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[Portfolio] - Igor Titov, Environment / Prop Artist

polycounter lvl 11
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Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
Hello Polycount!
My name is Igor Titov. I currently study at University of Hertfordshire in the UK and I am in my final year of Games Art course. I am going to graduate around May of 2013 and from now on onward I will try posting as much work as possible to get necessary feedback to improve my portfolio.

Any advice how to improve my website will be appreciated as well and will be taken on board. I will be updating it within a month or 2 time.

I am starting 3 month internship at Sony Cambridge on 19th of November, and potentially its my foot in to the big world. However I still feel like there is a lot for me to improve at.

Here is my portfolio website: www.titov3d.co.uk

Some of the work I did:

30th May 2012:
Year 2 film http://vimeo.com/42977826#


Showreel plans:
1)Tea House, island scene.
2)Modular building from Paris in 1960. Which is going to be used in final year film.
3)---Yet to be decided
4)---Yet to be decided

Showreel "Tea house" scene WIP

Tea house and props inside are at 10.5k tris.

Updated on 1st of November 2012.

Thank you. :)


  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    models seem nice. that texture of splash damage test looks pretty weird though.
    the black surface feels like marble with rust, and paint is so bright that it looks fluorescent.

    btw, did the top part and bottom part actually need so many horizontal edge loops?
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    You are absolutely right Blaisoid. I havent polished that piece well enough to make textures look good, so that goes on the list to fix when I get some spare time. I tried reducing polycount there at a time when I was baking, but I had many smoothing problems on the curvature areas. Although Im sure I could have optimised it more. Thanks for the crit, will come back to it and try to apply it once I get spare time.
  • Sliterin
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    Sliterin polycounter lvl 11
    Hmmm I can't see portfolio something is wrong :/ . I have one question - screens looks great where you did it?
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I am agreeing with Blaisoid, the splash damage test is you'r weakest of the bunch. But you did already say you are going to go back and change it up when you get the time so I guess I'm adding nothing new.

    Also the url for the portfolio doesn't seem to work.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, website is down untill monday :( I am transfering my domain name to another host. Realtime stuff is all made in marmoset at the moment. I will fix the art test once im past following weeks deadlines, also working on another piece at the moment to show of variety of skills, not only hard surface and military cliche stuff.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Cropped out some time to rework arttest. Remodeled some bits and pieces, rebaked and re uv'd it in a way so that I can show overtime damage in better manor than previous version.
    Reduced polycount from 7800 to 6637 tris.

  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    NEWFOUNDLAND is a short game trailer that me and Aleksandr Jerjomin have made for major year 2 project in Uni.

    We have won “UHAnimation Games Art Award 2012″ on 30.05.12 which was a huge surprise for both of us, as the competitors were really good and better than us I think.


    P.s.- not sure how to embed vimeo links

    Some of the WIP shots close to final film:

  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    really nice environments. the wood on the house could use some variations. a bit too uniform imo.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    You are right, but oh well it was a big jump for us in terms of skills and what we knew and could do at a time :) Also we had only about 2.5 months to do it including storyboards and so on. Will see what we will come up with next year.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    BUMP :) Updated my first post.
  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    AS VAL model looks itself good, but diff map looks quite bad, as val is black gun, u should make ur basecolor black/dark, u should bake out AO, a make some scratches/scrapes hand painted on it... also play with gloss and spec values a bit and try to stick with reference images while creating materials
    Also front grip shouldnt be just noise, but original weapon has such a "hole-ish" material used as seen here

    EDIT: I just noticed I didnt see ur images very well, and I thought ur gloss is actually diff map, so ur black color is okay I guess, but try to play with materials and spec map a bit, make spec stronger
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Paul68Rageous Thank you! I think I have lost all the material properties when I was revisiting the gun a month ago or so. I'll fix it!
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