercial version of Motionbuilder 7.5 but I don't think anyone would believe it's the real deal :/
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Another thing to is that if this is a corporate purchase, it could be running off a lic server. BEWARE. Also, if they got the lic for software development (like back in the day you get Maya for insanely cheap if you dev software for Maya) they can not sell it.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I dont trust ebay software sellers, tried to get some software years back when I was naive at uni and the seller claimed all was legit and had pics of the box and when it arrived it was just a pirated cd with a crack and a demo on it, luckily I didnt pay too much for it.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Autodesk does not allow users to resell their software. It's not like a used game you can trade in or sell to a buddy at a discount. The only legit way to get their software is through them or a licensed reseller.

    The chances that LOLKIttY1124 is part of the Autodesk reseller network is pretty doubtful.

    Some legit copies could fall through the cracks and it could be possible to get one off ebay but honestly there is very little to stop them from scamming you. Often the license info is on the outside of the box...

    You should look into the student version Autodesk offers, I think it has a wide range of software available for like 300? Then you can upgrade individual packages to full commercial versions for a few hundred more. I'm not sure about the restrictions or the prices but it could work out better for you?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    kat wrote: »
    Watch out.. it's likely they could be legit but only Student or Educational licenses that can't be used for commercial purposes.

    haha that would be an awesome deal for the ebay dude, because the collection costs only 150€ for students with unlimited access to those 5 programs D:
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    I have this 5 pack student stuff too and made a crossgrade to commercial max2010.

    Now I wonder if i'm allowed to sell the student stuff on ebay or whereever whithout getting me or the buyer in trouble.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    don't think so, normally the licence transfer is rather expensive and buying a new one is especially for the students version cheaper and less stressfull, however, why not just ask your reseller :D
  • Mark Dygert
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    License transfers can only legally be done by Autodesk, read the EULA. It strictly prohibits you from transferring the license to another person unless you go through them. Even then like Neox said it costs, and there is some paperwork involved. It's not like used textbooks or games.

    If you sell it on ebay, autodesk still has you down as the registered user and the transaction is not recorded. If they wanted to upgrade, they would have to go through you. Autodesk would flat out tell them no, go jump off a cliff or buy the software from us.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Thats why you don't find autodesk software on ebay. :)
    So my student copies will dust away in my shelf, hehe.
  • Taylor Hood
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    Agreed with other posts here.
    It's probably dodgy.
  • psychoticprankster
    It seems dodgy to me too. I wouldn't advise buying it.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    This exact same thread magically disappeared from CGTalk because some guy refused (in a very insulting way) to accept that Autodesk can and do tell you what you can do with 'your' software in their terms of service, after insisting that 'no company can tell you what you can and can't do with your software once you've bought it.'

    Licensing, according to this guy, 'has nothing to do with it'. :)

    Why anyone would even look for software on eBay of all places is beyond me.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know how legit this link is but it's pretty cheap and says student copy for 13 months as far as I know:

    Autodesk Creation 2010

    I used google and put in: "win a retail copy of maya 2010" so look for a contest of some sort to win a copy if your in dir need.
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