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First Real Model In Mudbox - View Hands

polycounter lvl 18
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odium polycounter lvl 18
Ok guys, first of all, BE GENTLE... But be honest. I know these won’t be perfect, but I only just picked up Mudbox a few days ago, and my only tests since this have been making rocks… So this is a different beast for me. But I wanted to move on anyway.

Ok, so these are the view arms (minus sleeve which I left out) for our Marauder team, which are a bunch of lovely mutants. This is what they look like rendered in-game:


Anyway, we currently have pretty much zero help with modelling and the like, so I thought it best I at least try and do something. This is where I’m at:



Now obviously they won’t be perfectly human, and I know it’s not exactly spot on for anatomy and the like (That palm looks like ass). But I wanted to at least try and go for a mutated, malnourished almost look. But I also wanted to try and match in style the completed model.

So, any thoughts as to where I’m at now? Judge this really as my first real model, as those rocks didn’t exactly tax me in any way other than the whole high > low > texture > ingame process (which I already knew to be fair, I've made 17,000 assets for OverDose already).


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i would still define the palm a little more.

    if you wanted to go really mutanty... why not give the index finger an extra joint or something? so many "mutants" that really lack "mutations".
  • Carl Brannstrom
    The character models hands are bulkier and stronger.

    Take a look in the space between your own fingers (with the finger tips against your eyes). You will see there's a "slope" from the knuckles to the palm.

    Also work on the palm.

    Good luck
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Seems like you need to spend a little more time on your base shape before going into detail. Work at a low subdivision level and nail all the proportions and forms before moving on. Your biggest issue right now is that the hand is very flat, while in reality it curves and cups. Also the space between your fingers looks odd. Remember that seen from the top there is a 1-1-2 ratio between the knuckles, but from the bottom it looks evenly spaced because of that extra mass at the top of the palm and the slope going between the fingers.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    While I'mg gonna take these points on board of course, and I'll post another update when I can likely tomorrow, I did say it was supposed to be more malnurished. But if that isn't working, I'll just ditch that idea. Making it fatter and adding volume in places isn't an issue.
  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    I think you can stick with the malnourished look, just be sure your base structure is solid. I would swell up the knuckles, pronounce the tendons along the tops of the phalanges more, add the skin creases to the underside of the wrist (base of the palm), and beef up the padding of the palm that runs from the wrist to the pinky (what's that bit called again?).

    super quick paintover below, changes on he left:


    Hope that helps.
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    ohh, nice move gav, deleting me from your facebook because I made a fair comment on your model, very professional specially when I was just trying to help.

    Like i said there, go down a few subd levels and shape the palm better, right now the palm looks like one of a monkey, or werewolf that got his pawns mutated into hands, you should learn to take crits and improve instead of getting upset. ;)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Because you knwo damn well that I don't want YOU commenting on anything... FOR A REASON. Don't start on here as well. I've took on board everythign everybody else has said, but you take things to a whole different level. I don't want, or need, your feedback. EVER. So just don't give it. The number of times you have given "feedback" based solely on nothing more than to one up is mind boggling, and Mark, Nicolas, Moh and myself ALL find it insane that even now, after repeated attempts of being asked to just "not give it", you can't help yourself.

    Everybody else made valid crits, crits that were taken on board, used and tried out. Maybe it wont be perfect, tis my first organic mesh, change of that is slim and I know it. But waht I'm after for are honest crits, not back handed attempts at what YOU would do and how YOU would do it better.

    Thats the exact reason why we both agreed to not comment on each others work. Simply because you cant help but make it personal.
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    My comments over here are not personal at all, I even said that you were doing good, maybe you are the one that takes every comment a bit personal. I will not post more comments on your stuff, but I still think you should stop taking things so personal, my crits are valid and I think they are on the same line as what the other members posted.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The crits are valid. From normal people. But the Facebook one upping crits, the past efforts, and just you in general, are not. I'm well aware that the palm looks like ass, it does even on the WIP version I'm working on now, but the palm is never seen, so I didn't give it as much attention as I have everything else at this point. Scales, base shapes etc, all have been worked on and will continue to be worked on.

    Its not about you giving crits. Its about YOU giving crits. I don't want/need them from you, because everything is a back hander. Just like the way I made a ROCK, and you went and cried to Mark about how much better your rocks were. Not everything in life is a competition, same as you don't always have to have the last word. So, just don't post/reply to things I do, anywhere, and everything will be golden.

    EDIT: As of right now, you've made this go off topic. Again. This is, what, the 30th time doing this on a forum? Just stop replying so I can get crits from people that I actually want to get crits from, and improve my work.
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    I dont need to discuss this here, I just posted in on facebook to say it directly with you instead of saying it to everyone, and about the rocks, I never said your rocks sucked, Plus I never made rocks before, you should try to learn what is a joke betwen friends and what is real.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    omg lol... an argument over someone un-friending someone on facebook.


    seriously guys, shut up already. odium take his crits on board this time, cap don't give any more advice to him if he doesn't want it from you because you can spend that time helping someone who wants it.

    job done, move along.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Actually I'm struggling to see which part of "don't reply to my posts" he doesn't get...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Anyway, I completed the mesh. As I said elsewhere, I didn't put too much time into the sleeves because they are never even seen, so its just there as a back up "just in case" thingymagig.

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