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Lighting Portfolio Feedback

polycounter lvl 10
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Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
I've been trying to find something good to focus on for a new portfolio piece. I've focused on relights lately but I think it's time I build a scene from the ground up, also to brush up on my modeling and texturing. I could really use some feedback on my current portfolio - what's working and what's not, too much or too little? Are relighting projects bad in a portfolio? What am I missing?

I want to push it to AAA level work, so please be honest. Any feedback/critique would be much appreciated.


Thank you!


  • ParksMarks
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    ParksMarks polycounter lvl 5
    Hi Anngelica, 
    I took a look at your portfolio- it looks like competent, serviceable work.  I think the biggest issue is that your lighting isn't selling a mood or story, and there's no focal point. 
    As an example, your first piece is a wide shot of a Victorian room. Right now, the camera and lighting is unmotivated- its just an establishing shot, as if you're doing a real estate photo.
    What if there was only a single place setting, and the window lighting spilled onto just that one lonely plate- that would sell a story and a focal point, and motivate your wide shot.  
     If you want to add even more interest and value,  I'd suggest doing multiple lighting setups to the same set.  the contrast between lighting setups would further push story, and show off your skills.
    I think your weakest piece is the outdoor environment- there's no clear focal point, and its generally pretty flat. Id suggest you play with time of day and weather to sell a stronger mood.
    The good news is that all this is possible with zero modeling/texturing work! You can crank out pieces over the weekend, if you went in with a strong idea.
    Best of luck- I'm excited to see your progress!
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
    Hi. I think your portfolio is quite good. But you should try lighting your scenes with fewer lights. The indirect lighting calculations in modern software is really good and many scenes look best when lit with an expertly placed single key light. It can pave the way for very expressive lighting.

  • Anngelica
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    Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
    First of all, thank you both so much for taking the time to give me some feedback! That's a great point, ParksMarks  - I tend to stick to generic environment stuff and I will definitely make sure my next project has a story behind it. I'll also try to be more aware of how many lights I'm using, thanks O2car!
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Your portfolio is really cool! I love Venezia the most. It's a bit odd to have the first 4 projects titled 'relighting', I think it might be best just to give the projects their original names. What is your next project?
  • mrgesy
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    mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
    To add to the already mentioned critiques, looking at the Sun Temple work, I think there's some inconsistency in the light directions and colors. The day time lighting should be brighter and there should be more direct sunlight hitting the foreground statue on the right (depending on sun direction). I say this because the night-time lighting has god rays coming in from top left and illuminating the statue, while in the day lighting there seems to be no sunlight (and god rays) at all, except for the background illumination.

    Edit: Also the shadows cast by the moonlight (visibly just a spotlight) are basically just a circle with a falloff. It would add more depth to the scene if the moonlight was casting maybe a window shadow? Or shadows of leaves? Anything other than a spotlight falloff.

  • Anngelica
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    Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Ashervisalis, thanks! Yeah, I call out the "relighting" part of it because I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to claim any other part of the work as mine. I've had instances where people don't read the "about" and think I'm responsible for the other aspects of the project. I definitely want to avoid that.

    As for what I'm working on next - I've actually started on something that I've wanted to do forever, which is a realistic recreation of Traverse Town from the game Kingdom Hearts. I'm going to try to add some story elements into the scene/shots to address some of the earlier critique, as well. 

    Thanks for the critique mrgesy!  Other types of light and shadows would've made it much more interesting vs just the basic lights for sure. I'll keep that in mind for the future! Thank you!
  • mrgesy
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    mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
    As for what I'm working on next - I've actually started on something that I've wanted to do forever, which is a realistic recreation of Traverse Town from the game Kingdom Hearts. 

    Yes please, and put the Traverse Town theme melody in it. Oh the nostalgia.
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