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Personal & Halo Reach Pimp

polycounter lvl 18
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X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
So it's been quite a while since I've pimped anything, but I have a few things I'd like to share. A majority of this pimpage deals with having my work published in 3D Artist Magazine, which was very exciting. Over the past 8'ish months I've gotten work into a few issues of their magazines. I'll start from old to new.


Right before I left Bungie for Blizzard I did an "industry insider" interview with the magazine and Bungie was awesome enough to allow me to use some of my work on Halo: Reach in the article. I think this will be the more interesting part for most people here, and only showcases a fraction of the work I did on the project in terms of weapons and vehicles in the game. These were published in Issue 22 of the magazine and I have some of the higher res shots I will share here.

I did the full cycle on my assets on the project, so the usual blockout, high res, low res, textures, materials, etc. These shots show the high poly and low poly FLAT lighting, if you want to see the materials and final look of the game res you'll have to look up screenshots or play the game :)

Focus Rifle


Concussion Rifle




The Spartan models were for reference, modeled by the kickass character guys =)

Next up is some personal work I did, designing another car for myself:




Finally, released earlier in the week, Issue 30, contains part 1 of my 2 part tutorial for 3D Artist Magazine, where I go over designing and creating a muscle car.




I need to try to keep up with posting new work on here.. Anyway, hope you enjoy the work.



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