Well guys i had the crazy idea of paying homage to Sonic 2 Sky chase level. By creating a UDK level That has the feel a colors of the Sonic 2 game. It would have the sounds and colors with a brand new unreal 3 look. I thought the idea was great until I actually saw the level again after 10 years. then I remember how unimpressive old school graphics were but i was wondering what you guys think. Should I make a level with the sonic sky chase level in mind heres a link to the level
Im not trying to make a playable level. Just one you can walk around and enjoy the scenery. Overall its just to look good. And feel like something sonic could run around in. It well have painterly textures that fit the old school games but will not look any thing like the newer games with sonic
any thoughts
Was one of the best bits of the game, would love to see it rendered in 3d.
The new Sonic 4 also has a flat interesting some what Ceil shaded feel to there textures
heres the most important reference but still not so pretty
the texturing style i want use needs to be simple but at the same time feel very next gen. One artist came to mind. He won the Unearthly challenge
Bram Eulaers. Ill give him credit because hes awesome and also i think his simple style for this building is perfect for the level
P.S. excuse the big post i kind of consider it my reference book
I don't agree with you, there
@itsmadman: Loving the idea! Though I'd want to go with a more recognizable level, that's just me; I've never seen that level before, I don't know how many people are familiar with it.
Nevertheless, I say go for it!
No way man, variety is the spice of life! There's loads of work on live games that are side scrollers, it will be hard to pull off but could look awesome! Do it!
This. Maybe with some overgrowth.
Heres how they look so far
Also finished the model of the crashed trade mark tornado plane
Oh, and don't knock the old school graphics!
Keep it up!
P.S. lol i love old school art style thats why im doing this. keeping the old school feel of sonic is very important to me
I think you can borrow alot of similar elements in which this tech demo is displaying,
I prefer the mixture of "chunky" style of 3D your doing as oppose to more natural overgrowth you see in here and in some examples.
I think some nice shader/rim lighting will also sell your work alot as you go further along!
Thanks agin
look at the sonic thread I showed you , you can see it being done in there as well.
I will explain//show the technique when your at that point in your project, for now get block outs and layout's done. When you get to a point of detailing/materials I will give you a hand.
comments welcome
The lower areas how are you going to fill them? Water ? A terrain area?
something often overlooked in the sonic games I was a big fan of where those organic bouncey flower and right now I feel your scene could use alot of foilage (Im not sure if your still in a whiteboxing phaze right now or not)
The Crashed Tornado(tails plane) Is looking good. Overall it seems you need to bring your shadows tighter (But im assuming again once your past the white box phase that you will handle that)
The X Box beam inside of the airplane is why to squareish ,It should be bent up more maybe 1 of the bars bent completely. Remember sonic had a broad color pallet and much like the older games had a "Chunky" style to it, So dont make a whole bunch of small details but rather smaller Bolder bigger details.
In the case of sonic/megaman/mario less =more
Erm, yeah, like I said, way to early to comment on anything else, but its almost like your rushing into things your not ready for and leaving the very basic stuff behind...?
Just my 0.02c...
In my opinion having the extra geo when used wisley within unreal is perfectly fine, in game development when working with unreal we rarley hit a "polygonal" limit now days, its mostly all texture call memory we hit, but again using your geo wisley is key here.
Are you doing a 3D remake of a 2D game keeping the camera style or just a regular 3D environment?
the trees look weird cus they dont have alphas yet, and one side of the normals is invisible, that container is the thing u jump on at the end of levels, while the little ship is Robotknicks boss shuttle
so do u think im ready to texture
And heres a sneak peak of the rest of the level
that blue thing in the background is the soon to be waterfall
Heres a few more pics
Heres the tornado plane textured
The lighting has its issues, i still learning about light map uvs. hopefully with some good lighting and finishing off the textures this will be a solid piece;)