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TF2 -Polypack - Luuster

Here is mine entry to contest.

Class: I picket Demoman to class becouse I like his character and explosives.
Theme: Flying, planes and bombers

Items: So far I got two items in my mind. One is grenadelauncher replacement and other is hat.

Grenadelauncher: [Name still pending]

This blueprint shows the consept of nadelauncher. Its bit messy and it got first project name on it. I was lazy and could't bother to remove it.

Basic consept is make Pipelauncher that shoot nades from chain clip. I think current reload animation will look with this funny so if I have time I try replace it.

I know I miss spelled bloody :>

And model so far.

I am not happy with gunbutt yet :p

Hat: Haven't maked any visual yet but it will be those leather pilot hats with goggles.

That much this time.


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